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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. right. so basically, the police have turned on you. again. you know cavenglok, i'm starting to look at you like the evil mastermind behind this whole thing... which i guess you are... see, i told you we should have arrested mateo and robbie while we had the chance. and then tased them too! But we're kinda stuck now, hm? can we get an idea of where we are, what the safe is like, what we have, that kind of stuff?
  2. you know, these dont sound half bad...*flounces away to make a mess of my closet*
  3. who's walter? find out if you can. do you still have your police squad? or have they turned on you again?
  4. yay! more newbies! im not alone!
  5. go to the knight residence and talkto the girl's parents (if they are there).
  6. Nice. Although I'm too young to know about wine tasting parties.
  7. I'm posing a new question now. What can I do on a snow day? I'm almost completely snowed in, with no decent TV.
  8. He's probably literally trapped in a safe. It's happened before. But in this one, I dont understand the events that led to his being trapped.
  9. MissKitten


    oops. didnt think of it that way. how about CAPOS
  10. miss kitten is bored and thinks this game sounds like fun
  11. MissKitten


    well, for the logic, the first letter has to be C, because when the H and W were changed to J and N, the 3 didn't change.
  12. MissKitten


    well, if we cant, sorry. i didnt realize that was the rule.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

  14. MissKitten


    CAHOW CAJON can we have multiple guesses per post?
  15. oh no, i just figured out the trick. the c-->3 part was someone else, i just applied it to my knowledge of BD members.
  16. knowing you, they'll involve some sort of torture/torturer/torturer killer!
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