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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten


    i guess i'll join, too. VALET
  2. wait, where exactly is this safe? i feel like i'm missing something...
  3. wow, i feel stupid. i just figured it out.
  4. yeah, i know. depressing, isn't it?
  5. wait, you're stuck in a safe?
  6. -when you're watching wheel of fortune and they announce the spin id winner person and they say "JZ..." and you immediately think of JarZe. -when you one up your dad on philosophical junk by reading an article off of BD. -when you immediately turn to BD because you have no life outside of it. -when you post a thread about your lack of life because you know your BD friends will make you feel better.
  7. it doesnt matter. what the government doesnt know wont hurt it.
  8. hehe, maybe i will do large math problems. im a math nerd anyway. That sounds cool. the only problem is, im already in all the clubs i can be in.
  9. gawd, just arrest the guy. use the taser and the lie detector, and ask all the same questions. Same with robbie. Arrest him, tase him, ask him questions.
  10. MissKitten

    oh, ok. I thought it had something to do with you didnt want to sort through the guesses. Sorry.
  11. -When the highlight of your snow day is watching the snowplow get stuck - in the snow. -When you start to despise snow days. -When the best part of your week is your weekly MathCounts practice. -When you look forward to school. -When you find it perfectly normal that your favorite show is Jeopardy. -When your parents accuse you of being addicted to BD, -When your parents accuse you of being addicted to the Internet. -When everything you can do on involves either staring at the TV, staring at the computer, or some form of studying. Posts welcome.
  12. I'll try that. Thanks!
  13. Nope, but ill prefer to keep his profession quiet, if you don't mind.
  14. I've noticed that once people hit 500 posts (I think), they can change their title from 'Senior Member' to whatever they want. How do you do that? Or do I have it wrong and you have to hit 1000 posts before you can change your title?
  15. easy. of course, thalia probably got them first, but i didnt check. and i think 1 was a blond joke on here.
  16. i get that part. the part i dont get is how you get to that.
  17. *sigh* yes. youre both right. I knew it was too easy.
  18. This is my second WAI. It may be too easy for a lot of the hardened riddle writers on here. All things are inside me, Even myself. Where six comes after seven An work after success.
  19. when your typing speed has more than doubled because of all the posts you've posted. when you can almost type without looking at the keyboard because of how much time you've spent at BrainDen. when you run around squealing because you're a senior member.
  20. so they're gonna take guns to the star wars planet or whatever and shoot anyone who looks suspicious? That sounds like fun. Count me in!
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