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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. Aww! Thanks, cavenglok! But you don't have to hurry. I can wait.
  2. I'm still confused... Had they already recovered Steven by then? Or was it all a test?
  3. Yay! You'e back! Yeah, get the map.
  4. No, I think Anon has been cleared because of the statement in the NP, "Ron locked anon in the Room of Requirement...". Obviously, Ron wouldn't block himself, so anon isn't Ron. Ron probably wouldn't block anon, if anon was Harry, as Harry carries out the NK. And he couldn't have blocked anon as Hermione, as Hermione was killed by Snape. [Does that make sense to anybody besides me? ] But I think anon has been cleared. edit: I went back and read the OP. OOA says that NK comes before block, so Ron couldn't have blocked Harry anyways, because the night kill would've come first.
  5. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    When I lost my car keys...
  6. @shadow If snape NKs a baddie, and the baddies NK Snape, which NK gets through? I'm just curious.
  7. I say snape doesn't so anything right now. There's a two in three chance he'll hit a goodie, and I don't like those odds. What do you think, medji?
  8. The nail! Check out the nail! Wow, thank you soooo much, omega and anon. I actually feel smart!
  10. I'm just gonna think aloud here for a bit. I think anon is right. Looking at this from Sirius's perspective, outing himself now would guarantee his death by the baddies, and that would be bad for both Sirius and us. It would be bad for Sirius because he would be dead [obviously] and bad for us because we wouldn't be able to get as much information as we could if we waited until tomorrow. Tomorrow, the only way the baddies could kill Sirius would be by lynching, and that would be tantamount to outing themselves, so they wouldn't do that. The only problem is, we don't have a save role. If we had a save role, Sirius's alliance would be guaranteed. So we could get Sirius's alliance for tomorrow and the day after. Sirius can afford to be kinda reckless, yes, but he can't afford to die before achieving his WinCon. It would be in both sides' interests if he outed himself tomorrow. Edit: minor typos and stuff.
  11. *gasp* OH! I GOT IT! It's the drugs! It has to be the drugs!
  12. For some reason, I keep wanting to think there's a trap door. But my intuition sucks. Maybe get to the walkie talkie and talk to Maggie? She said, she had something to tell us, right?
  13. Yeah, we probably did. It's the keychain, isn't it?
  14. I agree. Having Sirius on our side would give us a big advantage.
  15. However, would Sirius want to be our ally?
  16. Of course not. It would be hard to be someone you're not, no?
  17. Methinks your views inside Voldy's head are messing with your thoughts...
  18. The nail, maybe? Hmmm, maybe you should walk towards the cop, saying that you had to tell him something, and act like your foot suddenly got hurt. When the cop asks how, say it was from stepping on a loose nail in the back room, and see the owner's reaction? Or maybe it's the boxes, or the shelves. Can you repost that one scene, where she looks for the scissors, please?
  19. That's cool. MM is pretty awesome.

  20. I'm not "upto" anything. Like I said when I voted for kaniac, I was hoping to see some defense. I don't have anything solid on him, and I'm sure nobody else does, either, so I was trying to get something. I mean, something is better than nothing, right?
  21. Haha, that's fine. Sorry if I came off too serious, I was really only kidding. How do you like co-hosting your first mafia?

  22. Discreetly take the officer to the side and ask him to stall the owner while she peeked around in the back, especially the nail. Maybe get the cop to ask for backup to bring a search warrant while Leslie investigates? And give us a weapon, like a pair of scissors or something. I don't like going in unarmed.
  23. Hey! You know, you really should update the Leslie Young thread. There are so many people waiting to figure out how the police are gonna nab the kidnapper. :)

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