Yo, it's MiKi.
I figured I'd get this out now, when I actually have some free time on my hands. I apologize in advance.
I have an announcement to make: I won't be coming back to Bden for a while. Real life has turned pretty nasty for me, with lots of stuff going on, and I just don't see myself being able to actively contribute to Bden like I used to be able to. I'm starting to get really busy with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, parent-forced activities, and things of that nature, and my parents have also begun to limit my computer/internet usage. Bden isn't supported at my school, so I won't be able to get on there either. As of this moment, I'm withdrawing from any positions/games that I'm holding or hosting or playing in. I may be back on sporadically if time and circumstances allow, but I won't be a regular visitor anymore. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get on in a few years, when things settle down, and possibly before then if I can.
It's been a great few years here, and I've made a lot of new friends and had an amazing time. I'll miss everyone here more than you can imagine. If anyone wants, they can PM me and we can exchange emails or something.
So this is MiKi, signing out. I'll see you guys later.