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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. It really does not matter, if we do or not. But I would like to see how my algorithm did, even if it is a test.
  2. Good call on the coin toss. Was hoping the Saints would win. Always rooting for the NFC. Too bad it wasn't the 'Boys though.

  3. Framm 18

    First thoughts.
  4. Happy Birthday EDM, Hope it is a great one!

  5. GM: What is the lineup for the upcoming Mafias?
  6. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia

    Good Game Baddies. If P4P had not killed me, then I might have been able to save CP in the first lynch. I had a funny feeling that I would be killed tonight.
  7. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia

    1. JarZe - Voting for DudleyDude 2. Abhisk – DEAD (Lynched and found to be Maderas) 3. tpaxatb - Voting for DudleyDude 4. Crazypainter – DEAD (Lynched and found to be Laharl) 5. GMaster479 - voting for DudleyDude 6. Framm 18 – DEAD (Killed by Mid-Boss) 7. P4P - Mid-Boss (WINCON failed) 8. AKAslickster/CP V.2- voting for DudleyDude 9. sayalzah - DEAD (Killed by the Baddies) 10. Medji- voting for DudleyDude 11. DudleyDude - voting for tpaxatb 12. Magic/Framm V.2- voting for Medji For no other reason then to cast a vote.
  8. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia

    Will add my vote soon. Need to reread the posts first.
  9. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia

    I know I am dead but PM said that he might have a busy weekend with moving. Quoting PM: Day 1 begins now and will end once all votes have been cast. After the day post, time limit will go to the 24 hours. (I got the apartment and will be working on moving in, so there may be delays on the weekend but I will get the post up as soon as I can.)
  10. Framm 18

    No Problem. Will post this before I forget. Calls Rudolf Suarez: What is your relationship with Ms. Anya? (This should be an interesting answer). Where were you on the day of July 20, 2008? Will ask more when I can think of more questions.
  11. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia

    That stinks . Will have fun watching.
  12. Only if the RID is successful. I will reword the role to make it clearer. Urthstripe the Strong- If targeted by a successful kill attempt, gets overcome by Bloodwrath and kills the attacker as well.
  13. Missed the edit time. This is just for the feedback,still not a Sign-up. Will post the sign-up topic when it gets closer. Still a few mafias in front of this I believe.
  14. Ok, I think that we have it worked out. Thanks again for the help. Redwall Mafia Host/Co-host- Framm 18/Pablos4pandas Baddies- Have BTSC Wincon- Kill all goodies or be in the majority Group kill Badrang the Tyrant- Using his brute force, blocks a player every night. Cluny the Scourge- On even nights has one player receive the actions that are aimed towards him. On odd nights, can change the vote of a player to the player of his choice. Ublaz Mad Eyes- Using his hypnotic eyes, he gets one player to tell him their role. Goodies- Wincon- Kill all baddies. Matthias- Wielding the sword of Martin, he kills every night. Sergeant Wonwill- A boxing hare. Will sneak up on a player knocking them out for the night, preventing them from acting. Abbess Germaine- With her knowledge of the healing arts, can save every even night, Can only save self once. Sister May- With the herbs gathered outside of Redwall abbey she can save every odd night. Can save self only once. Friar Hugo – bribes the Recorders(Hosts) with his food to allow him to change his vote to 2x, 1x, or 0x. Guosim (group)- Gangs up on a player kidnapping them, negating that players night action and cannot participate in that day’s lynch. Gonff- Using his stealth can spy on any player without being detected. Ghost of Martin- Is known by all of the goodies. Can spy on odd nights, however, it takes a day to find out then can alter the night post on even nights as long as we approve it. Urthstripe the Strong- If targeted by a killing role, gets overcome by Bloodwrath and kills the attacker as well. Indy- Wincon-Kill Matthias Slagar the Cruel- Having his face horrible disfigured while fleeing Redwall Abbey, he wants revenge on Matthias for what happened. Can RID Kill every odd night, if he fails two times in a row, it will be revealed to the player that he was targeted for an RID kill. If Matthias is killed another way, he must be the last one standing. Basic Rules: Blocks always prevail, and will be included in the night post if relevant. In the case of a tie lynch. 1st time- no lynch, afterwards a random player gets lynched that was involved in the tie. Inactivity- if inactive for a cycle and a half (Day/night then Day again or vice-versa) will be replaced or killed off the following night/day. Inactivity is defined as No PMing us an action or letting us know you are passing on the action during the night and no relevant posts (as in giving a vote or at least giving a reason for not voting) during the day.
  15. I will add some of the basic rules a little later today.
  16. I am making this topic to get some feedback for the mafia Pablos4pandas and me are hosting. Since it is my first attempt at hosting, I am asking for some help to make this a success. Thanks in advance for the feedback. The names are still being finalized. Redwall Mafia Host/Co-host- Framm 18/Pablos4Pandas Baddies- Wincon- Kill all goodies or be in the majority Group kill Badrang the Tyrant- Blocks a player every night. Cluny the Scourge- On even nights has diverts all actions targeted for him to another player. On odd nights, can change the vote of a player of his choice. Ublaz Mad Eyes- Using his hypnotic eyes, he gets one player to tell him their role every night. Goodies- Wincon- Kill all baddies. Matthias- Wielding the sword of Martin, he kills every night. Blocker-Boar the Fighter? Healer-Abbess Germaine?- Chooses a player to save on even nights. Can save self once. Saver- Foremole- Chooses a player to save on odd nights. Can save self once Own Vote 1x, 2x, or 0x-Friar Kidnapper- Guosim (group) Kidnaps the player, negating that players night action and cannot participate in that days lynch. Spy- Queen Warbeak or Samkim Ghost of Martin- is known from the start. Knows all of the goodies, and can give a clue via the host/co-host to a goodie each night in the form of a riddle. (or a variation of this role)(If you have read the series you will understand the need for this role). Spy on odd nights that takes a day to find out then can alter the night post on even nights. as long as we approve it or make this a role that is taken over by the first goodie killed. (this is the other idea). If killed takes the killer with him/her (not sure about this role). Indy- Wincon-Kill Matthias Slagar the Cruel- Having his face horrible disfigured while fleeing Redwall Abbey, he wants revenge on Matthias for what happened. Can RID Kill every odd night, if he fails two times in a row, will have role revealed to player targeted the second time. If Matthias is killed another way, he must be the last one standing.
  17. I asked GM that very same question and he said that he rounded to the nearest number.
  18. Framm 18

    1) Izzy Confirmed 2) Crazypainter Confirmed 3) Slick Confirmed 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P confirmed 6) woon - Confirmed 7) tpaxatb me 10 8) Abhisk i is confirmed! 9) Clozo Confirmination! 10) GMaster479 confirmed 11) Framm Confirmed 12) Music 13) Onetruth 14) Magic 15) 16) 17) 18) Back ups: 1) LIS Congrats once again. Hope that he and mother are doing fine.
  19. Framm 18

    Honestly, I have never seen the show. Just first thing I thought of.
  20. If anyone is interested in helping just PM me and I can show you what I have at the moment, as I don't have enough right now to put it into the wiki. I think that the series lends itself well to the mafia setting.
  21. Actually, he would have been lynched as well even if the coin flip would have landed on me. We chose to dance him that night. I was surprised that I actually made it out of that mess alive and then was not targeted during the next lynch.
  22. Framm 18

    Disgaea Mafia Signups

    1. JarZe 2. abhisk 3. tpaxatb 4. crazypainter 5. GMaster479 6. Framm 18 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Looking forward to it.
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