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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1. Yes, I was the second to vote, and considering my role and looking at the RDs, the night post made it seem like she was the FOL. 2. That is true, I missed that. But that is not a good excuse for you not being the FOL. 3. Read the post right after yours.
  2. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    This might be my last post till tomorrow afternoon-ish, so I have a couple of questions to ask: Abhisk: If you are the other goodie (IMO, Twoaday is fairly cleared as a goodie), why did you follow along with the voting of Music, since you would have had BTSC with her? Slick: If you are the other goodie, why did you vote for Twoaday, since you would have had BTSC with him as well? P.S. I may be doing more harm then good this game, I have been all over the board. And unless I missed something only one person was dreaming last night. Edit: That is assuming, you knew who the other two were in the limited BTSC.
  3. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    I voted for you based on the fact that you have been awfully quiet, and have kind of went with the flow. and unless, I have misread the remaining roles there are only 4 non-Aes Sedai roles remaining and based on your vote in the last lynch, you cannot be a goodie or you seriously backstabbed us.
  4. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    I just hope we don't have a deja vu moment going on right now. I will also point out that either we have a baddie/indy or the baddie and indy are also voting for onetruth as well in my opinion. I just think that she is one of the more suspicious people at the moment.
  5. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    I agree about Chrispen, but I think that we need to get rid of FOL or Paden Fain, more right now, and I can say without a doubt that he is neither. Alot of information, has been left out the last two nights that were in the first post, so that does not mean he is an inactive.
  6. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Music2 - Killed in the lynch (Matrim Cauthon) 2) tpaxatb2 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 - Killed by Padan Fain (Elmindreda) 5) P4P - Killed by Osan'gar (al'Lan Mandragoran) 6) twin_bro 7) tpaxatb1 - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk voting for GMaster 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 11) Framm - Voting for Onetruth 12) Music1- Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth 14) Magic - Killed in the lynch (Mesaana) 15) JarZe 16) chrispen 17) twoaday 18) LIS Sorry, Onetruth, but it I have a feeling you are the FOL or Paden Fain. And come to think of it, you have said very little other then throwing out a vote and asking for more information, if I am not mistaken. Edit: Removed quote line.
  7. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    I am sorry, as well, Music. Can you forgive us?
  8. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    Sorry, I just got back on. Music, if you are a goodie, please give up that info you have on a baddie so we have a target for tonight. I think that it is too late to save yourself, but at least you can assist the goodies with what you know.
  9. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    I am not going to be able to get on till later saturday hopefully (I will be able to follow on my phone though, and I will try and check it before we leave). So I will part by saying. One of two things could have happened based on the Night 1 post. 1. Music2 is the FOL, or 2. Magic made it look like Izzy/Music2 was the FOL. Odds are it is the first one. And I am sorry if it is the second one. Correct me if I am wrong guys.
  10. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Music2 2) tpaxatb2 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 - Killed by Padan Fain (Elmindreda) 5) P4P 6) twin_bro 7) tpaxatb1 - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for Music2 11) Framm - voting for Music2 12) Music1- Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) Onetruth 14) Magic - Killed in the lynch (Mesaana) 15) JarZe 16) chrispen 17) twoaday 18) LIS Sorry, Music but based on what some of us know. You can only be one person. Unless something crazy went on during the first night.
  11. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    Ok. I worded that wrong. At the time, I just changed my vote to Slick to get some talking going. I am more worried about Izzy *ducks*, but I can't be absolutely sure. The Night Post has me somewhat confused . Unless I have missed something in the RD, or am misreading the night post, something does not add up.
  12. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Izzy 2) Crazypainter tpaxatb 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P 6) twin_bro - voting for Framm 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk - Voting for Slick 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for twin_bro 11) Framm- Voting for Izzy 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for JarZe 14) Magic 15) JarZe - voting for Slick 16) chrispen - voting for Blackcat1313 17) twoaday - Voting for LIS 18) LIS I know that this is suspicious, but I have had a rough night and have to get up early in the morning, I don't think that Slick is a baddie, and I will not be on til after the day ends, so I am changing my vote just to someone somewhat randomly (have my suspicions, but not sure). Good night and sweet dreams.
  13. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Izzy 2) Crazypainter tpaxatb 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P 6) twin_bro - voting for Framm 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk - Voting for Slick 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for twin_bro 11) Framm- Voting for Slick 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for JarZe 14) Magic 15) JarZe - voting for Slick 16) chrispen - voting for Blackcat1313 17) twoaday - Voting for LIS 18) LIS Just fixing the colors. I may change my vote, if Slick comes on and defends himself. I have a suspect, but I have little to go on at the moment.
  14. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    1) Izzy 2) Crazypainter 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P 6) twin_bro 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 - voting for twin_bro 11) Framm- Voting for Slick 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) onetruth - Voting for JarZe 14) Magic 15) JarZe - voting for Slick 16) chrispen 17) twoaday - Voting for LIS 18) LIS Just changing my vote to get some discussion going. Will Change if some more info comes along. I have a suspicion, but not enough info to be sure.
  15. Framm 18

    Wheel of Time Mafia

    Host / Co-Host: Medji / Sayalzah 1) Izzy 2) Crazypainter 3) Slick 4) BlackCat1313 5) P4P 6) woon twin_bro 7) tpaxatb - Killed by Padan Fain (Nyneave) 8) Abhisk 9) Clozo 10) GMaster479 11) Framm- Voting for Chrispen 12) Music - Killed by Osan'gar (Pedron Niall) 13) Onetruth 14) Magic 15) JarZe 16) chrispen 17) twoaday 18) LIS Sorry, Chrispen just first day randomness. Boy, Izzy was popular last night. Stinks that we lost Tpax so early, sorry to see you go. Not so sorry to see you go, Music. So, Medji are you going to reveal the roles of everybody who was killed at night, or did I miss something in the RDs?
  16. Sorry if some of these have been guessed.
  17. If it is not too much trouble can I just see the wins, losses, and ties for each of my rounds?
  18. Can I see how mine did against your's and Plasmid's?
  19. Framm 18

    I think that Medji has personal contact with Blackcat if I am not mistaken. Also I am confirming.
  20. Not to be mean, but can you put this sign-up on hold? There are at least two mafias (WOT and Redwall) in the wings currently and you are cohosting one of them.
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