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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. dyalDragon

    Woohoo!! what did i win???
  2. dyalDragon

    sounds like 9 is good to go now... glad to see you two here, this thread has been kinda lonely so far
  3. again...seeing much more creative answers than the one I had none of these, but to answer your question, in general it is considered tangible deannaart
  4. dyalDragon

    clever, and educational....congrats PG, and nice work MrsP Edit:note to self, bookmark wikipedia...
  5. edit: foiled again... back to thinking... little late on the posting there but i'm coming around...hopefully
  6. can you guess what's on my mind?! Have a great weekend!! not that...and have a great weekend!!
  7. wouldn't happen to be song related would it?? this song actually popped into my head after reading your riddle the first time
  8. LOL... that does fit doesn't it? but like my first riddle I am looking for one word that fits with all four sections...nothing so far
  9. this may be completely opposite of what you were thinking, but I like it
  10. all very interesting, but none of these... sorry about the lapse, early day ending with a slow commute...
  11. dyalDragon

    :sigh: back to the drawing board...
  12. dyalDragon

    Woohoo!! This one was tricky MrsP, not sure i would have made that jump without DN's doubt guess...very well written
  13. nope, nice idea though...and highly possible, since if i spend too much time here during the day i could possibly escape from having to come to work...well maybe not escape but you get the idea
  14. dyalDragon

    fingers are crossed....
  15. Touch and go, all day long, companion to the mindless throng. Watch them fly by, give and take, get with the program; Go,do,make! Hard blue lights, trappings of home, try to cope with the endless drone. Constant movement, stress and strife, the most basic, simplest things in life.
  16. dyalDragon

    but i like those...
  17. dyalDragon

    seems like a good fit to me, you have the clean cut reference, and also when you clean a bad cut, sometimes it bleeds worse than before just because you are breaking clots loose or whatever, so it would come out of the water bloodier than before....at least thats my take on it nice one lotus, and good solve imagk
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