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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. very cool, nice riddle btw
  2. Edit: nevermind that would be military i guess
  3. nothing so far, sorry I am not around much... the title is not a direct hint, but more of a set of directions for finding the answer
  4. dyalDragon

    definitely didn't suck, just been away for awhile... very cool, i was wondering where to go next with this one
  5. all very interesting but not what i am looking for... the title might help a bit with this one
  6. dyalDragon

    ooo clever... i like it
  7. gonna sleep on this one and hope i get another crack at it soon... good riddle and good night PG!
  8. dyalDragon

    LOL... how long have you been waiting for a chance to throw in a Lost In Space reference??? I didn't know there was a txmom1!!! heh, it's a shame i missed this one, lots of my kind of humor flying around today...
  9. Time dragging, passing miles. Wait forever, watch the tiles. Confusion is in, reason out, Tiring, wishing, wandering about. Seems so simple, protect and serve. Unknown around the approaching curve. Brighter future, looking ahead. Refuse the fear, banish dread. Question now, how will it be? Forever, pain in memory. The answer lies in passing years, inner strife, and hidden tears.
  10. dyalDragon

    am willing to bet that is not a good guess...
  11. dyalDragon

    ahh...so close cool, 1 point for the assist nice riddle MrsP
  12. dyalDragon

    good morning everyone!
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