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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. dyalDragon

    that is why that one was first btw... with the ... that was my first and strongest hunch very nice MrsP...
  2. not that... just updated DD's list
  3. bolded some that are partially correct, some others are on the right track, but still nothing complete... keep it up
  4. dyalDragon

    15 years of working as an electrician finally pays off... Nice one plasmid...
  5. dyalDragon

    can't be that easy though...
  6. dyalDragon

    bah... needed to post to one more riddle to be the last poster on all the active riddles... ah well, need another way to break the boredom i guess...
  7. dyalDragon

    i'm an XP man myself, but i miss the good ole days of ME
  8. dyalDragon

    not sure if this has been guessed but i'll throw it out there to bring this one back up to the top... very nice txmom2
  9. dyalDragon

    adumbrate, dissembling, ..., befuddled, bewildered, addled...
  10. Still not quite what I'm looking for... But some good guesswork so far
  11. lots of good stuff so far, but nothing complete yet... keep it up
  12. Not that PG... This one will definitely be fun, and hopefully more challenging than my last...
  13. No but now I have that 'Circle of Life' song stuck in my head...
  14. very cool... Will have to save that one... Thanks PG!!
  15. need to hide my map a little better next time
  16. hmmm... note to self: signatures print with the riddles... nice job jkb , i thought this one would ride a little longer since the map wasn't in the body of the riddle...
  17. Is this what you are wanting??? Yes and hmmm... exactly how did you come to that conclusion?
  18. Indication or proof Offspring Lyrics detected Extremely temperate The betrayer Pernicious Commencement Cardio Esurience Pestilential Fraternal engagement Cyclical structure Alaskan December 21st Sunlight deficient Follicularly enhanced Road catalogue Finale's This one should be interesting... enjoy!!
  19. Not that... This one is more of a puzzle than a WAI or POW...
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