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Everything posted by EDM

  1. EDM

    One Up Me

    My sis tried to 'sell' me her toy in a game... Sis: This toy camel is great!!! It's soft and cushy and cute......and when you press this button which says 'press me'...nothing happens!!! Me: I'll buy it!!!
  2. EDM

    Kinda got worried with the whole London riots, so just wanted to know if you're in London and if all your people are ok......:(

  3. EDM

    One Up Me

    *peeks in* Someone was trying to downrep me? Oh, well....thanks for repping me up, Bong (and the other unnamed person...).... btw, fabby....seriously, can you send me some of that Unicorn meat? I wanna give some to my sis.....
  4. EDM

    Needles in all forms....
  5. EDM

    One Up Me

    Together we can....lynch the baddie in Mafia!
  6. EDM

    YAY!!! WELCOME!!!
  7. EDM

    Not an inside joke, MiKi....more of an outside joke....wayyy too many emotions to keep hidden with needles.....
  8. EDM

    :lol: OMG!!! ROFL!!!
  9. EDM

    Depends on how fine the needles are....if they are not fine, then they hurt....otherwise, no worries....
  10. EDM

    One Up Me

    I have a personal stalker.....or stalkers; they are my #1 fans. They follow me wherever I go and sneak up on me when I'm in my room. They will not leave me alone and hence try to sleepover; They hate heavy rain just like me and want to keep me company, but I don't want uninvited guests in my house. They try to hide when they think I'm looking, but I know they are there......they are always watching me....for all you know, they may try to stalk YOU, too....They are....the cockroach gang.....
  11. EDM

    One Up Me

    A funny thing happened on the way to the forum....I got redirected....
  12. EDM


    I sent it to curious already....has he sent it to MiKi yet???
  13. Congrats PG!!! Enjoy your new PoWers!!! :P:D

    1. plainglazed


      ah, thank you my fellow word playing friend.

  14. YAY!!! Congrats to the both of you!!! I know you will do REALLY WELL as the new mods!!! :D
  15. EDM

    One Up Me

    So it's PG's turn???
  16. Hi to all members!!! (especially the new ones....) I'm EDM, or Li, as some of the older members know me by.... To know about me, check my wall info here: http://brainden.com/...user/19207-edm/ But....WELCOME TO BrainDen (or BD)!!! I hope you enjoy it here as much as we do!!! I'm ready to be of service and answer questions when you need to....if I can't answer it, well.....then the Admin or someone else will!!! No, I am NOT the Admin or any official person here; I'm just a member who likes to welcome the newcomers..... I can usually be found at the New Word Riddles section or the Jokes section or the Games section (but of course, i check out the other forums, too...).....so feel free to drop in on my wall anytime!!! Oh, there's something about this site; it's not just a site! It's a crazy site which is fun and lets you make new friends from all over the world!!! And it's totally AWESOME!!! *I like smileys....no, I LOVE smileys!!! So I tend to use them a LOT!!! Anyways, ENJOY!!! Yours Truly... EDM *Important: I strongly recommend you to read the Board Guidelines at this link:http://brainden.com/...tion=boardrules.... trust me, it'll answer most of your questions and it'll keep you out of trouble...
  17. It's high time I spend time answering riddles instead of just reading them....<_>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EDM


      haha I know, right? :P:D

    3. Auramyna


      Unless you're on a phone, in which case, why aren't you calling me?!?!!

    4. EDM


      You never gave me your number!!! :P

  18. EDM

    One Up Me

    It's not that I'm crazy....it's just that 'Crazy' likes to hang out with copy me..... Edit: hey, hang out or copy....what's the difference???
  19. Oh, ok....then I can play a bit of Keyboard.....but just a bit... (I'm Alive - Celine Dion [stuart Little Part 2].....and one of my fave songs.....)
  20. EDM

    One Up Me

    I'm not saying maurice is full of crap, but...the washrooms are a lot cleaner than he is.....
  21. I don't feel awesome today...... :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EDM


      It's over now; but I may either have noodles or Biryani next Sunday.... :D

  22. EDM

    One Up Me

    Don't rep this because this is not my entry, but I thought I'd just add it in anyway...
  23. .....you come home and tell your mum that the zeroes mean moons..... Oh, wait...that would mean I'm not a math nerd.....
  24. EDM

    One Up Me

    I knew it was time to go when his face turned purple....with rage..... (And I only told him he resembled the backside of an elephant.....it's not like I told him of that face of his..... )
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