A holds gun to B
B: spare me!!!
A: Well, It is illegal to shoot idiots...
B: *phew*
A: *shoots B*
But there's an exception to every rule...coz you're a 2-faced backstabbing moron!!!
my mum worked in IATA...
anyway i still havent solved my answer & ive got no Klue to tell me what to do so im stuck! :/
btw Klue, did u even read my PM? Nvm... :/
i dont know whether you are gonna kill me or Klue is...either way, im dead & Klue is unavailable in my side coz i still havent solved my puzzle...or even if it is solved the file wont open!!!
sorry for borrowing from the joke section...
M: "My wife wanted something with a diamond in it so i bought her a pack of cards."
M's rude sis: "what are you, a joker?"
M: "That's what she said, too..."
Changing emotions....sorta....
I remember what I forgot....then I forgot what I remembered.....
*My condolences (a little late) to all Americans.....
**My parents wedding anniversary is on that day....
Ok, I'm a bit busy the next 3 days so I'll make this quick...
TL, you're up next!!! (sorry, PG....you were soooooo close.... - but I live by Murphy's law, too....)