Hosts: NickFleming and EDM
1.maurice - voting for DD
3.MissKitten - voting for Molly
4.araver - voting for DD
6. Izzy is voting for DD
7. Molly - voting for Glycereine
8. DD - voting for Glycereine
9. Vineetrika-voting for Izzy
10.Glycereine - voting for Slick
11.Marq - Voting for Izzy
12 Slick.- voting for Glycereine
13. onetruth - voting for Vine
I am also in the Mafia not the FBI.
@MM not sure if we're on the same team as I don't know which one you're on...
@DD My best vote would be on you to save myself but I'm not going to, I THINK you're telling the truth. That should somewhat indicate that I'm not an FBI.
@Slick You were VERY fast to vote for me. First vote in fact. If you found out who I am and you're FBI that makes sense.
My action didn't go through, wasn't posted, or didn't have any affect. Couple reasons I could think of why, but this gives you some ideas of at least who I'm NOT without me outing myself.