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Everything posted by Glycereine

  1. abalone contusion severe watches
  2. lets start over . I half expected your post to say that. Sometimes I forget my masterword if I don't write it down and this one was months lol. Let us know when you have a rule!
  3. conscience salutations and hey peace!
  4. I'm gonna have to bow out if this doesn't start soon cause I'll be out of town over thanksgiving weekend. Unless that is it doesn't start until after that
  5. Glycereine


    TUFTS if O, 2nd letter is I from FIFTH-1 F is eliminated from FLICK-0, FT are eliminated from TUFTS-0, H is eliminated from TRASH-0
  6. Hosts: MissKitten and Prince_Marth85 1. Glycereine 2. EDM.... 3. maurice 4. 5. 6. Vipe195 7. 8. 9. LJ 10. 11. 12. @MK if you can still edit the original post to include the word Mafia it will help with signups. I skipped this the first couple times because I didnt realize what it was.
  7. Glycereine


    words in common usage in the english language. Proper nouns aren't supposed to be used. any words in common usage could include common slang (most slang that fits this description is found in a dictionary anyways though) or foreign words that have been adopted. Rendezvous would be included. for my guess: salute
  8. Glycereine


    great game all .
  9. Glycereine


    well I guess that pretty much confirms vine as the other FBI. I believe there are actually only 2 left not 3 anyways.
  10. Glycereine


    MM admitting FBIness? I R confused but makes my voting easier
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