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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. Pig, Star, Brain - things that are fab ab, den, ghost - _____ like the suggestion, maurice, thanks. dont think I nailed it but maybe it works... dying to know your intended.
  2. been a long while since I've played this game strategy?
  3. @ maurice - was going for words that end in a number but see your connection to at least two of my three - lasix/dog??? - but all's good. ...but I think we're missing a key part of the challenge. The first word of the new set of three must also fit the answer to the prior set? Or is very possible I'm just a little thick today.
  4. Milk, Wisdom, Eye - Teeth Canine, Lasix, Bone - _____
  5. Am hoping there does not necessarily have to be a correct answer and cleverness in both answers and matches will be sufficient reward. Maybe the creater of an answered clue might want to give some insight into their original idea, especially if different. As in, "yep, parts of the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. nailed it mo." still early and open to any thoughts, suggestions, evolving directions.
  6. Hey all - here's how it (hopefully) works. There should always be a group of three words, short phrases, maybe numbers, etc. that have a common thread/leitmotif followed by - _____. The answerer replaces the _____ with their response as to what the connection between the three clues is and enters the next threesome whose first entry must also "fit" the previous category followed by the - _____. This should all be in the same post so when answering you must have your next "Three on a Match" ready to go. Examples and starting it off - American, Bush, 20,000 - Leagues Little, Ring, Lady - Fingers Thumb, Cat, Cruise - Toms Turkey, Henry the Great, Beam - Bourbons Jack, Crown, Pail - _____
  7. TATE finds he functions better publicly with not just a LACK of fiber, but with a complete BAN of the stuff.
  8. plainglazed


    MEANT really did not think so but the only way to get my mind to work this a.m.
  9. Does having an ACUATE BRAIN mean you're a pinhead?
  10. surrendered ricochetted unagreeable
  11. plainglazed


    LAUGH - If 2 then A is second since the C is known to be first and DOUGH - 0 eliminates the UGH. and then If A is second O is last: from LASSO - 2; not the L (C is known to be first), the A now is second and not the second S from TRUST - 0 so one of the first S or the O is correct from VERSO - 1; not the VE as CA is now known to be the first two and not the S from TRUST - 0 so one of the R or O is correct. so if one of both the S and O and R and O are correct, the only possibility is the O is last.
  12. plainglazed


    FLUSH - if one then S is fourth; not FLU from FLUNK - 0 and not H from DOUGH - 0.
  13. - if you recognize a guest actor on one of those who-dun-it type shows like Law & Order, they-dun-it.
  14. plainglazed

    Just Because Day

    January 2, Repeal the Aglet Day. March 3, Horse Bolting Day. May 6, You Gotta Date Date. July 9, A Dollar Short Day. September 10, Shampoo Day. EDIT/Disclaimer - late night day
  15. Guess that NUT job is on the RUN. I dont remember this and am pretty certain that was not me. Can you find it? I couldn't. Aaryan, do you remember? Really curious.
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