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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Our relationship is like a fairy tale--a non-existent appendage of a non-existent being.
  2. I also agree with this plan. I hope you have a good idea for a baddie D2, though.
  3. I wouldn't out myself as a baddie like that, Aura. Especially so late in the day. Think about it and come back to me. There could be a hundred reasons for doing what I did. I can. But not yet.
  4. I answered this question earlier. I think I know what you're saying... Wow...yeah. ... ... I'm going to change my vote, though. I have a theory. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube - voting for Thalia 2. Hidden G - voting for maurice 3. Flamebirde - voting for maurice 4. Shadow - voting for maurice 5. Thalia- not voting unless something huge comes up 7. Auramyna - voting for maurice 8. maurice - voting for curr3nt 9. Molly Mae - voting for curr3nt A. curr3nt - not voting B.(Other)Medji - voting for maurice DEAD: 6.Anon26 - disintegrated by Serpine Again, nothing against you, curr3nt. But I think I know what's going on.
  5. Molly Mae

    The first one took Izzy about 20 minutes... She sent me a text before I even realised it started...
  6. The Coup of Rhotus Mafia Sub-phases and Order of Actions: Recruiting: BTSC: Voting: Terms: The Board: Roles: EDIT: Not really sure why the image is so huge... can't it display a thumbnail? Failing that, I'll resize and attach.
  7. Your facts were blameless. And our convictions regarding Maurice are the same. Regardless of what the game mechanics are or what roles exist, I think Role Outing is always bad form. That's why I usually give the baddies RID Kills. I think I'm going to start imposing mod kills... Another discussion..but there is a method of "NK > Block > Save ( > NK)" which implies that the NK is greater than everything (and can't be blocked), except by a save. It's likened to the "Spy" piece in the game Stratego--it loses to every tile but the Marshall (1) while the Marshall beats every (mobile) tile except the Spy. This is another thing I disagree with. Votes = Pressure. That's all we need to lynch you. We don't need questions to lynch you. You have to give us a reason to not lynch you. My reason for voting for anyone D1 is almost always random at first. We don't need reasons to place these votes. You need to give us reasons to move our votes after they're on you. I know who you are... Anyone see a hint that "checks out"? I see his hint, but if you're counter-claiming I support it. I did when I added the vote. Again, refer to an earlier quote (and my response) within this post. I don't need a reason to vote for you, especially D1. Absolutely not. We don't want everyone knowing where a hint is. We don't even care if half the goodies get the hint. A good (subtle) hint will likely attract the attention of 1-3 people, depending on game size. After that, if A knows that B is good and B knows that C is good, A will listen to B's defense of C. It's like inter-domain trusts in NT... Maurice. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube - voting for Thalia 2. Hidden G 3. Flamebirde - voting for maurice 4. Shadow - voting for maurice 5. Thalia- not voting unless something huge comes up 7. Auramyna - voting for flamebirde 8. maurice - voting for flamebirde 9. Molly Mae - voting for maurice A. curr3nt - not voting B.(Other)Medji - voting for maurice DEAD: 6.Anon26 - disintegrated by Serpine Hope I found the right roster...
  8. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. Hidden G 3. Flamebirde 4. Shadow 5. KlueMaster 6. Anon26 7. Auramyna 8. maurice 9. Molly Mae - voting for Hidden G A. curr3nt B.(Other)Medji Hurray for being blocked. Random vote. EDIT: I copied this roster from the OP. There was probably a replacement, if I remember correctly.
  9. We don't hang out on the weekends or anything like that. And I don't call him. But I have his number. And we've had a beer or three at the Tilted Kilt in the Point on more than one occasion.
  10. Added The Coup of Rhotus to BD game queue. With Bb doing UMM-5 on MM (and Glitch 2 behind that) and my inability to access MM from work, I have enough reason to move the game over here. I'll post game info in this forum when I get to it.
  11. No hard feelings. All's fair in Mafia and Mafia. 1. Not true. Lynched D2 means I survive until D4 (I take two hits to die and can redirect a save to myself). N3 I could have allowed 2 RID kills to pass by publishing every Goodie ID I knew. With luck: N2 or N3 I could have seriously hurt the goodies by avoiding my redirects and allowing the baddies to kill. I get lynched D2 (all 5 baddies are alive). I still live. N3 is another 2 goodies dead, perhaps. It really depends on blocks/saves. 5 goodies dead with no saves, the baddies control the lynch with my support. I would have sacrificed my own win, but it wouldn't have really been any different. The only win I could hope for after being outed was a tie. My only note is against number 6. If you had lynched me D2, the goodies would have lost. You would have been in the dark about the baddies (information I shared after the lynch eased over to Medji). They had two RID kills and 4 outed goodies to target. I also would have been alive N3 (two hits to die) to mess the goodies up good.
  12. Ah, a wonderful point. Between him and Bredon, I enjoyed the second book. Funny thing, but Hirk and I hang out with Pat every once in awhile up at Daisho. Funnier thing, I picked up NoTW in Kuwait. =/ Sarcasm? Of course, on the surface, you would want me to think it's sarcasm. But I know you would want me to think it was sarcasm, so I'll consider it a (warranted) attack against flame. But perhaps that's what you wanted me to think... Sorry, Medji... Plz don't kill me N1. I don't like being deads.
  13. Actions are active abilities of roles in a Mafia game which can be played during the day or night phase. As opposed to votes which are cast publicly during voting, actions must be submitted secretly by players via PM or in their faction BTSC if they have one. Example: A player may save another player from the Nightkill. To do so, the player whose role allows him the save action must submit during the night a save action such as "Save X", where X is another player's name (or his own name, if there are no restrictions associated with that role - see Doctor). If the action is not prevented by other actions according to the order of actions or precedence rules stated by the host, and if that player (X) is targeted for a kill, X is saved. When a player has a faction BTSC, his/her actions may be powerplayed by teammates sharing that BTSC. I <3 Bast. He makes that series so far.
  14. Yeah, I got impatient. But there is such a thing as being too careful in Mafia. And in many other things. Can you point me to the post where a delay of the end was proposed? Other than your hesitation to believe that Aura was bad... =/ Regardless, this gives you motivation to lynch me. I understand that. What I don't understand is why Anon didn't go ahead with a RID kill on a baddie for a tie win...
  15. LOTS If LOTS = 0, ??G? is proven. BAGS = Single letter change from LAGS -> BAGS without score change means B??? is incorrect. Same logic for BEGS -> BAGS for ?A??. ???S would be disproved by LOTS = 0. If LOTS = 1, ???S is proven. Single letter change from LAGS -> BAGS without score change means L??? is incorrect. TOTE - 0 means that ?OT? is incorrect, leaving ???S = 1.
  16. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    @Mo: I marked yours +1 for being clever. @Fab: I don't think anyone's gonna beat that. You're up. =P
  17. I had also forgotten about that stipulation--which made me happy that I didn't backstab you. Bad. Very bad. Evil bad.
  18. I started last month. I'm on page 57. =/ I don't get many opportunities to sit and read anymore. I usually don't have any idea, either. *Shrug* Makes it harder to pick up hints. Uh...I have all of the evidence I need from the N0 post. I know where the poison is. Heh. I guess I'm itchin' to start. =P
  19. Perfect time to end the nights/days. I get off work at 6 EDT, so I can add my vote before I leave work. =P If I live past N1. If I die N1, I'm not bad. OMG, I'm the Indy!!!11one
  20. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    *Shrug* Arbitrary never hurt anybody... Thanks for the comment, Cubie. Here's one for ya: If I had a nickel for every time...
  21. It wasn't in my plan to back stab you. We were going for a tie win. If you had killed a baddie per the plan, that would have been achieved. If I had wanted to backstab you, I would have done it N3. And I would have gotten away with it. But I didn't. As for the percent...I had a 5/15 chance of picking a baddie coupled with a 1/14 chance of picking a baddie and his nemesis. Three chances to do so puts me at 7.142% chance of success with no other information. If Hirk had been blocked/trapped/RID Killed on the same night, though, my redirect fails. So it's actually less than 7%. So yes. Luck aided me N1. N2 and N4 were freebies. I'd be really curious to see how this game could turn out with no outing... My redirects and the baddie RID Kills would only gain power as the game progressed--without as much information, I'd be more in the dark, but I'm sure it would come down to a baddie + indie endgame. A funny note: After Medji was killed, I knew I needed some kind of save, but I didn't have any idea who Road Runner was. My original actions were going to be Redirect Klue and Yodell to me (to try to get Sylvester's Trap/Save). After a bit of thought, though, I realised that Sylvester could have a RID kill. I get a good chuckle when I imagine that scenario from the host's perspective. @Curr and Araver: A great game. I loved the short and sweet post styles (although it did confuse me N1).
  22. Even unsuccessful saves? Is the NK blockable (as indicated by "Goodie block > ... > NK")?
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