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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae


    ???? REPLY - 1 HELIX - 1 HEATS - 0 RAKED - 2 Score Change: None
  2. Molly Mae


    Not quite. =P For example, a fictitious word could score the same as REPLY and HELIX if the word to be guessed was "???LX" ???? REPLY - 1 HELIX - 1 HEATS - 0 Score Change: None
  3. Molly Mae


    ???? REPLY - 1 HELIX - 1 Score Change: None
  4. Molly Mae


    ???? REPLY - 1 Score Change: None
  5. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Hosts: Molly Mae && Anon26 1. Petrus 2. tolecnal 3. Nana7 4. TheCube 5. mboon 6. Slick 7. Zweefer 8. km1 9. Bong A. Artificial Backup: 1. Hidden G 2. Aaryan 3. Auramyna Bringing the roster forward. If Elfen can confirm his presence, I'll add him back. Otherwise the roster is still full. We'll post the OP soon and send roles after HP3. (So if you absolutely can't wait for mafia, go sign up for HP3! Sign-ups are almost full.)
  6. Coup of Rhotus draws heavily from Amber and Titanomachy (mechanics) and two other sources (story mostly). Good luck in the mountains. Hope to see you soon. Edit: Just saw Shad's post above. We did get lucky. Finding Mo and Cube so soon cleared a lot of confusion--this game could have changed drastically had that not happened.
  7. Amber on MM Amber on the Wiki
  8. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    If newer players want a mentor and older players are willing to mentor.
  9. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    ...by my feet are all things measured.
  10. My gun was the hand of judgement... EDIT: I don't normally hint based on phonetics, but there it is. I'm itchin'. ... Don't judge me.
  11. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Lithium... <3 I hope Zahn writes them into the Thrawn story if he hasn't. I hope B&N starts stocking Thrawn books... This seems to be the most popular, though. You're up, Artie.
  12. I would imagine that the RID Killer dies, as well, since the NK is unblockable.
  13. Tether ball. Because every random question deserves a random answer.
  14. Even if the baddies had voted, they wouldn't have won...
  15. I'd suggest a RID Kill on Hidden G as the last baddie. If it fails, we can lynch Flamebirde. Unless someone has reason to suspect Flamebirde more than HG. *Shrug* I didn't think so.
  16. Eh, I changed my vote late in D1 to try to get other baddies to out themselves. *Shrug* A plan like that fails when people start talking about it in public.
  17. 4 minutes. Nobody around to flash vote yet. Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. Hidden G - Flamebirde 3. Flamebirde 4. Shadow7 - voting for TheCube 7. Auramyna - voting for TheCube 9. Molly Mae - voting for TheCube A. curr3nt B. Medji - voting for TheCube DEAD: 5.Thalia-impaled N2 bySerpine 6.Anon26 - disintegrated N1 by Serpine 7.maurice- stabbed D1 and found to be the White Cleaver Bringing the roster up. AND FLASH VOTING!!! Just kidding.
  18. Oh. Forgot to answer that. No, they won't.
  19. Don't worry so much. You'll give yourself a stress headache. =P
  20. Factions will be given a range to start in. Indies will have a choice of anywhere on the board.
  21. 0.3 to 2.3 is not LOS, but it has a natural range of 2. For LOS, you must perpendicularly exit the hex space from the center of one of the six sides. Any hex you pass through by following any line that meets that requirement would constitute LOS.
  22. If either of the two goodie vote mods are alive, I think we're fine.
  23. Haha...no. It means that it will be "successful" in that they will live and their % will be reduced by 25, but the targeted Indy will remain unrecruited.
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