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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    Secret of Mana Mafia

    @Segul: You can post stuff in the main thread, but be wary of giving out your role. Only give it out as a last resort.
  2. Molly Mae

    Secret of Mana Mafia

    It is a requirement to listen to the below song if you want to play. =P http://www.youtube.com/user/CalebElijah#p/a/u/2/128CqXUdTdM
  3. The joke is lost in the trasnlation of the word "gives".
  4. Molly Mae

    They're a feminine product.
  5. Molly Mae

    EDIT: Removed "Either"
  6. That's the one I'm looking for. Actually, Maurice and I are the reason the rum's all gone.. Thanks for playing, everyone!
  7. Molly Mae

    Note: I had to remove a paragraph. Further, I've X'd out significant name and numbers. Important Information from OASD(NII)/DoD CIO Department of Defense (DoD) military, civilian and contractor personnel should not access the WikiLeaks website to view or download the publicized classified information. Doing so could introduce potentially classified information on unclassified networks. There has been rumor that the information is no longer classified since it resides in the public domain. This is NOT true. The subject information was not "declassified" by an appropriate authority and requires continued classification or reclassification. If someone else asks you about the WikiLeaks material or the validity of this suspect information, remember that you can never confirm or deny the validity of leaked Government information. Any comment by you could be treated as an official confirmation by a Government spokesperson. S/F LtCol XXXXX, XXXXXX PSD & HQ Sqdn CO XXX-XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX) -----Original Message----- From: XXXXXXXXXXX Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:35 To: XXXXXXX Subject: IMPORTANT: OSD NOTIFICATION: WIKILEAKS GUIDANCE ALCON Per direction, please ensure that the email below and the information at the link under "Requested Actions" in the bottom email are read by EVERYONE in your command. ---------------- OSD NOTIFICATION: WikiLeaks Guidance----------------------------- SENT 29 November 2010 AUDIENCE OSD All SUMMARY The recent WikiLeaks publicity has spawned many questions related to WikiLeaks and the accessibility to the information. WikiLeaks information is potentially classified and DoD has directed that military, civilian, and contractor personnel should not access the WikiLeaks website. The WikiLeaks website is not blocked by OSD and attempts to the WikiLeaks site are being monitored by the OSD Computer Network Defense Service Provider (CNDSP). REQUESTED ACTIONS 1. Visit the Information Assurance Support Environment website and read the DoD WikiLeaks guidance, https://powhatan.iiie.disa.mil/webteam/content_pages/guidance.html 2. Do not attempt to access the WikiLeaks website or access WikiLeaks information using search capabilities. 3. Inform other DoD military, civilians, and contractor personnel of the DoD WikiLeak guidance. DURATION Indefinite
  8. Hmmm....not quite so specific. But I like the double meaning there, too.
  9. Hmmm.... I'm considering accepting this. But if you're a little more "playful" with the answer, I'll mark as solved. See above. =P I always wanted that job... but I'd probably be bored.
  10. That's my answer. I figured most people would wind up in the disaster area, so I considered the opposite.
  11. You're certainly on the right track. No keepers here, though.
  12. Thanks for kicking this off, Araver. It's none of those, though.
  13. Turn that 'round 180 for me. Hey, Dup. Welcome to the Den. Sorry that's not it, either.
  14. Driving home on Friday night, I came upon a dreadful sight. A car was veering left 'n right, Ever closer came the light 'Til sure enough he struck fast And all my dreams would never last. Twisting metal, splintered wood Something leaking 'neath the hood. I couldn't move, nor could I speak My mind was focused on that leak. Unscathed, the other left his car I knew he'd not long left the bar He came close and watched my death Booze had lingered on his breath. With all I've done and all I've seen, I'm finally home in Fiddler's Green. What is the occupation of the drunk driver? EDIT: It's not hard, I know. But I really liked the rhyme and just couldn't part with that one part. =P
  15. Molly Mae

    Oh. Well, if you're curious, the answer for mine is... *Shrug*
  16. Molly Mae

    Why did the dead guy cross the road?
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