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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    *Sigh* Since the necro has happened...
  2. I've had more names than I care to admit. Some of them are a bit vulgar, but all of them have been earned.
  3. Molly Mae

    Correcting a grammar fail. =P
  4. Molly Mae

    Harry Potter Mafia I

    Don't thank me, I just posted the link. =P I'm pretty sure Araver wrote it.
  5. Molly Mae

    Harry Potter Mafia I

    WIFOM on the wiki.
  6. Molly Mae

    Fallacy 1. Fallacy 2. Fallacy 3.
  7. Molly Mae

    Q for Aaryan: How long did it take the acid to corrode/severely modify the aluminum? If you want a yes/no question: Did it take longer than 10 minutes? An hour? A day?
  8. Or voting for a guy just because he's black. Or voting against him for the same reason. *Shrug* People do some dumb stuff, especially in politics (and especially during election time).
  9. Molly Mae

    Noted. Driving drunk might have caused Sober-Accident group to not have accidents. I value your lessons in proofs, Mo.
  10. Molly Mae

    People lie. You never know a person, no matter how much you talk. Take it from me, everyone's in this game of life for themselves.
  11. Clever, but letting a system decide for you would cause problems. The system likely couldn't accurately gauge how much more one issue means to you than another issue.
  12. Molly Mae

    So where's the flaw in
  13. Happy birthday, buddy.

  14. Yeah. I remember when I jumped on the Mickey bandwagon. I found it a few years ago by typing something along the lines of "This election is bullsh*t" into google. It was one of the first results. Since then, I've always wondered what would happen if Mickey won. Further, I wonder what would happen as the results came in and political commentators reviewed the results. "Uh...folks...really?" The idea that Mickey is written in (and getting so many votes) goes to show that this whole election is b/s. But imagine this: I could change my name to Mickey Mouse. Imagine an army trying to make a joke of an election and they end up inadvertently putting me into office.
  15. Molly Mae

    +1 That's a good find. EDIT: Also, the stars "in the moon" duplicate on the left side, halfway up.
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