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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. :(

    Kat, atomic mass = protons plus neutrons, with different amounts of neutrons creating different isotopes.

    Relative atomic mass = the average of all the isotopes, done a certain way, and I'm pretty sure this is what's written on the Periodic Table.

    Like,the atomic mass of chlorine is 35, 36 or 37, but the relative atomic mass is 35.4532.

    Have I redeemed myself?

    Actually chlorine only has two common variations - the most common are 35 and 37, while 36 is radioactive and extremely rare. The ratio of 35 and 37 is 3:1 I think.

  2. And do you realise you shouldn't post things like that at night time? :rolleyes:

    Kat did it first, why am I on the stand?? She said what should our night actions be and I just pointed out how futile they are. Now I am pissed!!! <_<

  3. Hey y'all...Kat here, representing the goodie BTSC group...so we've been talking, and by the sounds of it, we're screwed, unless JarZe and Joe's Student are protected tonight. So can we have the Magician protect JarZe, and the Teleporter protect JS? This is REALLY REALLY important for the win, so if you could do so, please and thank you :3


    You do know that this could only work if they wouldn't know who we are! You see this is why we shouldn't out ourselves because when the goodies finally need help we can't really help, and now you've... ah forget it :rolleyes:

  4. There wasn't a single wink in any of those examples! The only time I winked was when I used 00:33 for stating time, since you had done so previously. The first example was just me agreeing about the lynches not killing people. The second was an obvious role hint. And the third was when I thought you were able to investigate me, so I was suggesting you stop by at night. Hence sharing a bottle of wine.

    Yeah... I thought that that was what you meant! I was only really confused about the 00:33 wink, hehe...

    What I don't like is that we don't know the extent of the secret abilities that the baddies have. This game could go on forever... :o

  5. Hahahaha!

    And andro, I'm starting to agree that these lynches are largely ineffective. It's going to be very difficult to manage this game if our day actions don't work. That said, this time I think it worked to our benefit.

    My actions are in. *waves at Andro from above*

    Andro, maybe you'd like to come over tonight and share a bottle of wine? ;)

    I forgot to ask, why are you constantly winking at me?? :huh:

    I think you did that like three times! Was that a hint that I just can't comprehend :blush: or you're just flirting with me <_<

    I can't find the third one :rolleyes:

  6. What the hell just happened?? :huh: What happened to good old lynch when we knew that the person we vote for dies.

    I don't like this one bit!! <_<

    I believe that TP claimed the same role that PM has, so...

  7. Perhaps Andro is bad and claiming a role of someone she killed?

    I wish... being who I am in this game is pretty boring trust me (the game is fun though) :D

    And I totally agree with you on revealing the roles day one! ;)

    While I can't say much for last night since the Magician didn't show up last night, he did show up on night 2. And also...Gust was recruited on day 1 and CPB was attacked night 2...So you might want to think about what you say.

    I was just about to say that! :)

    So the day will be over in about 10 min. does any of you two has something to add my vote could change the lynch outcome.

  8. Yeah! Where does the logic come in? I have given up urging my friends to stop smoking, you know it can be harmful so why smoke? If I ask them the reason, they say it's cool. For the hell of it, I cannot understand where the logic comes in. <_<

    I wonder how many Braindenizens are smoking... if any??

    Today an unbelievable thing happened at work (there was a chemistry competition at school) anyway... one of the teachers said "I don't wanna smoke here, I don't want to cause any inconvenience to the nonsmokers".

    I dropped my jaw! That was the first time in my adult life (well as far as I can remember) that someone said that they don't want to bother the nonsmokers. I was speechless! :o

    It's pretty sad that we always need to remind those chimney people that they shouldn't puff their smoke around those that find that repugnant and sometimes they even get pissed off when we remind them. Now that's what really pisses me off!!! <_<

  9. I know I spend too much time on BrainDen when it's Sunday afternoon (a quite beautiful and sunny one actually for this time of the year) and I'm sitting in front of my computer, I unfolded some old newapapers not to make a mess while eating goulash... I'm so pathetic... I definitely need help, maybe a transdermal BD patch in order to avoid going cold turkey when I'm not at my computer. Hehehe... turkey :lol:

    I need help... <_<

    Oh... who I'm I kidding! BD is my cyber space refuge! :D

  10. Blah blah blah, bandwagon, blah blah blah, busy as all get out this weekend, blah blah blah, Andro's a goodie. I know who she is.

    Blah, blah... thanks ;)

    So Marth are you gonna call it a no contest, or we gonna have to wait for ages yet again... :rolleyes:

  11. You seem to be saying alot of stuff that does not fit with what I thought I knew already. You have been making some very strange comments that are a little off from what everyone else has been saying. It has definitly set you apart from everyone, making you look like a singular player, which works well with your claim. Without being able to look back at previous posts with more time, I am not sure how obvious you were with your claim, but I know that no one spoke up against you. However, rethinking everything, it is possible that you are not who you say you are and one of the lesser involved characters has been unable to catch your hints.

    I do not expect you to be a baddie, but I am no longer going to take it for granted that you are a 100% goodie. Like I said, I will have to reread everything later to fully flesh out my feeling on you, you are not a true suspect yet. I will just be keeping more watch on you. ;)

    Ask SomeGuy... he knows who I am... and I was attacked by Gust once before. I told you already I totally lost track of the last couple of nights and days, and you are totally right, I am acting on my own until someone tells me what to do, cause nobody asked for my help yet! If needed I'm here :) And don't point your finger at me cause I'll turn you into a frog! <_<

  12. andro: I can assure you that your assumption about RT is incorrect. I do not know who he is, but I am very sure of who he is not.

    Yeah... now that I thought about it, I think that RT might be the Levitator. PM is probably a baddie, but I'd rather lynch TP, but whatever the majority decides is fine by me at this point :)

  13. Well I based it on the fact that when he was on the chopping block, he claimed the levitator trying to get out of the lynch, but RT said that SD wasn't the levitator so I just think that SD is likely a baddie.

    No man you got it all backwards! He claimed the Levitator role to get ST lynched because he knew she was the indy! The real Levitator didn't claim that role so he did to get her lynched! :) You should definitely spend more time reading the posts! ;)

  14. Well no one seems to be following my lead, and what you said sounds quite logical so I will change my vote to TP (Even though I don't know how much it will help at this point)

    Do you know something about SD that we don't?? :huh: Apart from the stuff blabbered by ST!

    It's all too suspicious to me. I'm not sure that he's bad, but then again I'm not that sure that you're good either! :P

  15. Wow...Nice to see I'm that unappreciated by the Defenders <_< Let me say this to see if you will change your mind. If you choose to keep your vote on me and lynch me, I won't die because I will do something that I'd rather save for a defender in real need. But that's your choice.

    Why are you wasting your vote on SD, help me lynch TP! :D

  16. so 2 more votes needed unless PM wants to call no-contest

    Zerep is away for the weekend so I don't think that he'll be voting any time soon.

    Hallelujah! Someone finally knows who I am! Shapeshifter, will you please come to my defense and let everyone know that I am good? I know you can't come right out with my role, but you can certainly say that I am known to be good!

    Why don't we apply some pressure on TP! Here he was glad that the Shapeshifter knew who he was. I think it was RT and that TP knew that. TP actually might be Gust! RT voted for TP in the lynch last time after he found out who TP is, of course if we assume that RT was the Shapeshifter! So what I'm saying is that TP eliminated RT last night so he wouldn't be able to out him, even though he had a chance to do that the previous day but he was unsuccessful because nobody followed his lead!

    :) I'm on to you again TP!! :P

  17. No one ever said there wasn't.....

    I know you said the same thing before, so my question is - was anyone killed by that killer if he exists?! :huh:

  18. Fixing colors... Kat used a darker shade of orange for her vote! B))

    Host: Impervious

    1. Randro (RD) (DEAD) (Killed by Quake)

    2. Twin Pop (TP) - voting for Prince_Marth85

    3. Someguy (SG)

    4. Lost in space (LIS) voting for Prince_Marth85

    5. Zerep (ZP)

    6. star_tiger (ST) (DEAD) (Mimic) (Ultimate Axe of Hostiness to the head)

    7. Kathleen (Kat) - voting for Marth

    8. Joe's Student (JS)

    9. crazypainter (CP) (DEAD)(Killed by Mastermind)

    10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)

    11. Social Darwin (SD)

    12. Prince_Marth85 (PM) - Voting for Social Darwin

    13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Twin Pop

    14. RainThinker (RT) (DEAD) (Killed by Gust)

    15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Prince_Marth85

    I think we should definitely have a RID kill role so that we wouldn't out ourselves so easily. The game is not that interesting anymore when we know who almost every goodie is and who the baddies are! :rolleyes:

    I do not advise to spam ... you know the rules ;)

    No spamming! That should apply to you too! :P;) And you should have posted in gray... sorry, Unreality's mafia rules :rolleyes: *shrug* :) (edited by rookie1ja: I changed the color of my post above to grey)

  19. Man... I have no idea who to vote for, so I'm going back to my usual target TP!

    Host: Impervious

    1. Randro (RD) (DEAD) (Killed by Quake)

    2. Twin Pop (TP)

    3. Someguy (SG)

    4. Lost in space (LIS)

    5. Zerep (ZP)

    6. star_tiger (ST) (DEAD) (Mimic) (Ultimate Axe of Hostiness to the head)

    7. Kathleen (Kat)

    8. Joe's Student (JS)

    9. crazypainter (CP) (DEAD)(Killed by Mastermind)

    10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)

    11. Social Darwin (SD)

    12. Prince_Marth85 (PM) - Voting for Social Darwin

    13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Twin Pop

    14. RainThinker (RT) (DEAD) (Killed by Gust)

    15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Prince_Marth85

  20. I agree with reading Angels & Demons, it's a good book.

    Also, I just finished the first 2 books of the Alchemyst series Andromeda was talking about, they are the most Awesome series ever! (Violence, Magic, and Mythology...Everything awesome :rolleyes: )

    I was talking about Paulo Coelho!!! Sucky Brazilian writer! Don't twist my words! <_< Besides I wasn't talking about series, but only one book!

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