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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. You're pretty low on the list, and considering that most of the information I'm running on is of the "absolutely known" variety, I'm not a fan of subtlety and questions at this stage of the game.

    This game is no fun... every mafia should have a RID killer! That way we would think twice before outing ourselves...

    My clues were in the roster itself for quite a while!

  2. Honestly, I would like SD investigated. I want to know who he is for sure. I would also like information on Prince_Marth, Zerep, Andromeda and Reaymond. Sorry, but I've seen the "active goodie/baddie" approach too often, and as M (James Bond) would say, some times we're so busy watching our enemies, we forget to watch our friends.

    Beyond that? Use your imagination ;)

    And that's the thanks I get?? <_<

  3. Andromeda, I fall on your infinite mercy and grovel at your floating feet.

    I am just not as smart as you. You may want to repeat yourself all the time because there is

    a lot going on in this game. I would think youd jump at the chance to restate

    your point so that we all know what you are pointing out. What seems obvious to some may not be to others.

    Some of us are right brained and others are left brained. There are at least 12 different ways we

    learn and take in information. There are different ways we express ourselves as well.

    Some shout, intimidate, hint, or joke.

    Having a level head is an asset in this game. As is not pissing off your friends/allies.

    You are totally right, cause I have no idea what you've just said in this post?! :lol::P

    Um... floating?? :huh:

    I'm just hoping that we are on the same side CP! ;)

  4. I dont think the baddies did put him in a psychic prison.

    I think it was a way to have it all evened out by Impy.

    But if the baddies did put SD in a prison, its a good way to make him look likea goodie and ST look bad.

    Ugh... why do I have to repeat myself all the time!

    SD would gain more if he stays in the game and ST gets lynched and Impervious said that he was placed into a psychic prison.

    Something is off here and I don't understand why ST is not getting offed?

    EDIT: grammar

  5. Now that I thought about it... why would the baddies lock SD in a psychic prison?? If SD was the Mastermind, wouldn't he gain more if his vote stays in the roster (ST gets lynched, turns out that she's the indy, SD is a hero)... that was back when we didn't know that a mistake was made...

    Why would the baddies lock the Mastermind in the psychic prison when they would gain more if they wouldn't have done that?! :huh:

    And ST... why did you out yourself when Impy said that no one dies?? :huh:

  6. 3) You aren't winning :huh:

    What are you talking about?? :huh:

    If we win it will feel to me like cheating because you told us who supposedly the Mastermind is! I know I?m not winning... there's a lot to play... especially with this dying rate!

    I hate when people are pretending like they don't know what I'm talking about? :rolleyes:

  7. Well... this blows! <_<

    I want BLOOD!!!

    Kill ST! She lied to us all this time, besides, she outed herself, she will be stripped of her powers, so we can't use her anyway!!

    Impy... ST is losing her ability for openly outing herself, right! IDNE was punished, ST should to!

    And saying that SD is the Mastermind... if he really is than you ruined the game for me ST!! :( I don't like finding out about things like that! That wasn't cool at all! SPOILER! I don't wanna win by cheating! :( :( :(

  8. Actually 21, 22, 23, 29, 34 and 35 are giving me the hard time... those stacks are impossible to solve cause the pieces are coming randomly... every time you start that particular stack, the pieces come out in a different order... it's frustrating.

    I found out that you can stack balls on top of each other, but I only managed to stack up five. It's quite tricky!


    Thanks for the fun game slick! :D

    Only 21 and 29 left unsolved! :D

  9. Have you completed it in bonus mode as well andromeda?

    Actually 21, 22, 23, 29, 34 and 35 are giving me the hard time... those stacks are impossible to solve cause the pieces are coming randomly... every time you start that particular stack, the pieces come out in a different order... it's frustrating.

    I found out that you can stack balls on top of each other, but I only managed to stack up five. It's quite tricky!


    Thanks for the fun game slick! :D

  10. Sit in one spot and when it's dead silence, start turning your head around and ask your roommate: "Can you hear that?", "OK now you must have hear that?", "I can't believe you can't hear that?" :huh::lol:

    The problem with me is that I can't do practical jokes, cause I burst to laughter! :lol:

    I love the pencil one! Hehehe... :)

  11. Oh, and how do you know who I am if your the Levitator? I thought she was a saving role, not a spy role. -_-

    Actually ST said that the Levi can spy RT, so if she's the mimic she got the role description too! ;)

    RT if you are saying you have proof, then you must be the raven at his window! :rolleyes:

    OK this is what I'm thinking guys:

    IDNE (good) checked ST night one found out that she is the indy character! ST is threatened so last night she steals SD's role, actually a possible exchange of roles might of happened (why is the indy so powerful - for the balance) and RT actually spied on the Levitator but thought he spied on someone else!

    ST played this game brilliantly so far! :D But she's got to go!!

    I believe you SD! ;)

    Host: Impervious

    1. Randro (RD)

    2. Twin Pop (TP) - is voting for star_tiger

    3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Social Darwin

    4. Lost in space (LIS) - voting for Twin Pop

    5. Zerep (ZP) - is voting for star_tiger

    6. star_tiger (ST) - voting for Social Darwin

    7. Kathleen (Kat)

    8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Social Darwin

    9. crazypainter (CP)- voting for Social Darwin

    10. IDoNotExist (IDNE) - voting for Social Darwin

    11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for star_tiger

    12. Prince_Marth85 (PM) - voting for Social Darwin

    13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for star_tiger

    14. RainThinker (RT) -voting for Social Darwin

    15. JarZe (JZ) - voting for star_tiger

  12. After this I'm seriously off to bed! You pushed too far SD! No hint! Sorry!

    Host: Impervious

    1. Randro (RD)

    2. Twin Pop (TP)

    3. Someguy (SG) - voting for Social Darwin

    4. Lost in space (LIS) - voting for Twin Pop

    5. Zerep (ZP) - is voting for S_T

    6. star_tiger (ST) - voting for Social Darwin

    7. Kathleen (Kat)

    8. Joe's Student (JS) - voting for Social Darwin

    9. crazypainter (CP)- voting for Social Darwin

    10. IDoNotExist (IDNE) - voting for Social Darwin

    11. Social Darwin (SD) - voting for S_T

    12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

    13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Social Darwin

    14. RainThinker (RT)

    15. JarZe (JZ) - voting for Twin Pop

    Night people... :)

  13. Mini Post: Let's Heat it Up and Hose it Down

    The Healer traveled over to the Sensor's house, and with with him, he brought Pyro. The Sensor smiled, "Excellent job healer. Now, Pyro, where can we find your sister?" Pyro walked outside. It was a cloudy day, perfect for Pyro. He sent a pillar of fire shooting up into the clouds. "She should be here soon." About ten minutes later a blue Lamborghini pulled up in front of the Sensor's house. "Someone need a fire put out?" Hydro got out of her car and gave her brother a hug. Pyro turned towards the Sensor and Healer, "Guy's this is my sister Hydro." The Sensor bowed his head, "Welcome my child." Quake walked out of the front door and Hydro immediately went on the defensive. The Healer jumped in between them, "Easy there. We're all on the same team now. I understand you two have your differences, but if we're ever going to stop the Masterminds we need to work together!"

    WOW! We got the three remaining elementals... good job you guys!! :D

    OK so we have nine goodie roles now which will make the lynch even harder... :wacko:

    I'm definitely of to sleep... night :) *yawn*

  14. I really honestly dont see how, but it is slightly possible. <_<

    Remember that in Matrix no one listened to me and JarZe was left to survive most of the game.

    What are you talking about... we all knew he was bad :huh: but we were trying to gain some more information... just like we are trying now!

  15. Ok I doubt that twinpop is a baddie. I think voting for him could blow up in our faces.

    I thik I have seen hints here and there about S D being a baddie..maybe I am just loosing it though.

    But that is a chance I am willing to take.

    OK I'm a goodie! Nobody objected my hints!

    SG and Kat are probably goodies too.

    Let's say that IDNE is a goodie too - that's 4 and if you crazypainter and LIS are claiming to be goodies, there are no more goodie roles to be claimed so TP ain't a goodie!!

    Of course just in case you CP and you LIS are both goodies!! Are you? :huh:

    Everytime you claim someone is good, do the math!!!

    I forgot about ST - she says she's good!

  16. Oh, never noticed this before, but you get points in my book for living here in AZ. :D

    Anyway, on the subject of driving: WHY do we have to have a freaking police car on the road just to get my family to buckle up? My mother's Godmother (who we spend a lot of time with) works at car insurance company, so when we're with her we always have to buckle up & it's become habit for me. But my mom & sisters won't buckle up until my mom screams that there's a police car on the road, and once it passes my sisters unbuckle again!!!

    :lol: that's hilarious! I always buckle up! Police or no police!

    Those safety belts are not a fashion statement and not just for show!

    A safety belt rant: I hate it when people have a road incident and they say that thanks to the fact that their safety belt was unbuckled they managed to get out of the car! I mean come on! You've just had an accident and you are teaching people about safety?? Those people should be locked up! It's very irresponsible to say something like that!

    Maybe there were people that had died because of some weird seat belt incident, but there were far more people that died because they didn't buckle up!!! <_<

    Oh, oh, oh and the safety helmet while on a motor bike. For a lot of people (teenagers) in my country it's more important to look good on a Vespa than to be safe! Few years back I remember reading about a teenage girl that died :( because she lost control over small motor bike and hit her head on the concrete and instantly died! I blame the parents! No helmet, no ride!!!

  17. Perhaps the real levitator has not outed her yet because they figure I have enough evidence against her and there is no risk exposing themself.

    Well... we'll wait and see.

    S_T is who I say she is unless the baddies can force Impervious to say "S_T is the Independent" That is what I was told directly. I seriously doubt that the baddies would happen to target me or S_T and choose the right action. I dont even think that they have this ability.

    Who knows what kind of abilities the baddies have??

    But you didn't answer my question - what if we lynch ST and it turns out that she was really who she claims to be?!

    I'm staying with TP for now, until I get info! :)

  18. The way that the message was phrased to me, I have no doubt that I know the identity of the "Blockbuster, Spy movie watcher." Unless the baddies can choose a goodie and switch their ID, ST is who I said. I was not redirected and the response i received was specific. Killing S_T is the best action.

    Before we kill we need to out some more baddies! Let's not bandwagon just yet!

    Question: What happens if it turns out that ST is who she claims to be after all?!

    And she did say that she was resting or healing last night

    ST was riding her bike towards the Howard Hughes Promenade, where she was supposed to meet up with some friends to go see Push. As she travelled on the bridge that went over the LA River, a jet stream of water came straight towards her and knocker into the channel. Hydro sat on the ledge of the bridge laughing. “C’mon girly, swim for you life, that is if the current doesn’t get to quick for you.” Hydro began to glow blue. The current of the river quickly increased. ST began swimming as hard as he could, but the current was too strong. Coming to terms that this was the end for her, ST gave up and began to sink. Out of nowhere, an hand grabbed her and swiftly pulled her out of the river and flew her to safety. She looked up and saw the Levitator, “Thank you.”

    So... my conclusion is that she used a save on herself because she thought that she might be attacked! Where did she get that silly idea, I do not know?? :huh:

    ST said enough... you two (IDNE and SD) are pressuring her way to hard! It's enough! If you think she's bad vote for her. If others believe you they will join, but I think she said enough!

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