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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Eat Poop You Cat II

    ok i think i included everything, but it's not as good as it should have been
  2. dms172

    1. woon 2. impervious 3.DMS172 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20
  3. dms172

    Red Vs. Blue Mafia

    Roster: Director of Project Freelancer: Mekal 1.RainThinker 2.Peace*Out - Voting for ST 3.Impervious - Neptune 4. Kat- Killed by A.I. 5.reaymond - 6.Dms172 - voting for Blade 7.SomeGuy - Voting for Reaymond 8.TwinPop - Votes for Neptune 9. A. Person - Voting for Izzy 10. Izzy - Star_Tiger 11. ST - Izzy 12.Blade 13.Limeliam voting for Neptune 14. Neptune
  4. dms172

    Red Vs. Blue Mafia

    1) Girth 2) to join to circus as a fat bearded lady 3) Colorblindness ok here's the correct answers
  5. dms172

    COPY 3;50;0 COPY 3;b(-1);0 SHIFT 3;b(-2);4 EDITI 1;2;1 SHIFT 1;10;-1 BOMB 0;0;0 SPAWN sub(b(-6),6);0;0 EDITI -7;45;1 JUMP -8;0;0 this programs doesn't even use the two bold lines
  6. dms172

    this would have been my guess to but is this y it's wrong
  7. i luv messing with substitutes and student teachers. in my 7th grade year i had a substitute for two weeks straight :D and we had the 8th graders in the same room as us that year. :D of course when the teacher came back he lectured(yelling mad man) us for the first half of the day.(his lectures are really an hour or two long sometimes)
  8. dms172

    Red Vs. Blue Mafia

    i can't wait for night post, i hope i don't die.
  9. dms172

    Eat Poop You Cat II

    if you want i will switch places with you edit color
  10. dms172

    Good we've almost got enough people to kill the copy- cat
  11. dms172

    Host: I 1) dawh2 2) Peace heard that the Copy Cat's hair was brown 3) dawh -DEAD (Lt. Stark) 4) DMS -you found out that the CC has A type blood,Knife, Garage, Grey hair, Hazel eyes, Average height, Red Sox Hat, Hums, and Red Chevy Truck 5) A. Person-found grey hair not belonging to victim 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator - found a blond hair not belonging to the victim 10)mekal guys we have to decide on ten different things the CC has i am 100% sure that what i put down is correct so plz stop let's innocent cops die
  12. dms172

    Defender Df Doctor Dc Mafia M Healer H Grim Reaper GR Vigilante V or Vig Inspector Di/INS (inspec./Detec) We can do both Sage S Bomb B Illusionist IL Innocent should be spefic, but there cld be a ble vote - probably vanilla role, or mayoy Mayor MYR Sphinx SPH Ghost ??? only an inactive remark in the thread Martyr Mtr Weapon Wp Gun GUN Knife KN Vote VT Lynch Ly Escape E Car C Money Mo Jail J Safe House, SH hit H Killing K Just adding some more that will probably be used
  13. dms172

    i started tagging some pictures, mostly weapons and healers and doctors, but i'll wait until we get a list of tags to use to do more. also i started a list plz add more that are need. Defender Doctor Mafia Healer Grim Reaper Vigilante Inspector Sage Bomb Illusionist Innocent Sphinx Ghost Martyr Weapon Gun Knife oh and are we going to use aberrations of the words or just the full word
  14. dms172

    i look at the pics on the website and i know where to enter tags but i don't know what all the different pictures are for, so i don't know if I'd be that much help.
  15. dms172

    Eat Poop You Cat

    for some reason it wouldn't come up right seriously where did this even come from.
  16. dms172

    Eat Poop You Cat

    i've started the drawing it should be done soon
  17. dms172

    If it's just writing tags in HTML then i could help a little and of course i could play test games.
  18. dms172

    Eat Poop You Cat

    i know what you mean. It hard not to look when they're all laughing.
  19. dms172

    so you are trying to hide your intensions?(killer maybe)
  20. dms172

    dawh that doesn't fit a profile
  21. dms172

    Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace found the CC is short 3) dawh found the CC stays in a Basement, has a Red Truck, has Hazel eyes, wears a Hat, his hair is Black, carries a Knife, Hums, has an Average build, and has blood-type O. 4) DMS here's what i got A Knife, Garage, Grey, Hazel, Average, Red Sox Hat, Hums, Red Chevy Truck 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Kat - found out that the killer wears a hat 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal
  22. dms172

    the gray hair isn't contradictor, is it?
  23. dms172

    well at least i'm not last now. sry Crazypainter
  24. dms172

    are we suppose to vote for a cop name or a person?
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