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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    I'm just waiting on impervious now. then we can then i can finish the night post
  2. dms172

    well what is there that would help narrow things down? all we really know is that the animal is a fly
  3. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster- voting for prof. Templeton Itachi-san - voting for Akaslickster Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon - voting for Akaslickster Mekal - voting for Akaslickster Cherry Lane - voting for Prof Templeton Prof. Templeton - voting for Akaslickster Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik (safe for today, but cannot vote because she is still unconscious) DMS172 - voting for Akaslickster star_tiger - voting for Akaslickster itachi-San if your wrong about this than you'll need to do some explaining
  4. dms172

    how could i get 50% on number 3
  5. dms172

    is y a consonant or a vowel in this case
  6. i get it. this nust be talking about my fox network thing. i really should have spent more time on that.
  7. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    i'm trying slick but all of this is making it very hard too.
  8. dms172

    ya i didn't think it would be that hard also
  9. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    actually i'd rather trust itachi-san, mekal and woon itachi-san for role reasons mekal and woon cuz they got attacked by vizzini they should be more likely to be good
  10. dms172

    i think we got the teams, is there any idea when it will start
  11. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster- voting for prof. Templeton Itachi-san - voting for Akaslickster Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon Mekal Cherry Lane - voting for Prof Templeton Prof. Templeton - voting for Akaslickster Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik (safe for today, but cannot vote because she is still unconscious) DMS172 - voting for Brandonb star_tiger i'd love to get caught up in the fight but i think it'd more important we get lots of people to talk brandon has been inactive and if he gets on and says something good I'd be fine with changing my vote also who took my name off the ballet? edit added star
  12. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    since FIF was inactive today i'd like to have someone ready to take his place but i'll give him a chance to get his night action in, if someone wants to replace him, plz PM me now.
  13. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    are all the night night PMs in? i'm excited for the night post
  14. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    *impervious* well we now who stewie is so let's go for Bob *Reay* i agree, you've helped with to baddies already who do you think bob is. *impervious* Thanks for your support Reay, i think we should get so answer from Lexi. she hasn't said much. *random crowd agreement* ya let's get her... a baddies gonna die tonight... i'm not sure, but i like to bandwagon... etc. *Lexi* no don't do it. I'm innocent *impervious* explain yourself *Lexi* I'm Dr. Hibbert *impervious* oh no... it's to late . this will be depressing. it was imprervious turn to do the lynching that night and if he refused he would die, so with the whole crow watching and cheering he took the poison and injected Dr. hibbert Producer:dms172 1)ST 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)AP 5)Reay 6)Limeliam - (killed by bob) (lois) 7)Lemonymelon - (Lynched) ](peter) 8)SomeGuy 9)RainThinker - (killed by Bob) (Brian) 10)Impervious 11)Peace Out - (killed by Maggie and Stewie) (krusty) 12)Lexi*Penguin - (lynched) (Dr. hibbert)
  15. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    oh ya you got five minutes
  16. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    you can say anything to save yourself Lexi
  17. dms172

    house/horse fly?
  18. dms172

    since no one ever got the lock i will just say it and as andromeda pointed out the message is
  19. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    if you didn't notice i've been revealing roles when people die and reminder to the dead no hints or help
  20. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    i guess i should clarify since there are three different groups you get to play for 1st 2nd and 3rd and i also want to give everyone a chance at total domination
  21. dms172

    Host: Impervious 1. ST 2. Reaymanator 3. SomeGuy 4. Izzy 5. A. Person 6. GC 7. PG 8. Mekal 9. Lemonymelon 10. Firebird766 11. Peace 12. Kat 13. Blade 14. 15. DMS
  22. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    Producer:dms172 1)ST - AP 2)FIF 3)Kat - voting for FIF 4)AP - voting for Lexi 5)Reay - voting for Lexi 6)Limeliam - (killed by bob) (lois) 7)Lemonymelon - (Lynched) ](peter) 8)SomeGuy - voting for lexi 9)RainThinker - (killed by Bob) (Brian) 10)Impervious - voting for lexi 11)Peace Out - (killed by Maggie and Stewie) (krusty) 12)Lexi*Penguin updated roster and you got a couple hours until the voting ends
  23. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Great day post PG and Y-San thanks for taking a hit for the team, cuz we probably would just killed a goodie. edit i meant to say day post
  24. dms172

    Heroes Hybrid

    oh come on Niki just die
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