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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    i forgot to add the pictures when i wrote night post edit: also the game will go on until Bob dies or finishes his mission (or we could just go until he dies or kills everyone)
  2. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    sry bout that i was in a hurry
  3. dms172

    i almost put dodo-bird, then i remember everyone might not know what that even is i really thought there would be more cat people
  4. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    unless they have BTSC (e.g. buttercup and Wesley or the baddies ) not accusations just saying it
  5. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    it was late and bob knew it was time to make his move. He sneaked through the streets searching for his target. As rain thinker first came it to Bart jumped him from behind and try to take control of him, but Bob was to strong. he grabbed and through bart back... That night at the same time Maggie and stewie prepared to take out the target. Maggie was up in her crib with her gun as the Peace out walked passed. She raised the gun and aimed. before she could fire stewie sped through and shot her down from his plane. "Well, it's nice to know who you are Bart, but i'll save you for last Mwhahahahaha!!!" Bob quickly finished of his Rainthinker and went on his way. "What a waste, Bob killed my target anyway and now he know who i am."(Bart talks to himself) Producer:dms172 1)ST -voting for lemony 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)AP 5)Reay 6)Limeliam - (killed by bob) (lois) 7)Lemonymelon - (Lynched) (peter) 8)SomeGuy 9)RainThinker - (killed by Bob)(Brian) 10)Impervious 11)Peace Out - (killed by Maggie and Stewie) (krusty) 12)Lexi*Penguin
  6. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    forge what i just said, i' got to got to something tonight so the night post will be later
  7. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    all the night PM's are in except for rainthinker, I'll give her 45 minutes
  8. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster Itachi-san - voting for Mekal Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon Mekal Cherry Lane Prof. Templeton Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san Star_Tiger FINE! (i'll change it when i get home cuz i trust your your hint at your role that your good)
  9. dms172

    i've wondered the same thing after i first saw it
  10. dms172

    Heroes Hybrid

    lol the heroes are going too win if you do get the right guy tonight
  11. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    As everyone met for the lynching, they were all shouting different names of who to lynch. But Impervious rose above the rest with his few followers shouting, Lemony!!! Lemony!!! Llllleeeeeemmmmmoooooonnnnnyyyyyyy!!!!!!! with that they grabbed Lemon tied him, and carried him to the tire fire. with her last breath she cried out, "i've failed you stewie, I'm sorry. " Host:dms 1)ST -voting for lemony 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)AP 5)Reay 6)Limeliam - (killed by bob) (lois) 7)Lemonymelon - (Lynched) (peter) 8)SomeGuy 9)RainThinker 10)Impervious 11)Peace Out 12)Lexi*Penguin
  12. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    ok the day post is coming. voting is done
  13. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    day post coming in less than an hour so make your final arguments
  14. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    it goes until 5:30pm central tomorrow and peace*out won't be able to get on until tomorrow, but we she's back she should be active
  15. dms172

    i thought you had my nice simple program that i was going to use
  16. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    ok i think i got all of the night actions replied to. if i miss anyone just PM me
  17. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    As star_tiger was walking down the street she felt as if she was being watched, when all sudden stewie jumpered out at her, his sword gleaming in the moonlight. She drew her sword got a quick strike in before stewie could react and he was forced to run. Star_tiger thought she was in luck until a possessed Maggie came up, shot him in the back, and ran off. Star_tiger's wonderful night didn't end there though. Marge was walking to her car with groceries and saw star_tiger there. marge took star_tiger to the hospital where Star lived to died another day. on the other side of town Bob escape from prison and then grabbed limeliam and left her in his place. That night limeliam was taken from the cell and fried in the electric chair. remember all name are for the story only and don't use it to figure out roles 1)ST 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)AP 5)Reay 6)Limeliam - killed by Bob (Lois) 7)Lemonymelon 8)SomeGuy 9)RainThinker 10)Impervious 11)Peace Out 12)Lexi*Penguin also when you die i'm going to reveal your role. i forgot to say that earlier. and the voting can begin
  18. dms172

    Fox Network Fight

    ok i've got all the pms in and i am going to star the night post
  19. dms172

    Princess Bride Mafia

    ok i'm confirming my role
  20. dms172

    the herbal is right
  21. dms172

    well that seems like the only logical reason to me, but i want reay to ok it before i say yes
  22. dms172

    i've picked apart everything in those words theres no pattern yes that is my final answer
  23. dms172

    i think x-man theme sounds awesome also i was thinking a 24 theme might be good i haven't seen the show enough to be sure
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