andromeda woke up and crawled out of the rumble on their ship to see woon sitting by a fire
"What happened?" asked andromeda.
"We wrecked"
"What about the others?"
"They took the life boats and left us for dead"
"I guess that's what we get for joining a bunch of pirates."
Just then andromeda caught a glimpse of a silver box laying farther on down the beach
When she got up to investigate she saw it was the safe that held the treasure.
Andromeda yelled excitedly, "WOON, COME QUICK! WE'RE RICH! RICH!
woon sprinted over and helped dig it out of the sand. On the front of the
safe they found a 9X9 pad of keys with letters letters below them them.
Woon to one look at it wrote in the sand. then popped it open.
can you do the same?
this is my first attempt at this kind of puzzle, so woon please don't actually solve it that fast.