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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    A.N. easily jumps over the knives, then turns into a blur. when he landed there were three of him. "Now, take your pick which of us is the really one?
  2. dms172

    about making you have to think up a new idea. thanks, there should be many more after this too.
  3. dms172

    Kingdom Hearts Mafia

    i just noticed something rainthinker was voted off first PM's other game too. sry rainthinker it looks like you just have really bad luck in these games.
  4. dms172

    sorry about that.
  5. dms172

    it's a super hard but fun game. i stopped after i beat the first boss then hit the save button 3 or 4 times and it didn't save =(
  6. well that not to bad. my morning announcements sound more like dms please come to the lync...*clears throat" princples office.
  7. dms172

    EDIT: Unfortunately I have no time to do that... gotta go!
  8. dms172

    yea that was my first reaction in vna2 when i saw unreality's huge programs. just keep trying and asking lots of questions and it will make sense soon. also don't let red hopper gone crazy's size scare you it's really not to good of a program.
  9. dms172

    X-Men Mafia

    hmm... cuz i want to force someone to come out and defend them selves so we can get some discussion going on instead of everyone doing random votes
  10. dms172

    andromeda woke up and crawled out of the rumble on their ship to see woon sitting by a fire "What happened?" asked andromeda. "We wrecked" "What about the others?" "They took the life boats and left us for dead" "I guess that's what we get for joining a bunch of pirates." Just then andromeda caught a glimpse of a silver box laying farther on down the beach When she got up to investigate she saw it was the safe that held the treasure. Andromeda yelled excitedly, "WOON, COME QUICK! WE'RE RICH! RICH! woon sprinted over and helped dig it out of the sand. On the front of the safe they found a 9X9 pad of keys with letters letters below them them. Woon to one look at it wrote in the sand. then popped it open. can you do the same? this is my first attempt at this kind of puzzle, so woon please don't actually solve it that fast.
  11. dms172

    cool i'd love to see it.
  12. You know your in to many mafia games when you put mafia instead of BD
  13. dms172

    i don't think i can eat peanuts again
  14. dms172

    lol it's great for long road trips. you get about three verses in and everyone tells you to shut up.
  15. No spends enough time on mafia when this topic has gone 3 days with out a post.
  16. dms172

    X-Men Mafia

    Host: Impervious 1. star_tiger 2. reaymond 3. A. Person - voting for DMS 4. peace*out - voting for DMS 5. Izzy - voting for Star_Tiger 6. Limeliam voting for RainThinker 7. Lost In Space [dead-killed by Stryker][Professor X] 8. DMS172 - Voting for Limeliam 9. Someguy - Voting for Limeliam 10. Puzzlegirl - voting for A.Person 11. Twin Pop - voting for crazypainter 12. Rain Thinker 13. andromeda 14. crazypainter 15. JarZe 16. Woon [dead – killed by Sabretooth] Y me? <_<
  17. dms172

    i thought i did that right cuz if it was all in character it would say i threw shurikens at her.
  18. dms172

    OOC:A.N. walks into the arena with a huge smirk on his face. In character: well well well, i'm sorry tryx, but you can't live through the night. OOC: A.N. quickly throws throws 20 shurikens at her.
  19. dms172

    Kingdom Hearts Mafia

    1. Kathleen 2. dms172 - voting for RainThinker 3. RainThinker 4. Firebird766 - voting for RainThinker 5. grey cells - voting for A. Person 6. Sparanda 7. star_tiger - voting for RainThinker 8. FIF - voting for RainThinker 9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent) 10. SomeGuy - voting for RainThinker 11. A. Person - voting for RainThinker 12. Impervious - voting for RainThinker 13. Limeliam 14. Twin Pop - voting for RainThinker 15. twin_bro - voting for RainThinker 16. Neptune - voting for Impervious 17. LIS - voting for Impervious 18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord) 19. Awesomely-Awesome Person 20. Riranor - voting for RainThinker 21. Foxtacy 22. Andromeda
  20. dms172

    Star Wars Mafia

    ok i'm done reading so i can post now. i've been very very busy with school, so i have been inactive. i haven't really got much to contribute, but someguy seems ok to me.
  21. dms172

    you should get him back for that
  22. dms172

    i just realised im going to be busy for the next 2 days... so after that, ill see if i can do something... (but knowing me im doing it completely wrong... probably ) lol yeah that program was more for fun then to actually battle. it's only had one real win that i've seen. if it goes 100 turns the other programs is probably stuck and it won't end. edit: i just did some battles with speedy against Bombardier and speedy won 4 out of 5
  23. dms172

    Hey i'm still here i'm just waiting til it's my turn to do the slaughtering.
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