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Outside or in, run and enjoy.

Out instead, no room for the boy.

Not nice? Then sugarcoat it.

Like 123, but not. End the British bit.

Now something new, not done

By me before. I hope it’s fun.

Break it up, then answer it all.

Add it together, and it's solved.

Edited by MrsP
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Outside or in, run and enjoy.

Out instead, no room for the boy.

Not nice? Then sugarcoat it.

Like 123, but not. End the British bit.

Now something new, not done

By me before. I hope it’s fun.

Break it up, then answer it all.

Add it together, and it's solved.

i'm getting play, throw, icing..........do they ring a bell???

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Like 123 could be ABC, and the only British version of a letter that comes to mind is Zed

Is the answer Plainglazed? (I'm just thinking play + zed)

Wow, good job. I am really sad that you were able to get the beginning and the end, and skip the middle to get it. I guess this is why I don't do these kind.


Outside or in, run and enjoy. Play

Out instead, no room for the boy. Inn

Not nice? Then sugarcoat it. Glaze

Like 123, but not. End the British bit. Zed

Edit: The solved thing is being very weird. Sorry.

Edited by MrsP
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