This game is similar in gameplay style to itachi’s Battle for Mount Olympus series of games. There are two factions, the Titans and the Olympians. There are 6 players are on each team, and 5 independent players. Each independent can be recruited to a team using pleas, which will be explained a bit later on.
And a special thanks to Impervious who has graciously offered to co-host with me. I’ll be doing most of the work, so send your night actions to me, and direct any questions about the rules to me. Impervious will mainly help me sort through the action logic at night. He also helped balance the roles for this game and ensures me that it will be really fun.
Below are the role descriptions for each character. In the descriptions, if the action is described as being against a player, then the target given in the night action PM to me must be a player’s username. If the action is described as being against a character, then the target given in the night action PM to me must be a character role. Each role will have at least one secret ability (including some abilities that you’ve most likely never seen before ).
Kronos - The youngest son of Ouranos, and king of the Titans. He is haunted by a prophecy stating that he will be overthrown at the hands of his own son.
Can perform melee attacks with 50% accuracy. Kronos can guess 3 character actions each Night to block, learn IDs or gain BTSC partners depending on what he guesses. If he dies, he selects a BTSC partner to continue the BTSC in his place, but with only 2 guesses per night. Kronos starts with BTSC with Prometheus. He can only be killed by Zeus from a melee attack.
Atlas - A fierce warrior, and strongest of the Titans. Perhaps one day condemned to hold up the heavens for all eternity, but today, he fights alongside his uncle Kronos in order to quell the rebellious Olympians.
Can melee attack twice per night with 50% accuracy on each target (or one target at 75% accuracy).
Prometheus - A wily and intelligent Titan, whose name literally means “forethought.” He fights alongside his brother Atlas in this Great War.
Starts with BTSC with Kronos. Can deduce one random action every night.
Oceanus - A very powerful Titan who rules over the entire Ocean.
Can perform ranged kills with 50% accuracy, once per night. Can also transport himself from any water space to another instead of moving during the night. Can choose to save one player (instead of attacking) per night, not including himself, as long as they are both on water spaces. He has an automatic 50% chance of saving himself from attack as long as he is on water.
Hyperion - Dubbed as the Titan of watchfulness and wisdom, he is the father of the sun god Helios.
Can end the day early, but not two days in a row. Can also spy the role of any player who shares the same space as him (automatically).
Mnemosyne - This Titaness is the personification of memory and language. She can confuse her opponent’s and make them forget their allegiance for the day.
Can silence the vote of any one player once per day. Can also save one player per night from all actions taken on them.
Zeus - The youngest son of Kronos, and father of Olympus. He is filled with rage about the atrocities performed by his father against his brethren.
Can perform ranged attacks with 50% accuracy. Zeus can guess 3 character actions each Night to block, learn IDs or gain BTSC partners depending on what he guesses. If he dies, he selects a BTSC partner to continue the BTSC, but with only 2 guesses per night, and the duty to kill Kronos in his place. Starts with BTSC with Poseidon.
Poseidon - God of the sea and ruler of horses, Poseidon will fight alongside his brothers until the bitter end.
Starts this BTSC with Zeus. Can move up to 3 spaces per night. Has a 50% chance to watch a random player’s action that’s on a water space as long as Poseidon is on a water space as well. Can also block one player per night, as long as they are both on water spaces.
Hades - God of the underworld, Hades can harness the power of the souls of his deceased enemies. Getting stronger with each kill, Hades is a force to be reckoned with.
Starts with 50% kill accuracy. Can melee attack once per night. Accuracy increases by 10% for each successful kill.
Hephaestus - God of technology and blacksmiths, Hephaestus is the only being capable of forging weapons powerful enough for the gods.
Can boost anyone's weaponry to 100% kill accuracy for the night, or can give a 25% kill ability to any non-killing role character including himself for the night (50% if Hades and Artemis are dead).
Artemis - The chaste daughter of Zeus, Artemis is the goddess of forests and of the hunt. She shoots her arrows with such deadly skill that Gods and Titans fear her alike.
Can range attack one player per night. Has 100% kill accuracy against gods and 50% against Titans.
Hera - The older sister and wife of Zeus, she would do anything for her fellow gods. Although she can be jealous at times, she always has the priorities of a mother at heart.
Can save one player per night from all actions taken on them. In doing so, she also has a 50% chance to learn the ID of their attacker.
Each independent has either Titan or God next to their name. This has nothing to do with the factions and doesn’t impact recruitment at all. It’s there because when a player is lynched, their race will be revealed (either Titan or God).
Gaia (Titan) - Mother Earth. She is mother to the Titans and grandmother to the Olympians. Unsure of who to aid in this struggle, she remains independent for the time being.
Each night, Gaia can swap any two game spaces including all players who are on those spaces. She can also transform any one space every night, except Mount Olympus or Mount Othrys, which can never change.
Rhea (Titan) - Wife of Kronos and mother to Zeus, she is torn between her love for the two. She’s betrayed Kronos once before, but does she have the heart to do it again?
Can save one player each night by hiding them, except for herself. She cannot be killed by Kronos or Zeus.
Dionysus (God) - The god of wine and merry-making, Dionysus was a late arrival among the gods. Not born of Titans, he was of foreign origins. He considers himself a friend to everyone, but has secrets that no one should underestimate.
Can send one message to any character once per cycle.
Typhon (Titan) - Not a Titan, Typhon is instead the father of monsters. Rumoured to be the largest and most grotesque of all creatures that have ever lived, he is filled with rage for being denied a place among either faction.
Can attack each night with 25% kill accuracy. Every time he fails an attack, he gets enraged and increases his kill accuracy by 25% to a max of 100%. When he succeeds with an attack, it resets back to 25%. He can also move up to 3 spaces per night.
Aphrodite (God) - The most beautiful woman to ever live, Aphrodite was born of the sea foam after Kronos castrated Ouranos above the great sea.
Can seduce any one player and nullify all their actions for the night. If she seduces the same player two nights in a row, she learns their role.
More Rules:
BTSC: I will ask rookie as soon as possible to set up 2 hidden forums for this game. There will be one for the Titans and one for the Olympians. Once recruited by Kronos or Zeus, players will gain access to their respective forum.
The Battlefield: The battlefield is made up of 19 hexagonal spaces, as shown below.
This is the starting terrain for the battle. Before Night 1, everyone will be given a random starting position with their role. Titans can start on any space from 1 to 6. Olympians can start on any space from 14 to 19. Independents can start on any space from 5 to 15. The different game spaces are outlined below.
Game Board Spaces
Plain terrain (Light green): Normal space
Water (Blue): Can be used by Oceanus and Poseidon for special abilities
Thick Forest (Dark green): Provides cover from ranged attacks. Attackers must be within melee range to attack people in the forest.
Volcano (Red circle): Weakens players by making them more vulnerable to attack. Kill chances against them are brought closer to 100 by 50% (so 50 becomes 75, 70 becomes 85, 90 becomes 95, etc.)
Mount Olympus and Mount Othrys are isolated from the rest of the battlefield. When standing on either Mount, the only actions against you have to come from the same space. Meaning, if you are on a Mount space, you can only affect, and be affected by, other people on the same Mount space.
Movement and Attacking: Each character can move up to 1 space per night unless otherwise specified. Melee attacks only hit if the target is within 1 space or on the same space as the attacker. For ranged attacks, the target must be in a straight line from the attacker, along one of the 6 directions perpendicular to the sides of the hexagonal space the attacker is occupying. When submitting your night actions, be sure to remember to submit your movement info too. Simply write which numbered space you're moving too. If no movement info is given, I'll assume you're staying in the same place for the night.
Lynching: Lynches are controlled by the sisters of fate. When someone is lynched, two of the three sisters will appear, and no pair will appear more than twice in a row. If Atropos, the eldest of the three sisters appears, the player is killed. If Lakhesis, the middle sister appears, the player is weakened and loses their powers for the night, but not killed. If Clotho, the youngest sister appears, the sacrificed player gets to make a plea for an independent, and each independent only needs 1 plea to be recruited. Either team can recruit a maximum of 3 independents. After being lynched, whether the player survives or not, the player’s race is revealed in the day post.
Days and Nights are (normally) 24 hours long. Night 1 will begin after the intro post, which I’ll make once everyone’s signed up. I’ve reserved spots for people who have already expressed interest, but those of you with reserved spots, please confirm on this thread that you are still interested in playing.
This game is similar in gameplay style to itachi’s Battle for Mount Olympus series of games. There are two factions, the Titans and the Olympians. There are 6 players are on each team, and 5 independent players. Each independent can be recruited to a team using pleas, which will be explained a bit later on.
And a special thanks to Impervious who has graciously offered to co-host with me. I’ll be doing most of the work, so send your night actions to me, and direct any questions about the rules to me. Impervious will mainly help me sort through the action logic at night. He also helped balance the roles for this game and ensures me that it will be really fun.
Below are the role descriptions for each character. In the descriptions, if the action is described as being against a player, then the target given in the night action PM to me must be a player’s username. If the action is described as being against a character, then the target given in the night action PM to me must be a character role. Each role will have at least one secret ability (including some abilities that you’ve most likely never seen before
Kronos - The youngest son of Ouranos, and king of the Titans. He is haunted by a prophecy stating that he will be overthrown at the hands of his own son.
Can perform melee attacks with 50% accuracy. Kronos can guess 3 character actions each Night to block, learn IDs or gain BTSC partners depending on what he guesses. If he dies, he selects a BTSC partner to continue the BTSC in his place, but with only 2 guesses per night. Kronos starts with BTSC with Prometheus. He can only be killed by Zeus from a melee attack.
Atlas - A fierce warrior, and strongest of the Titans. Perhaps one day condemned to hold up the heavens for all eternity, but today, he fights alongside his uncle Kronos in order to quell the rebellious Olympians.
Can melee attack twice per night with 50% accuracy on each target (or one target at 75% accuracy).
Prometheus - A wily and intelligent Titan, whose name literally means “forethought.” He fights alongside his brother Atlas in this Great War.
Starts with BTSC with Kronos. Can deduce one random action every night.
Oceanus - A very powerful Titan who rules over the entire Ocean.
Can perform ranged kills with 50% accuracy, once per night. Can also transport himself from any water space to another instead of moving during the night. Can choose to save one player (instead of attacking) per night, not including himself, as long as they are both on water spaces. He has an automatic 50% chance of saving himself from attack as long as he is on water.
Hyperion - Dubbed as the Titan of watchfulness and wisdom, he is the father of the sun god Helios.
Can end the day early, but not two days in a row. Can also spy the role of any player who shares the same space as him (automatically).
Mnemosyne - This Titaness is the personification of memory and language. She can confuse her opponent’s and make them forget their allegiance for the day.
Can silence the vote of any one player once per day. Can also save one player per night from all actions taken on them.
Zeus - The youngest son of Kronos, and father of Olympus. He is filled with rage about the atrocities performed by his father against his brethren.
Can perform ranged attacks with 50% accuracy. Zeus can guess 3 character actions each Night to block, learn IDs or gain BTSC partners depending on what he guesses. If he dies, he selects a BTSC partner to continue the BTSC, but with only 2 guesses per night, and the duty to kill Kronos in his place. Starts with BTSC with Poseidon.
Poseidon - God of the sea and ruler of horses, Poseidon will fight alongside his brothers until the bitter end.
Starts this BTSC with Zeus. Can move up to 3 spaces per night. Has a 50% chance to watch a random player’s action that’s on a water space as long as Poseidon is on a water space as well. Can also block one player per night, as long as they are both on water spaces.
Hades - God of the underworld, Hades can harness the power of the souls of his deceased enemies. Getting stronger with each kill, Hades is a force to be reckoned with.
Starts with 50% kill accuracy. Can melee attack once per night. Accuracy increases by 10% for each successful kill.
Hephaestus - God of technology and blacksmiths, Hephaestus is the only being capable of forging weapons powerful enough for the gods.
Can boost anyone's weaponry to 100% kill accuracy for the night, or can give a 25% kill ability to any non-killing role character including himself for the night (50% if Hades and Artemis are dead).
Artemis - The chaste daughter of Zeus, Artemis is the goddess of forests and of the hunt. She shoots her arrows with such deadly skill that Gods and Titans fear her alike.
Can range attack one player per night. Has 100% kill accuracy against gods and 50% against Titans.
Hera - The older sister and wife of Zeus, she would do anything for her fellow gods. Although she can be jealous at times, she always has the priorities of a mother at heart.
Can save one player per night from all actions taken on them. In doing so, she also has a 50% chance to learn the ID of their attacker.
Each independent has either Titan or God next to their name. This has nothing to do with the factions and doesn’t impact recruitment at all. It’s there because when a player is lynched, their race will be revealed (either Titan or God).
Gaia (Titan) - Mother Earth. She is mother to the Titans and grandmother to the Olympians. Unsure of who to aid in this struggle, she remains independent for the time being.
Each night, Gaia can swap any two game spaces including all players who are on those spaces. She can also transform any one space every night, except Mount Olympus or Mount Othrys, which can never change.
Rhea (Titan) - Wife of Kronos and mother to Zeus, she is torn between her love for the two. She’s betrayed Kronos once before, but does she have the heart to do it again?
Can save one player each night by hiding them, except for herself. She cannot be killed by Kronos or Zeus.
Dionysus (God) - The god of wine and merry-making, Dionysus was a late arrival among the gods. Not born of Titans, he was of foreign origins. He considers himself a friend to everyone, but has secrets that no one should underestimate.
Can send one message to any character once per cycle.
Typhon (Titan) - Not a Titan, Typhon is instead the father of monsters. Rumoured to be the largest and most grotesque of all creatures that have ever lived, he is filled with rage for being denied a place among either faction.
Can attack each night with 25% kill accuracy. Every time he fails an attack, he gets enraged and increases his kill accuracy by 25% to a max of 100%. When he succeeds with an attack, it resets back to 25%. He can also move up to 3 spaces per night.
Aphrodite (God) - The most beautiful woman to ever live, Aphrodite was born of the sea foam after Kronos castrated Ouranos above the great sea.
Can seduce any one player and nullify all their actions for the night. If she seduces the same player two nights in a row, she learns their role.
More Rules:
BTSC: I will ask rookie as soon as possible to set up 2 hidden forums for this game. There will be one for the Titans and one for the Olympians. Once recruited by Kronos or Zeus, players will gain access to their respective forum.
The Battlefield: The battlefield is made up of 19 hexagonal spaces, as shown below.
This is the starting terrain for the battle. Before Night 1, everyone will be given a random starting position with their role. Titans can start on any space from 1 to 6. Olympians can start on any space from 14 to 19. Independents can start on any space from 5 to 15. The different game spaces are outlined below.
Game Board Spaces
Plain terrain (Light green): Normal space
Water (Blue): Can be used by Oceanus and Poseidon for special abilities
Thick Forest (Dark green): Provides cover from ranged attacks. Attackers must be within melee range to attack people in the forest.
Volcano (Red circle): Weakens players by making them more vulnerable to attack. Kill chances against them are brought closer to 100 by 50% (so 50 becomes 75, 70 becomes 85, 90 becomes 95, etc.)
Mount Olympus and Mount Othrys are isolated from the rest of the battlefield. When standing on either Mount, the only actions against you have to come from the same space. Meaning, if you are on a Mount space, you can only affect, and be affected by, other people on the same Mount space.
Movement and Attacking: Each character can move up to 1 space per night unless otherwise specified. Melee attacks only hit if the target is within 1 space or on the same space as the attacker. For ranged attacks, the target must be in a straight line from the attacker, along one of the 6 directions perpendicular to the sides of the hexagonal space the attacker is occupying. When submitting your night actions, be sure to remember to submit your movement info too. Simply write which numbered space you're moving too. If no movement info is given, I'll assume you're staying in the same place for the night.
Lynching: Lynches are controlled by the sisters of fate. When someone is lynched, two of the three sisters will appear, and no pair will appear more than twice in a row. If Atropos, the eldest of the three sisters appears, the player is killed. If Lakhesis, the middle sister appears, the player is weakened and loses their powers for the night, but not killed. If Clotho, the youngest sister appears, the sacrificed player gets to make a plea for an independent, and each independent only needs 1 plea to be recruited. Either team can recruit a maximum of 3 independents. After being lynched, whether the player survives or not, the player’s race is revealed in the day post.
Days and Nights are (normally) 24 hours long. Night 1 will begin after the intro post, which I’ll make once everyone’s signed up. I’ve reserved spots for people who have already expressed interest, but those of you with reserved spots, please confirm on this thread that you are still interested in playing.
Host: A.I.
Co-Host: Impervious
1) twin bro (reserved)
2) IDNE (reserved)
Let the Battle BEGIN!!
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