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[it was another lonely Valentine’s Day in Brainopolis; all you have waiting at home is some left over Chinese take out and an expired beer. “Nothing ever happens in this boring town,” you think to yourself. Just as you finish pondering the meaning of life the dispatcher comes on the radio. “All available units to a One-eight-seven at 11011 Puzzle Rd.”

As you pull up to the address there are already five or six other units there with their lights flashing. You notice the house as the home of the prominent philanthropist Dr. Joe Furikan. He was famous in Brainopolis for donating money to causes if they could solve his riddles. The outer perimeter of the house showed nothing out of the ordinary. But, the foot traffic from all the police trying to block eager reporters from disturbing the crime scene was evident from the dirt scattered all over the entry way to the house.

There was a lot of commotion and even more photo flashes as you enter the study to find the corpse of Dr. Furikan slumped over his desk with what appeared to be a bullet hole through his abdomen. As you pan the room you see many familiar faces, co workers, csi, and even Police Chief Den graced the scene with his presence. Such a high profile case demanded a lot of attention. The room was in complete disarray; paper dirt covered the floor and strewn about were various office supplies, an analog clock, and a desk lamp. Through the shuffling feet and papers you spot something glimmering in the corner of the room. It was a bullet casing for a 9mm round and cold to the touch. Could it have been from the murder? You show your finding to the police chief, “Sir, I recovered some evidence that may have come from the killer’s gun.”

“Good work detective. I hope we catch the s.o.b. that did this! I also found the doctor’s black book. Have a look and tell me what you can make of it. I want all these people brought in for questioning!” You browse through the pocket book and everything is blank except for the “first” page (the previous pages had been torn out).

Yoruichi, S.   7/3   9am
Rookie, J. 7/3 11am
Templeton, P. 7/4 3pm
Girl, C.S. 7/6 11 am
Nova, B. 7/7 11am
Gray, V.N. 7/12 9am[/codebox]

“We think one of these people killed the doctor,” the Chief continued. “They were probably unable to solve his riddle for the money and murdered him in a frustrated rage. We also think the murder occurred at 10:33.”

“How do you know so precisely Sir?” you interject.

"I was the first on the scene and found the clock on the ground. It seems to have stopped at that time,” he replied. You can’t believe you had missed something so you quickly look at the damaged clock on the ground. The glass face had shattered bits of glass where it fell and it definitely read 10:33 as the chief had said. “The coroner is going to transport the body to the morgue for a full autopsy.” Just then something starts to stir up the police guarding the entrance to the house. A woman was arguing and shoving her way through. “Jason! Jason!” the woman yelled. She had gotten past the guards and was headed towards us. “You promised me a romantic night alone away from all the crime and the…dead bodies.”

"I know honey but I can’t neglect my civil duties when such an important case arises. I have to assure the people that the police are still doing everything they can even though the department is facing major cutbacks.” The chief tried to comfort the woman, whom you now recognize as his wife from the pictures he kept in his office. “Go wait in the car. I don't want you seeing anymore of this gruesome scene.” He gave her one last hug and she walked back out the door to the line of cars outside.

“One, two, three, lift!” the coroner and a few of his assistants moved the body to a gurney revealing a table calendar that had been covered by the body. It was smeared with blood .post-14039-1237505356.png

They started to push the doctor out when you notice a strange bulge in the suit of the deceased doctor. “Hold on!” you shout to the coroner. Upon inspection of the suit you find the previous pages of the calendar and a torn check for $20,000,000 signed and dated for today but it was not addressed to anyone.

You cannot help but have a sneaking suspicion that that great riddler left a dying message that pointed out his killer. But, who could it be possibly why? Can you sift through the clues before the trail runs cold?

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okay wait what you said the first few pages of the black book were torn out right,but at the end you say in his pocket you found the previous pages from the calender?? and also at the beginning you say its valentines day (feb.14) but the calender he is laying on says july and his book has appontments or whatever they are, dated for july? sooooo yeah??

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no one said there were any apts on the previous calander pages

The date is probably a clue - July 3rd

And the initials look like SC or SD or S-D

and there are four dots to the side

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It looks like 0-5 upside down.

Also, the "S" shape blood doesn't touch any of the numbers of the boxes it moves through while the "O" shape has blood running through every number of each box.

I think July 3rd is completely blanked out as a hint not to look there considering 10:33 falls right between his appointments on that day.

The blood reads 5-0 as in the Bronze 5-0

Edited by Oobernater
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All you need to solve the case is in the story.

The black book is just a note book found by the chief and not the same thing as the calendar with blood stains.

Aside from the thread description there are no typos I see and everything is written as intended.

It's a long short story so you have to determine for yourselfs what information to believe.

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the police cheif? he was the first on the scene he said and maybe he did it to avoid having a night with his wife or since that sounds kinda dumb, maybe because they were having major cutbacks...idk just a guess.

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it could have been me? hah like the person when the story refers to "you" because of the major job cutbacks, so if you "solve" a case you will not get cut and you will get the reward..idk.

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This may be a stupid question, but what does 's.o.b.' stand for??

"“Good work detective. I hope we catch the s.o.b. that did this! I also found the doctor’s black book. Have a look and tell me what you can make of it. I want all these people brought in for questioning!” You browse through the pocket book and everything is blank except for the “first” page (the previous pages had been torn out)."

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the police cheif? he was the first on the scene he said and maybe he did it to avoid having a night with his wife or since that sounds kinda dumb, maybe because they were having major cutbacks...idk just a guess.

Brilliant deduction. But, how did you come across the answer? Since there are only a few number of people mentioned in the case, blind guessing will eventually get you the correct answer. There are 3 clues that Dr. Furikan left to point out his killer. What are they?

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They might be

The clock with the hands pointing to calendar numbers 5 and 6.

the numbers 5-0 in blood indicating the police did it.



The clue you found narrows it down to the job description. Can you find the the clues that point to the exact person?

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The clue you found narrows it down to the job description. Can you find the the clues that point to the exact person?

The chief mentioned something about a riddle for money, but there was no evidence that there was anything like that until the torn check was found in his pocket. Just something I noticed, not sure if it's right or not.

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I think it could be the police chief. His wife did say "Jason" The second person on the list is Rookie, J. (J as in Jason.) His appointment falls between 9 and 10 AM on July 3rd which is the day blotted out on the calendar. Plus, he was the first one on the scene. But, just to question my theory, wouldn't the other officers see the chief's name on the list? But, they might think he was innocent because he is the police chief.

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I think it could be the police chief. His wife did say "Jason" The second person on the list is Rookie, J. (J as in Jason.) His appointment falls between 9 and 10 AM on July 3rd which is the day blotted out on the calendar. Plus, he was the first one on the scene. But, just to question my theory, wouldn't the other officers see the chief's name on the list? But, they might think he was innocent because he is the police chief.

Unfortunately, the police chief's full name is Jason Den. I can also divulge that his motive for killing Furikan was that he couldn't solve the riddle and thus not getting the much needed money for the police force (eluded to by the torn check). The remaining 2 clues to be decifered were left by Furikan in his last seconds. What could he have done?

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It looks like 0-5 upside down.

Also, the "S" shape blood doesn't touch any of the numbers of the boxes it moves through while the "O" shape has blood running through every number of each box.

I think July 3rd is completely blanked out as a hint not to look there considering 10:33 falls right between his appointments on that day.

The blood reads 5-0 as in the Bronze 5-0

furikan: I found this - is this one of the things?

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I think it was B. Nova. Why? Because right in the beginning it said that it was another lonely Valentine's Day. The date for Valentine's day, as we all know, is 2/14. If you use that rule where each letter corresponds to a number you will find that the letter "B" corresponds with the number 2 and the letter "N" corresponds with the number 14. Hence, this mysterious "B.N." Is that a clue? Once again I could be completely wrong and if so, Furikan, you have done one heck of a job of deceiving me...yet again.

Edited by jdbeautiful
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