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patriot--ooo	  ctenoid--xo	   mustard--oo	   

thyroid--xo	   advance--x		soybean--oo	   

truffle--oo	   otolite--xxxo	 

fasting--oo	   otocyst--xoo	  

utensil--xo	   totally--ooooo	

wapitis--oo	   italics--xoo	  

cattail--xoo	  stately--ooo	  

larynx--ooo	 bloated--xooo	 

unstrip--o		talking--ooo	  

otology--xxxo	 tilapia--ooo

Yummy! Thank you. I hope you don't mind my moving to the more typical spelling of "tilapia"

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Yummy! Thank you. I hope you don't mind my moving to the more typical spelling of "tilapia"

I don't. I thought that was what I typed. :huh:

I think I'm flummox -ed

edit: Going home. Don't solve it without me.

Edited by Grayven
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patriot--ooo	  ctenoid--xo	   mustard--oo	   

thyroid--xo	   advance--x		soybean--oo	   

truffle--oo	   otolite--xxxo	 flummox--ooo	  

fasting--oo	   otocyst--xoo	  attorns--xoo	  

utensil--xo	   totally--ooooo	

wapitis--oo	   italics--xoo	  

cattail--xoo	  stately--ooo	  

larynx--ooo	   bloated--xooo	 

unstrip--o		talking--ooo	  

otology--xxxo	 tilapia--ooo

No prob, you have more than atoned with "attorns"

(edit: I should have said "Attorns atones", but I write long before I think)

Edited by CaptainEd
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patriot--ooo	  ctenoid--xo	   mustard--oo	   

thyroid--xo	   advance--x		soybean--oo	   

truffle--oo	   otolite--xxxo	 flummox--ooo	  

fasting--oo	   otocyst--xoo	  attorns--xoo	  

utensil--xo	   totally--ooooo	totaled--oooo	 

wapitis--oo	   italics--xoo	  ostrich--oo	   

cattail--xoo	  stately--ooo	  outcast--ooo	  

larynx--ooo	   bloated--xooo	 

unstrip--o		talking--ooo	  

otology--xxxo	 tilapia--ooo

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patriot--ooo	  ctenoid--xo	   mustard--oo	   

thyroid--xo	   advance--x		soybean--oo	   

truffle--oo	   otolite--xxxo	 flummox--ooo	  

fasting--oo	   otocyst--xoo	  attorns--xoo	  

utensil--xo	   totally--ooooo	totaled--oooo	 

wapitis--oo	   italics--xoo	  ostrich--oo	   

cattail--xoo	  stately--ooo	  outcast--ooo	  

larynx--ooo	   bloated--xooo	 otalgic--xooo	 

unstrip--o		talking--ooo	  etalons--xxoo	 

otology--xxxo	 tilapia--ooo	  athlete--xxx

Sorry about your ears...Thanks for the "etalons"--never heard of them before

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patriot--ooo	  ctenoid--xo	   mustard--oo	   thieves--o		

thyroid--xo	   advance--x		soybean--oo	   outlets--xxo	  

truffle--oo	   otolite--xxxo	 flummox--ooo	  muffins--__	   

fasting--oo	   otocyst--xoo	  attorns--xoo	  

utensil--xo	   totally--ooooo	totaled--oooo	 

wapitis--oo	   italics--xoo	  ostrich--oo	   

cattail--xoo	  stately--ooo	  outcast--ooo	  

larynx--ooo	   bloated--xooo	 otalgic--xooo	 

unstrip--o		talking--ooo	  etalons--xxoo	 

otology--xxxo	 tilapia--ooo	  athlete--xxx

Finally, a zero!

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CaptainEd never ceases to amaze me with his amazing arsenal of words.

EDIT: It's late here, so I guess the next person here can take it. :)

Edited by scsw
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