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“My friends, the time has come to take what is ours! No more letting this little band of defenders stand in our way! They are nothing compared to us. We are intellectually superior! They are nothing. So they can fly around or change their shape. That means nothing! In the end, their mind is their own and cannot be changed. Heh heh heh…until we get to them that is.” The mastermind sat in front of it’s three companions and continued speaking unaware of the cat that sat outside the window, listening intently to every word. When the Mastermind was done speaking the cat leapt off the balcony and flew off in the form of a raven. The others must be warned the Shapeshifter thought.

Pyro and Hydro walked out of the casino and back onto the Strip. Pyro was counting his winnings for the evening Vegas was definitely the place to be for New Year’s Eve weekend. The sidewalks were crowded and filled with all sorts of people, young and old. As the two crossed the street they felt a cool blast of air. “Hey Pyro, share the wealth!” Another blast of air blew some of the money out of Pyro’s hand. Gust disappeared into a bar before Pyro and Hydro could find him. Hydro bent over to pick up the last hundred dollar bill when a foot stepped on it. “Yeah share the wealth Hydro.” Hydro looked up to see Quake and smirked. “Quake, seriously, do you think I’m scared of someone who can’t swim?” Hydro shot a blast of water at Quake, picked up the bill and walked off with Pyro. “Come one Pyro, we’ll take care of those clowns later.”

“Abrakadabra!” the Magician pulled a rabbit out of its hat. All the children applauded. Just then the phone rang, “Hello?....Seriously?...Finally! I can quit doing these stupid kid shows.” The magician packed up its equipment and headed back home.

The door flung open, “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO JUMP ON YOUR BED!!!” “But dad I didn’t, I swear, I woke up and I was just floating above the bed like what happened when I was five. C’mon it’s been over 13 years, do you seriously think I’d still be jumping or making the floating story up.” “Fine we’ll just tie you to the bed” The Levitator’s dad left to go find some rope. Scared, the Levitator, changed clothes, opened the window and flew away.

Sirens filled up the night as the ambulance went flying through Santa Monica. They had been called to a wreck off the Pacific Coast Highway where once car went off the edge and the other vehicle contained a mother and her two sons who were trapped inside the flipped over van. When the ambulance arrived on scene, the firefighters who had arrived first had already gotten the two children out. One of the paramedics asked, “What about the mother?” A firefighter replied, “We thought she was just unconscious, but it looks like she may have snapped her neck instead.” The paramedic looked at the two children. Neither of them could have been more than 8 and bother were in tears and crying for their mother. The paramedic walked over to the van and held onto the mother’s hand. Suddenly, the mother gasped, and looked at the Healer. “Where are my babies?” The Healer smiled, they’re fine ma’am, we’ll get you out of here as soon as possible and you can be with them again.”

A large crowd gathered on the sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd. Everyone wanted to see the break-dancers perform. They all cheered and clapped when the dancers did their thing. All except one individual. The dancers noticed one of the audience members standing there, arms crossed, seemingly unimpressed. One of the dancers approached the individual and called them out. “It looks like this one here is unimpressed. How about I make you a deal, I’ll give you all the money in this bucket if you can beat be in a battle.” The individual nodded and the music started. The dancer jumped around a bit and did a back flip. The individual copied his bouncing around but when the flip came landed right on its face. The audience started laughing. “How about one more try?” The audience cheered. The dancer flipped and spun around until the music stopped, he looked at the Mimic, who stood there grinning. “Hit the music please.” The music started and the Mimic flipped and spun around with twice the skill of the break-dancer. When the music stopped, the Mimic grabbed the bucket and walked away laughing. Another in the crowd saw this and their eyes widened. “Oh man, the Mimic is back,” they thought to themselves before quickly vanishing into thin air.

The Sensor sat perfectly still in deep meditation. The energies of all that occurred that night resonated through the house. The Sensor opened its eyes rapidly, “The time is now.”

Masterminds (BTSC): Wins if the Defenders and Mimic are killed

Mastermind - Pure genius. There isn’t a problem too big or too small that the Mastermind can’t solve…except for the total paralysis from the neck down that occurred at birth.

Empath – Master of emotions. The Empath can feel the emotions of others around them and can also project emotions into its victims that they would not normally feel in any situation.

Telekinetic – The Telekinetic can move objects with it’s mind.

Psychic – Can read minds, manipulate thoughts, or even erase memories. The psychic is probably the most evil of all the Masterminds.

Defenders: Wins if the Masterminds and Mimic are Killed

Magician – The Magician discovered its ability to master Magic at a young age. Ever since, the Magician has decided to use this mastery to protect friends and family.

Levitator – The Levitator once woke up hovering 3 feet above its bed. At a young age could levitate and later on in life discovered the ability to fly over the tallest buildings.

Healer (BTSC with the Sensor) – The Healer’s mother once had cancer. Doctors said it was inoperable and gave the mother 2 weeks to live. The Healer placed its hands upon its mother and miraculously, the tumor disappeared instantly.

Shapeshifter – You never know who the Shapeshifter may be. With its mastery of taking on the shape and size of any it sees, the Shapeshifter is a formidable foe against the Masterminds.

Teleporter – the Teleporter has the ability to teleport itself and others to any location. Once a thief, the Teleporter decided that protecting people was much more important.

Sensor (BTSC with the Healer) – The sensor can sense others with abilities.

Elementals: Can be recruited by either the Masterminds or the Defenders. If recruited, wins with that team. If not, wins by being the last ones standing.

Gust and Quake are ineffective against each other as are Pyro and Hydro. If Pyro and Gust fight Pyro is snuffed out and loses. If Quake and Hydro go at it, Hydro drowns quake.

Fire (Pyro) (BTSC with Hydro) – Pyro is the sibling of Hydro. The two act as a sort of yin and yang pair. Pyro has the ability to manipulate fire in any form. Has a vendetta against Gust as Gust’s wind always snuffs out Pyro’s flame.

Water (Hydro) (BTSC with Pyro) – Sibling of Pyro. Hydro can control water in any form.

Air (Gust) – Gust is the master of the air. Not very strong physically, however when the winds start blowing any foe is up for a fight, especially Pyro.

Earth (Quake) – The bully of the elementals. Quake controls the Earth’s seismic activities. Quake never learned to swim and hates Hydro who seems to like to rain on his parade…literally.

Independent: Wins if it is the last one standing

Mimic – The mimic can copy anything it sees… anything.

Night/Day cycle:

Works as usual. 24 hours per day/night. 36 will be allowed for night 1 to receive all confirmations. As always, if all PMs are received/votes are cast in a landslide, cutoffs could be sooner.

Outing roles:

Any investigation role must not publicly reveal the information they know . Information can, of course, be shared amongst those with BTSC if they have it. Nor shall any player out himself or herself. Penalties will be dealt including but not limited to, loss of action, loss of ability to vote and lower ability success rate.

Hosts: Impervious and Izzy

Roster (nicknames in parenthesis)

1)reaymond (reay)

2)Twin Pop (TP)

3)Someguy (SG)

4)Lost in space (LIS)


6)star_tiger (ST)

7)Kathleen (Kat)

8)Joe’s Student (JS)

9)crazypainter (CP)

10)IDoNotExist (IDNE)

11)Social Darwin (SD)

12)Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13)Andromeda (CPB)

14)Frozen_in_fire (FIF)




2)limeliam (limey)

Night 1 ends in 36 hours from now. Please PM all night actions to Izzy.

Edited by Impervious
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Top Posters In This Topic

Hosts: Impervious and Izzy

Roster (nicknames in parenthesis)

1)reaymond (reay)

2)Twin Pop (TP)

3)Someguy (SG)

4)Lost in space (LIS)


6)star_tiger (ST)

7)Kathleen (Kat)

8)Joe’s Student (JS)

9)crazypainter (CP)

10)IDoNotExist (IDNE)

11)Social Darwin (SD)

12)Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13)Andromeda (CPB)

14)Frozen_in_fire (FIF)




2)limeliam (limey)

Hey at least im a backup :) *sneaks a peek at impervious and izzy* :unsure: i will give someone a hearty pat on the back if they dropout and let me play............... (no but really i want to play so anyone going to the starbucks "meeting" tommorow make sure to let us know ok?) Ill be waiting :D

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woon, I believe that the hosts are putting a link in their signature for sign ups. It took me a bit to catch on as well. I know LIS has a few up his sleeve so make sure you check out his sig from time to time.

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  crazypainter said:
woon, I believe that the hosts are putting a link in their signature for sign ups. It took me a bit to catch on as well. I know LIS has a few up his sleeve so make sure you check out his sig from time to time.

I get it now. Thanks CP. My mistake to miss everyone's signature. :blush:

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  Lost in space said:
Who has eye poking ability ?? do we blind it/hem/her in one go - or one eye each night??

Aah, the needle I always carry around has finally come in handy! ;) That had me laughing for quite a while...if only I wasn't in bio class :P

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  andromeda said:
I sent my PM in and I'm very excited :D

I hope everything goes well... reaymond stay out of my way *glares at reaymond* <_<

adrenalin is kicking off early again - hopefullly you get a free pass for the N1 nerves

  star_tiger said:
Aah, the needle I always carry around has finally come in handy! ;) That had me laughing for quite a while...if only I wasn't in bio class :P
- those claws no good then???

when is close of play (cycles)?

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Just so we all are on the same page...

Send your actions to for day or night to Izzy and if you have questions

send those to Impervious.

And As far as I know, we all have actions to send in each night right?

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  crazypainter said:
OK I LOVE that this is set in Los Angeles! The traffic is a killer! Let me know if you want any info for locations that would be great. OH, Angel's gate in San Pedro would so rock!
Looks like your powers are restricted, why not mimic the traffic cop and clear it, you could just be a mere natural. :D I have PM'd, everyone can not worry about N1, I have god like powers to stop all actions :lol: , including the host.

I think more information is needed for the elements - how to recruit and anything relevant. Unless I am missing it somewhere

Otherwise they may have to patiently wait thill the end :rolleyes:

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