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Brothers and sisters, it is time to stand united and strike a blow for making the world a better place! Let's identify all the little things that are wrong with the world and have a good rant about them, then maybe the Powers That Be will sit up and take notice (or perhaps not).

Like central locking systems on cars, for instance. Why is it that when you press the button to unlock it you hear the clunk telling you it's unlocked but if you don't wait another second before pulling on the door handle the door stays locked! Whats that all about? Is it some kind of punishment for being hasty? And washing machines, too. You've started a wash and then you decide to stop it and open the door (cos you left some tissues in the pocket of the trousers you're washing, say). That's what you want to do, so why do you have to wait 2 minutes before it will let you do it? Either it's full of water or it aint, and if it aint then what's the problem? Does the machine release little demons to help remove stains, and they need to be exorcised before opening the door so they don't get out and cause trouble?

And milk cartons that just glup milk all over themselves and you and the table instead of pouring it. How's that still possible in the 21st century?

Oh and don't get me started on bowls. What is it with bowls? I'm speaking of the crockery variety you use for soup or breakfast cereal or whatever. The point of a bowl is it's a receptacle for holding liquids, hence it needs to go up at the sides a bit more than, say, a plate would. How do the designers of bowls keep forgetting this fact? Either they make them with a tiny piddling little indentation in the middle so it holds nothing, or they have edges at the shallowest angle imaginable so you can't possibly move your bowl of soup from A to B without slopping it everywhere. Is this some great design principle? That we must suffer for our crockery in the name of elegance? How elegant can a person be with soup all over them?

...and breathe. Someone else's turn.

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Why are there only two days in a weekend? I mean, having three and four work/school days make things more even! Saturday, it's like "oh, the weekend, I can relaxt" and Sunday, you can finish up your homework and get to sleep in a bit...and then BAM it's back to work o.O Can't we have just ONE extra day to relax? *Specifically talks about school* It's not like we have our whole lives ahead of us to have free time, this is our childhood *well...teenage years but hey, same diff* so let us relax, and have free time, and enjoy our youth before we all get shipped off to some office job where we sit hunched over a computer for 10 hours...:(


Or for 12 hours like me...Luckily I have BD to keep my mind occupied at work :D


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You're lucky. At least you have time to relax. I have so much homework this weekend, I have to work constantly from Friday (started a few hours ago) to Sunday night. I usually have a lot, but this time it's just too ridiculous. For most of my classes it's fine, but my History teacher is insane. Not only did he assign a group project a couple days ago that's due next week (Monday for my group) but then today he said we had to read another chapter in our textbook, do the worksheet for it, along with an outline of it, and to top it all off, an essay! Not counting the project, that's a number of hours right there, and he didn't even give us class time to discuss with our group so we could decide on what we were each doing.

Ahhhh...been pissed about that all day. :P

Aww...I hope you survive the weekend and chillax afterwards. Just keep on thinking of the future laziness, that's what I do :)

This weekend is jammed pack for math for moi. 2 contests, 3 tests (I don't study for them, but they are still a bother), and the usual homework, not to mention that I have to work hard to beat all the guys in my grade <_< Good thing I happen to have a spare metal bat perfect for killing brain cells... *evil smile*

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<_< Good thing I happen to have a spare metal bat perfect for killing brain cells... *evil smile*

*Takes bat and replaces with a feather duster* Let's not be violent shall we? :3

Aw, I'm sorry Frost...that sucks o.O This is my easy semester...all I ever have is Geo homework...*realizes she should probably start that*

*Remembers something she's been meaning to rant about* Why does Microsoft word get mad at me when I spell it "C-O-L-O-U-R"? I mean, everyone who speaks English spells it that way except for American's...and yet they default it to that o.O I don't get it...*shakes head*

Also, why is High School so CLIQUE-ISH? I guess I'm classified as an "artistic", but I listen to some...less than cheerful music, and apparently now I'm qualified to be in the punk group...I mean, who makes these rules anyway? o.O Why can't I just be Kat: the musician with dark music tastes? Why must I be in some group with a bunch of either extremely full of themselves artists who talk about their work and the "inner meanings" or some heavy eyeliner and ripped shirt wearing girl? o.O I'm not allowed to just, be unique? It's horrible! I hate it! :mad:

*PHEW* I feel better :3


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You're lucky. At least you have time to relax. I have so much homework this weekend, I have to work constantly from Friday (started a few hours ago) to Sunday night. I usually have a lot, but this time it's just too ridiculous. For most of my classes it's fine, but my History teacher is insane. Not only did he assign a group project a couple days ago that's due next week (Monday for my group) but then today he said we had to read another chapter in our textbook, do the worksheet for it, along with an outline of it, and to top it all off, an essay! Not counting the project, that's a number of hours right there, and he didn't even give us class time to discuss with our group so we could decide on what we were each doing.

Ahhhh...been pissed about that all day. :P

I completely agree. In the UK, even kids in primary school get homework these days. And exams too. When I was a kid it wasn't like that. They should be out causing trouble! It's like all anybody cares about is trying to push you further and increase your performance in some measurable way. Presumably the state does this in the hope of making you into someone who can be of better service to the state. Your needs are not the priority. Being a well-rounded person? Having a full and happy life? It just doesn't enter into the equation.
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*Remembers something she's been meaning to rant about* Why does Microsoft word get mad at me when I spell it "C-O-L-O-U-R"? I mean, everyone who speaks English spells it that way except for American's...and yet they default it to that o.O I don't get it...*shakes head*
Everything involving computers assumes you're American by default. It's infuriating!

I hate being asked for my state and zip code if I'm filling in a form or something online. There are other countries in the world!

Also, why is High School so CLIQUE-ISH? I guess I'm classified as an "artistic", but I listen to some...less than cheerful music, and apparently now I'm qualified to be in the punk group...I mean, who makes these rules anyway? o.O Why can't I just be Kat: the musician with dark music tastes? Why must I be in some group with a bunch of either extremely full of themselves artists who talk about their work and the "inner meanings" or some heavy eyeliner and ripped shirt wearing girl? o.O I'm not allowed to just, be unique? It's horrible! I hate it! :mad:
This is also something I can't relate to from my school days, though I don't doubt it has now filtered over to the UK in some degree. IMHO that's American influence again. I find it quite bizarre (and degrading) that they have this tendency to pigeonhole everybody. I expect the really annoying thing about that is that if you don't want to be pigeonholed you end up making a deliberate effort not to fit any one category. Either way you compromise the nature of your own personality. :mad:
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Also, why is High School so CLIQUE-ISH? I guess I'm classified as an "artistic", but I listen to some...less than cheerful music, and apparently now I'm qualified to be in the punk group...I mean, who makes these rules anyway? o.O Why can't I just be Kat: the musician with dark music tastes? Why must I be in some group with a bunch of either extremely full of themselves artists who talk about their work and the "inner meanings" or some heavy eyeliner and ripped shirt wearing girl? o.O I'm not allowed to just, be unique? It's horrible! I hate it! :mad:


That's part of the high school experience *sighs* It took me 3 months to find a decent group to hang out with, but guess what that resulted in? People (a group that consists of sluts and jerks...no exaggeration) looking down upon moi for "hanging out with the wrong people". It's not too bad over here though (I feel for you, Kat :( ), but I guess it's just this new teenage way-of-life. Apparently, stereotypes got it right at your school <_<

I completely agree. In the UK, even kids in primary school get homework these days. And exams too. When I was a kid it wasn't like that. They should be out causing trouble! It's like all anybody cares about is trying to push you further and increase your performance in some measurable way. Presumably the state does this in the hope of making you into someone who can be of better service to the state. Your needs are not the priority. Being a well-rounded person? Having a full and happy life? It just doesn't enter into the equation.

Hmm, funny that you mentioned that. I know way back in my parent's time, education was hard to come across and my dad used to spend all his time in the fields (Cultural Revolution or something...took away his whole middle to high school years). He actually had to break into libraries to learn anything :lol: I guess the world keeps on going to extremes... -_-

Edited by star_tiger
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Hmm, funny that you mentioned that. I know way back in my parent's time, education was hard to come across and my dad used to spend all his time in the fields (Cultural Revolution or something...took away his whole middle to high school years). He actually had to break into libraries to learn anything :lol: I guess the world keeps on going to extremes... -_-
What everybody always seems to forget is that education isn't difficult. Kids are learning machines, everything they do is about learning (including misbehaviour). They shouldn't be denied education or force-fed it. How sad that schools have always failed miserably in that department.
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What everybody always seems to forget is that education isn't difficult. Kids are learning machines, everything they do is about learning (including misbehaviour). They shouldn't be denied education or force-fed it. How sad that schools have always failed miserably in that department.
We were force-fed to do homework and with 2 by 4's. We got beat up/spanked if we slacked off. I always did well with nobody bugging after me. ;)
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We were force-fed to do homework and with 2 by 4's. We got beat up/spanked if we slacked off. I always did well with nobody bugging after me. ;)

I can truthfully say that I'm spoiled at my school :P We don't get that much punishment, and the worse we get is going to school on a Saturday (which I did this morning willingly anyways :lol: ).

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Oooh...I just thought of something that really annoys me (And probably some of you too): When people quote really long posts.

They aren't meant to be quoted! If you're referencing something in particular, delete what you aren't referencing. And if you're just commenting on it in general, don't even quote it. It's bad enough having to scroll through it once (which isn't as bad if you're reading it), but I DO NOT want to have to scroll through the same 132 lines of text multiple times! This especially relates to a few times with games of mafia. Never, ever quote the rules, roles, or intro or any of the stories that are told (except maybe a short paragraph or a role description), especially if you're only saying "Wow, that was an awesome Intro!" It wastes others' time, and is completely unnecessary. People know what you're referring to if you mention the Intro. You don't need to quote the entire thing.

Thank You. <_<

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All of these "high school rants" do not define my high school at all... maybe they do for the junior high or even freshman, but for older grades, all lines are blurred. There are no "groups" or "cliques" and everyone just grows up. Usually it happens before high school (at least in my area). Actually my whole area is surprisingly friendly lol, save for a few jack@sses

About Frost's post: yeah I totally agree - it's not really annoying to me to scroll past it, but what is annoying is that most people know it's courtesy to not quote big posts, but do it anyway

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All of these "high school rants" do not define my high school at all... maybe they do for the junior high or even freshman, but for older grades, all lines are blurred. There are no "groups" or "cliques" and everyone just grows up. Usually it happens before high school (at least in my area). Actually my whole area is surprisingly friendly lol, save for a few jack@sses

Wow...lucky...I always thought they were tv stereotypes and that I'd go into High School and it wouldn't be so bad...it totally was o.O Everyone is cold shouldered to anyone they don't know, and its almost impossible to break through the tight bonds of years of friendship...I knew *drumroll* four entire people in my grade when I started, it was hard to find any real friends who actually let you in on anything...*sigh* I wanna go back to private school :( STAR take me with you please!


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Oooh...I just thought of something that really annoys me (And probably some of you too): When people quote really long posts.

They aren't meant to be quoted! If you're referencing something in particular, delete what you aren't referencing. And if you're just commenting on it in general, don't even quote it. It's bad enough having to scroll through it once (which isn't as bad if you're reading it), but I DO NOT want to have to scroll through the same 132 lines of text multiple times! This especially relates to a few times with games of mafia. Never, ever quote the rules, roles, or intro or any of the stories that are told (except maybe a short paragraph or a role description), especially if you're only saying "Wow, that was an awesome Intro!" It wastes others' time, and is completely unnecessary. People know what you're referring to if you mention the Intro. You don't need to quote the entire thing.

Thank You. <_<

I hate it when I have to scroll through long quotes too... suggestion for those that quote long posts - put them in a spoiler ;)

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All of these "high school rants" do not define my high school at all... maybe they do for the junior high or even freshman, but for older grades, all lines are blurred. There are no "groups" or "cliques" and everyone just grows up. Usually it happens before high school (at least in my area). Actually my whole area is surprisingly friendly lol, save for a few jack@sses

As I said before, my school isn't that bad. There's just two major groups: the mixed one and the sluts/jerks one :) In the mixed one, it's pretty nice. Sure there's little groups in it, but we can still mingle. On the other hand, the second group... *pictures shooting them with machine guns*

Wow...lucky...I always thought they were tv stereotypes and that I'd go into High School and it wouldn't be so bad...it totally was o.O Everyone is cold shouldered to anyone they don't know, and its almost impossible to break through the tight bonds of years of friendship...I knew *drumroll* four entire people in my grade when I started, it was hard to find any real friends who actually let you in on anything...*sigh* I wanna go back to private school :( STAR take me with you please!

:lol: , when I moved to my high school, I did know quite a few of the people, but that doesn't mean I liked any of them :P Luckily, I found some pretty nice people, so all is well. If you are bothered by those cold-shouldering idiots, I could always lend you my machine gun :D

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All of these "high school rants" do not define my high school at all... maybe they do for the junior high or even freshman, but for older grades, all lines are blurred. There are no "groups" or "cliques" and everyone just grows up. Usually it happens before high school (at least in my area). Actually my whole area is surprisingly friendly lol, save for a few jack@sses

Haha...yeah, same here. But I guess that's what happens when you go to a high school in a small town. :P

I hate it when I have to scroll through long quotes too... suggestion for those that quote long posts - put them in a spoiler ;)

Either that or delete most of the middle and just put ... or as I mentioned, select the part you're referencing only.

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Haha...yeah, same here. But I guess that's what happens when you go to a high school in a small town. :P

Gawd, no one has heard of MY town...it's in a rich part of Ontario, so a lot of people here are REALLY stuck up <_< Especially at private school...glad I'm out of it sometimes...and sometimes I'm not *because people in public school don't have a reason to be so cold*


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Gawd, no one has heard of MY town...it's in a rich part of Ontario, so a lot of people here are REALLY stuck up <_< Especially at private school...glad I'm out of it sometimes...and sometimes I'm not *because people in public school don't have a reason to be so cold*

really? I find that public school people stick their noses up at private school people. My high school ain't so bad, other than the occasional stuck-up person. It really peeves me off how some people brag about their money. So, who cares that for your birthday you get to go to Florida? <_< They can have a lot of money, but that's easily lost. Brains are so much more important :D

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I must be on a role. If you have ever had a rotten boss or bosses then, this may be your rant.

Why do you always wait just before the end of my day to give more work? It will only be less productive as I'm trying to go home. :P

Why do you keep crabbing all the time like pms syndrome? It goes in one ear and out the other, after all of these times. :P

Why do you try to make yourselves look good in front of your superior? You act like a clown, when he's not around. :P

Why is it if, we don't get a raise, then you get a nice bonus? You are ignorant, greedy, sloppy and I can go on. :P

Why do you disguise the fact that you are lazy? The truth is obviously out in the open. :P

Why must you show favourtism and predjudice. To match your other disgusting qualities!!! :P

I can go on for an hour more though, it's time for dinner.

Edited by akaslickster
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In response to all the high-school posts: I'm only in the 7th grade, so I can't relate yet, but I do have somewhat of a remedy. My friends are pretty much the people I didn't scare off. :P We're weird, we acknowledge that, and it's awesome. A typical lunchtime discussion would involve one of my friends spazzing out about Ronald Reagan and another threatening to stab her Granny to death with a taco shell. (Her own Granny, not the Granny of the one spazzing out.)

Rant Time: What I hate about school is that, since there are a few people in my math class who just can't keep up, the rest of us have to go at their pace. I mean, there's a reason we're on the Prep Team (that's advanced classes, btw)! It's so we can work at a faster pace! And I'm even taking the lowest level of advanced math. We take Pre-Algebra while most of the other people are taking Algebra. I really can't wrap my brain around how some of these people got into advanced classes.

I'm not trying to sound stuck-up - it was the same last year when I wasn't in advanced, but I just kind of expected something different from these supposedly-smarter kids. Some of my friends not on the Prep Team are smarter than some of these kids, IMO!

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In response to all the high-school posts: I'm only in the 7th grade, so I can't relate yet, but I do have somewhat of a remedy. My friends are pretty much the people I didn't scare off. :P We're weird, we acknowledge that, and it's awesome. A typical lunchtime discussion would involve one of my friends spazzing out about Ronald Reagan and another threatening to stab her Granny to death with a taco shell. (Her own Granny, not the Granny of the one spazzing out.)

o.O That's interesting...XD

Rant Time: What I hate about school is that, since there are a few people in my math class who just can't keep up, the rest of us have to go at their pace. I mean, there's a reason we're on the Prep Team (that's advanced classes, btw)! It's so we can work at a faster pace! And I'm even taking the lowest level of advanced math. We take Pre-Algebra while most of the other people are taking Algebra. I really can't wrap my brain around how some of these people got into advanced classes.

I'm not trying to sound stuck-up - it was the same last year when I wasn't in advanced, but I just kind of expected something different from these supposedly-smarter kids. Some of my friends not on the Prep Team are smarter than some of these kids, IMO!

On a related note:

Ok, I do realize I came out of Private school and I'm bound to be a bit more ahead of kids in my grade, but I am honestly done all the work for my computer class for the next two weeks...and there are people who haven't even gotten a quarter of the way there o.O In science, we're reviewing Volume and Density *yawn*, in Geography, we're doing the exact same unit as we did last year: bottom line; it's all REVIEW! For ALL schools! So why are there people who just can't do the work? Who choose not to, or who just can't work through it? I mean, we all know this, and yet the teachers look at me like I'm some machine programed to finish everything three times as fast...when I know the rest of my classmates are capable of that as well...<_< I'll just wait till I get into gifted classes...then I won't feel like some schoolwork freak o.O


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I just hate it when people go omg it him when you don't even know then. i mean, how weird is that. They go OMG OMG OMG just like that! Its sooooo annoying!



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o.O That's interesting...XD

Yeah...the friend who spazzes out about Ronald Reagan is the same one who is obsessed with 'Hot Peter'. She was psyched today when I told her Ronald Reagan has the same blood type as her (She's hoping to inject a vial of his blood into herself so they can be 'related') She also wants world domination (for the good of the economy, of course). I could tell many, many more stories about my friends....that's just one story about one friend. I've got dozens about dozens. :)

On a related note:

Ok, I do realize I came out of Private school and I'm bound to be a bit more ahead of kids in my grade, but I am honestly done all the work for my computer class for the next two weeks...and there are people who haven't even gotten a quarter of the way there o.O In science, we're reviewing Volume and Density *yawn*, in Geography, we're doing the exact same unit as we did last year: bottom line; it's all REVIEW! For ALL schools! So why are there people who just can't do the work? Who choose not to, or who just can't work through it? I mean, we all know this, and yet the teachers look at me like I'm some machine programed to finish everything three times as fast...when I know the rest of my classmates are capable of that as well...<_< I'll just wait till I get into gifted classes...then I won't feel like some schoolwork freak o.O


I felt exactly the same way last year! We had been doing the same math for 3 years, and there were still kids who didn't get it! And same with how ahead I am - I finish much faster than the rest of my classmates, but do they ask me for help? No, they snatch my paper and copy it! Um...hello? What are you going to do when AIMS rolls around?

For those of you who don't live in Arizona, AIMS stands for Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards. It's basically the really big test we have at the end of the year over Math and Language. It's in every state (don't know about country?), just called something different. I know in Massachussetts it's called MCAS...don't know about overseas or Canada. ;)

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For those of you who don't live in Arizona, AIMS stands for Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards. It's basically the really big test we have at the end of the year over Math and Language. It's in every state (don't know about country?), just called something different. I know in Massachussetts it's called MCAS...don't know about overseas or Canada. ;)

Erm...they're CTBS tests here *Canadian Tests of Basic Skills*


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OK this is a very different rant to the current ones being discussed...

ok well i dont know how many of you know of this but currently i dont think the world likes the eastern side of australia..

before i start i am just going to post a map for those of you who are not familiar with the land down under


Lets start from the top.

The top of australia is currently expecting/experiencing cyclones and terrible storms.

at last check, 60% of Queensland was under flood. And still more rain keeps coming...

In the middle, NSW has not experienced much, but they did have a week of extreme tempretures (40-45 degrees celcius) and then the next day after the highest tempreture it dropped to 23 degrees and rained. Now, a day after the drop, it has hailed and stormed serverly.

Down in Victoria, it is the worst. I am sure some of you have heard this piece of news.

Victoria experencied, and still is, almost the worst bushfires in the history of Australia. 173 people have died and that toll is still rising, its expected to reach 300. Many more people are homeless, burnt, injured and have lost people and animals dear to them.

Bushfires are still raging and most are not expected to be under control for 3 weeks...

The worst bit is that they say the fire may of been lit on purpose.

here are some links to new pieces and maps to read more about it.

Map of Fires & Deathtoll

The Latest News Article

So My Rant is about the weather and how unfair it can be. But we only have ourselves to blame really, we created global warming which in turn has affected the weather.

(if anyone wants anymore information about any of this post just message me. Or message me if you want to donate to help the survivours of the fires)

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