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Brothers and sisters, it is time to stand united and strike a blow for making the world a better place! Let's identify all the little things that are wrong with the world and have a good rant about them, then maybe the Powers That Be will sit up and take notice (or perhaps not).

Like central locking systems on cars, for instance. Why is it that when you press the button to unlock it you hear the clunk telling you it's unlocked but if you don't wait another second before pulling on the door handle the door stays locked! Whats that all about? Is it some kind of punishment for being hasty? And washing machines, too. You've started a wash and then you decide to stop it and open the door (cos you left some tissues in the pocket of the trousers you're washing, say). That's what you want to do, so why do you have to wait 2 minutes before it will let you do it? Either it's full of water or it aint, and if it aint then what's the problem? Does the machine release little demons to help remove stains, and they need to be exorcised before opening the door so they don't get out and cause trouble?

And milk cartons that just glup milk all over themselves and you and the table instead of pouring it. How's that still possible in the 21st century?

Oh and don't get me started on bowls. What is it with bowls? I'm speaking of the crockery variety you use for soup or breakfast cereal or whatever. The point of a bowl is it's a receptacle for holding liquids, hence it needs to go up at the sides a bit more than, say, a plate would. How do the designers of bowls keep forgetting this fact? Either they make them with a tiny piddling little indentation in the middle so it holds nothing, or they have edges at the shallowest angle imaginable so you can't possibly move your bowl of soup from A to B without slopping it everywhere. Is this some great design principle? That we must suffer for our crockery in the name of elegance? How elegant can a person be with soup all over them?

...and breathe. Someone else's turn.

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OK. Here goes:

Now that Bush has moved out of the White House, can we all please return to the correct pronunciations of "Iran" and "Iraq"? And, while we're at it, can everybody please stop saying "ant-eye", "mult-eye", and "quas-eye"? And what's an "Eye-talian"? Where's Eye-taly?

*salute* Aye-aye, Cap'n D3k3! ;)

You forgot my personal fave: "Newk ya lur"

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Fricking politicians who try to convince you that they are all that and wind up to be a stab in your back.

I have been through 3 IL state govenors, 2 who have served jail time, who failed to be righteous. SHAME on all of you. Hence why I'm here in AZ. :P

I for one, may never appreciate a politician , ever again. :mad:

Edited by akaslickster
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:huh: Like anyone is going to join your church because you stuck a flyer on their car... <_<
Lol, that reminds me of something I really miss about England. The posters outside churches, with lines like "Bad hair day?! You're a virgin, you've just given birth, and now three kings have shown up." or "Body-piercing? Jesus had his done 2000 years ago." For those who don't know England too well, the Church of England is what we have instead of religion, bless 'em. It's a pretty good system: they do christenings, weddings and funerals and nobody in their right mind would expect you to turn up in between times. But they keep on thinking they might get more bums on pews if they can be a bit more "with it". So their posters invariably try to associate the church with what they perceive to be some trendy aspect of modern life, so we can all see how hip and down with the kids they are. They fail so much it's hilarious. My only gripe is that I can't seem to find any prime examples of this online, so if anybody out there still living in Little England would be so kind as to photograph or transcribe what's on display outside their village church I would be much obliged. I do miss them :(
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Fricking politicians who try to convince you that they are all that and wind up to be a stab in your back.

I have been through 3 IL state govenors, 2 who have served jail time, who failed to be righteous. SHAME on all of you. Hence why I'm here in AZ. :P

I for one, may never appreciate a politician , ever again. :mad:

I was listening to the radio this morning and they played a clip of Obama saying 'I screwed up'. Wow........the US isn't doing it's best....why are we the ones paying the d*** taxes when the government isn't!?!?

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Lol, that reminds me of something I really miss about England. The posters outside churches, with lines like "Bad hair day?! You're a virgin, you've just given birth, and now three kings have shown up." or "Body-piercing? Jesus had his done 2000 years ago." For those who don't know England too well, the Church of England is what we have instead of religion, bless 'em. It's a pretty good system: they do christenings, weddings and funerals and nobody in their right mind would expect you to turn up in between times. But they keep on thinking they might get more bums on pews if they can be a bit more "with it". So their posters invariably try to associate the church with what they perceive to be some trendy aspect of modern life, so we can all see how hip and down with the kids they are. They fail so much it's hilarious. My only gripe is that I can't seem to find any prime examples of this online, so if anybody out there still living in Little England would be so kind as to photograph or transcribe what's on display outside their village church I would be much obliged. I do miss them :(

:lol: , the churches near me are not half as amusing as that. In fact, it seems to me that the churches don't want kids to come. Every Sunday, they have this very, very embarrassing band clad in cliche weird-green suits, who march around the church. Not much of a kids-come-here advertisement... ;)

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Lol, that reminds me of something I really miss about England. The posters outside churches, with lines like "Bad hair day?! You're a virgin, you've just given birth, and now three kings have shown up." or "Body-piercing? Jesus had his done 2000 years ago." ...(later)... I do miss them :(

lol - that just made me laugh out loud. HAHA!! :P

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Lol, that reminds me of something I really miss about England. The posters outside churches, with lines like "Bad hair day?! You're a virgin, you've just given birth, and now three kings have shown up." or "Body-piercing? Jesus had his done 2000 years ago." For those who don't know England too well, the Church of England is what we have instead of religion, bless 'em. It's a pretty good system: they do christenings, weddings and funerals and nobody in their right mind would expect you to turn up in between times. But they keep on thinking they might get more bums on pews if they can be a bit more "with it". So their posters invariably try to associate the church with what they perceive to be some trendy aspect of modern life, so we can all see how hip and down with the kids they are. They fail so much it's hilarious. My only gripe is that I can't seem to find any prime examples of this online, so if anybody out there still living in Little England would be so kind as to photograph or transcribe what's on display outside their village church I would be much obliged. I do miss them :(

Octopuppy, your examples are so much better than the church signs I see here, in the US South! But here are some I've seen or heard of, grouped in general categories:

--general get-you-in-the-door--

A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing

Sign broken. Come inside for message

Happy hour here every Sunday

--modern life association--

Jesus died for "My Space" in heaven

"Get out of Facebook and into My Book" ~God

Lost? Try GPS (God's Plan of Salvation)

Prayer: wireless access to God with no roaming fee

--ours is the only way--

Prevent truth decay: Brush up on your Bible

A free thinker is Satan's slave

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out

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Octopuppy, your examples are so much better than the church signs I see here, in the US South! But here are some I've seen or heard of, grouped in general categories:

--general get-you-in-the-door--

A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing

Sign broken. Come inside for message

Happy hour here every Sunday

--modern life association--

Jesus died for "My Space" in heaven

"Get out of Facebook and into My Book" ~God

Lost? Try GPS (God's Plan of Salvation)

Prayer: wireless access to God with no roaming fee

--ours is the only way--

Prevent truth decay: Brush up on your Bible

A free thinker is Satan's slave

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out

I laughed for about 2 minutes solid at that "A free thinker is Satan's slave". It makes me want to be Satan's slave :lol:

Oh but those modern life association ones are what I'm talking about, very C of E those are. The desperation to seem relevant in the modern world is just palpable. Any old new bandwagon will do.

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:lol: , that's great, CL! I love the "ours is the only way" category, quickly followed by "modern day associations". I think I was giggling a bit too much though... :P Edited by star_tiger
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Lol, that reminds me of something I really miss about England. The posters outside churches, with lines like "Bad hair day?! You're a virgin, you've just given birth, and now three kings have shown up." or "Body-piercing? Jesus had his done 2000 years ago." For those who don't know England too well, the Church of England is what we have instead of religion, bless 'em. It's a pretty good system: they do christenings, weddings and funerals and nobody in their right mind would expect you to turn up in between times. But they keep on thinking they might get more bums on pews if they can be a bit more "with it". So their posters invariably try to associate the church with what they perceive to be some trendy aspect of modern life, so we can all see how hip and down with the kids they are. They fail so much it's hilarious. My only gripe is that I can't seem to find any prime examples of this online, so if anybody out there still living in Little England would be so kind as to photograph or transcribe what's on display outside their village church I would be much obliged. I do miss them :(

Not really what you're looking for, but while we're on the topic -- I can't quite remember the exact wording, but I do clearly recall spitting coffee all over the windshield and nearly driving into the ditch. The sign read "Submit and let Him inside you."

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I laughed for about 2 minutes solid at that "A free thinker is Satan's slave". It makes me want to be Satan's slave :lol:

Really? I mean, that one's good, but I thought I'd saved the best for last. ("If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out" is my personal fave)

Not really what you're looking for, but while we're on the topic -- I can't quite remember the exact wording, but I do clearly recall spitting coffee all over the windshield and nearly driving into the ditch. The sign read "Submit and let Him inside you."
Yeah, I have a whole bunch in the "double entendre" category, but decided against posting them. (but since you brought it up, here's a good one: the most powerful position is on your knees)


Now, back to ranting. Why is it that when I'm really peeved about something, there's no appropriate outlet for my ranting? Or no one around who actually wants to listen. Now octopuppy has this great thread, and I've been too happy with my life to find anything truly rant-worthy. What poor timing this is! C'mon world: just try to cross me today! Are you scared because you know I can post to let off steam? Are you waiting until this thread dies to get on my nerves? Chicken!

Edited by Cherry Lane
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Now, back to ranting. Why is it that when I'm really peeved about something, there's no appropriate outlet for my ranting? Or no one around who actually wants to listen. Now octopuppy has this great thread, and I've been too happy with my life to find anything truly rant-worthy. What poor timing this is! C'mon world: just try to cross me today! Are you scared because you know I can post to let off steam? Are you waiting until this thread dies to get on my nerves? Chicken!
I share your frustration. It seems that now, all is well with the world. I wasn't expecting this topic to have that effect quite so quickly. Perhaps the Powers That Be are quicker on the uptake than I thought. It just goes to show, they are always watching.
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It's strange, but I've experienced the same thing. I'm desperately trying to dredge up any ill will from the past for a good rant because I'm finding that what little was bothering me has been addressed already. Who stole my angst??!!

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:( *forlorn*

Where's all the hate gone?

Funny lolz like that have killed it. I'm going to attempt to pay attention to my work for once and see if that can get me fired up somehow.

*stares at spreadsheets and incomplete reports trying to summon up the h8* :angry:

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Funny lolz like that have killed it. I'm going to attempt to pay attention to my work for once and see if that can get me fired up somehow.

*stares at spreadsheets and incomplete reports trying to summon up the h8* :angry:

Or if you can't get fired up, you could try not paying attention to your work and see if that gets you fired.
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Or if you can't get fired up, you could try not paying attention to your work and see if that gets you fired.

HA! Thanks for the rant topic! We don't fire ANYONE! The company I work for is rife with nepotism, and no amount of ineptitude, rule-breaking, or general uselessness can seem to get rid of anyone. On the contrary, the only real way to leave the company is by going above and beyond, getting yourself noticed by a customer and/or competitor and getting a better offer!

The net product of this is that we are left with a bunch of lazy half-wits that you can't discipline because they're the boss's daughters' ex-boyfriend or someone from the owner's bowling league that isn't even quallified for the job! In the mean time, anyone else who might have been worth a darn has moved on to greener pastures. I'm just biding my time until an offer comes my way, I guess.

Heck! Repeated illegal drug use and/or wrecking company vehicles while intoxicated won't even get you fired! The powers-that-be just won't enforce(or allow their supervisors to enforce) the rules that they have put forth. The only seeming justfication for this decision is that they don't want to be bothered to train a new guy.

I say take advantage of the REDICULOUS unemployment rate and find some quality applicants that WANT to work! We're just about the only company experiencing growth in this economy, so why not take advantage and cull the crappy help??

But what do I know? I just answer phones all day <_<

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The net product of this is that we are left with a bunch of lazy half-wits that you can't discipline because they're the boss's daughters' ex-boyfriend or someone from the owner's bowling league that isn't even quallified for the job! In the mean time, anyone else who might have been worth a darn has moved on to greener pastures. I'm just biding my time until an offer comes my way, I guess.

Usually I don't have to deal with all of you guys' problems (although my time is coming :( ), but I feel really angry towards those people who made it into good schools and universities through the "backdoor", as my dad used to call it :P . Just because they happen to have a whole lot of money and some connections doesn't mean that they should have a priority over other more intellectual people who worked till their brains melted to keep their grades up and have an impressive resume. <_<

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Why are there only two days in a weekend? I mean, having three and four work/school days make things more even! Saturday, it's like "oh, the weekend, I can relaxt" and Sunday, you can finish up your homework and get to sleep in a bit...and then BAM it's back to work o.O Can't we have just ONE extra day to relax? *Specifically talks about school* It's not like we have our whole lives ahead of us to have free time, this is our childhood *well...teenage years but hey, same diff* so let us relax, and have free time, and enjoy our youth before we all get shipped off to some office job where we sit hunched over a computer for 10 hours...:(


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Why are there only two days in a weekend? I mean, having three and four work/school days make things more even! Saturday, it's like "oh, the weekend, I can relaxt" and Sunday, you can finish up your homework and get to sleep in a bit...and then BAM it's back to work o.O Can't we have just ONE extra day to relax? *Specifically talks about school* It's not like we have our whole lives ahead of us to have free time, this is our childhood *well...teenage years but hey, same diff* so let us relax, and have free time, and enjoy our youth before we all get shipped off to some office job where we sit hunched over a computer for 10 hours...:(


And at resterants where we'll be serving food while we're STILL in school - and then you add SATURDAY CLASSES!!!

grrrr......... x-( :angry:

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Why are there only two days in a weekend? I mean, having three and four work/school days make things more even! Saturday, it's like "oh, the weekend, I can relaxt" and Sunday, you can finish up your homework and get to sleep in a bit...and then BAM it's back to work o.O Can't we have just ONE extra day to relax? *Specifically talks about school* It's not like we have our whole lives ahead of us to have free time, this is our childhood *well...teenage years but hey, same diff* so let us relax, and have free time, and enjoy our youth before we all get shipped off to some office job where we sit hunched over a computer for 10 hours...:(


You're lucky. At least you have time to relax. I have so much homework this weekend, I have to work constantly from Friday (started a few hours ago) to Sunday night. I usually have a lot, but this time it's just too ridiculous. For most of my classes it's fine, but my History teacher is insane. Not only did he assign a group project a couple days ago that's due next week (Monday for my group) but then today he said we had to read another chapter in our textbook, do the worksheet for it, along with an outline of it, and to top it all off, an essay! Not counting the project, that's a number of hours right there, and he didn't even give us class time to discuss with our group so we could decide on what we were each doing.

Ahhhh...been pissed about that all day. :P

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Why are there only two days in a weekend? I mean, having three and four work/school days make things more even! Saturday, it's like "oh, the weekend, I can relaxt" and Sunday, you can finish up your homework and get to sleep in a bit...and then BAM it's back to work o.O Can't we have just ONE extra day to relax? *Specifically talks about school* It's not like we have our whole lives ahead of us to have free time, this is our childhood *well...teenage years but hey, same diff* so let us relax, and have free time, and enjoy our youth before we all get shipped off to some office job where we sit hunched over a computer for 10 hours...:(


:lol: , I myself don't mind it that much. Killing a day off a week doesn't sound a lot, but in the big picture, that's like losing a year of education. In my opinion, 2 days is the perfect weekend length (plus Friday night, so it's all good :) ). Plus, you can still have a social and relaxing childhood. That's what after schools are for ;) (especially since your school ends at like...2? :P) Msn-ing, emailing, pretending to do homework, and above all, BD-ing :D

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