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Brothers and sisters, it is time to stand united and strike a blow for making the world a better place! Let's identify all the little things that are wrong with the world and have a good rant about them, then maybe the Powers That Be will sit up and take notice (or perhaps not).

Like central locking systems on cars, for instance. Why is it that when you press the button to unlock it you hear the clunk telling you it's unlocked but if you don't wait another second before pulling on the door handle the door stays locked! Whats that all about? Is it some kind of punishment for being hasty? And washing machines, too. You've started a wash and then you decide to stop it and open the door (cos you left some tissues in the pocket of the trousers you're washing, say). That's what you want to do, so why do you have to wait 2 minutes before it will let you do it? Either it's full of water or it aint, and if it aint then what's the problem? Does the machine release little demons to help remove stains, and they need to be exorcised before opening the door so they don't get out and cause trouble?

And milk cartons that just glup milk all over themselves and you and the table instead of pouring it. How's that still possible in the 21st century?

Oh and don't get me started on bowls. What is it with bowls? I'm speaking of the crockery variety you use for soup or breakfast cereal or whatever. The point of a bowl is it's a receptacle for holding liquids, hence it needs to go up at the sides a bit more than, say, a plate would. How do the designers of bowls keep forgetting this fact? Either they make them with a tiny piddling little indentation in the middle so it holds nothing, or they have edges at the shallowest angle imaginable so you can't possibly move your bowl of soup from A to B without slopping it everywhere. Is this some great design principle? That we must suffer for our crockery in the name of elegance? How elegant can a person be with soup all over them?

...and breathe. Someone else's turn.

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Again on the subject of school:

Snow days are a LIE!!!! My friends down in Washington get a day off if it snows a foot. But nooooo..... Here in Alaska, we get 4 feet of snow, and we are forced to tunnel our way though it to get to school. People might say, "But it snows a lot down there normally." The day we got the four feet of snow, two powerlines were broken by the weight of the snow and the entire school lost power for the day. But this didn't stop the school district, we were forced to spend 6 hours sitting in a pitch black classroom doing almost NOTHING! The only entertainment I found was watching snow fall 40 feet off the top of the school and land on the ground below. <_<

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I know it's for safety, but my mom's car has this constant beeping noise if every seatbelt in the car isn't buckeled. I mean it's common sense to buckle up if your going to drive! It beeps even if its just my back-up sitting there or my favorite, it'll beep when no one's sitting there. And its not a quiet monotone beep, its the one that goes off it someones trying to break in.

Oh, has anyone ever noticed on some of the waterbottles that say bottled at the spring and then on the back it says reverse osmosis? It's just purified tap water.

AArrghh i hate those ads where they lie, omg omg omg LiARS LIARS OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OM GOMG OM GOM GOMG OMGOMG OGMGOGMOGMGGOGMGO @)#$(&)($@&%$))@#$@#$*@#$*@#$&@*#$&

thanks for the topic, octo puppy @_@

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Again on the subject of school:

Snow days are a LIE!!!! My friends down in Washington get a day off if it snows a foot. But nooooo..... Here in Alaska, we get 4 feet of snow, and we are forced to tunnel our way though it to get to school. People might say, "But it snows a lot down there normally." The day we got the four feet of snow, two powerlines were broken by the weight of the snow and the entire school lost power for the day. But this didn't stop the school district, we were forced to spend 6 hours sitting in a pitch black classroom doing almost NOTHING! The only entertainment I found was watching snow fall 40 feet off the top of the school and land on the ground below. <_<

Dude, I feel your pain >.< Why do I live in Canada again? *Sigh* Snow fails in every way...DX Please...RMZ...take me to California!


Edit: Realized the person who posted above me is from California XD

Edited by Kathleen
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Again on the subject of school:

Snow days are a LIE!!!! My friends down in Washington get a day off if it snows a foot. But nooooo..... Here in Alaska, we get 4 feet of snow, and we are forced to tunnel our way though it to get to school. People might say, "But it snows a lot down there normally." The day we got the four feet of snow, two powerlines were broken by the weight of the snow and the entire school lost power for the day. But this didn't stop the school district, we were forced to spend 6 hours sitting in a pitch black classroom doing almost NOTHING! The only entertainment I found was watching snow fall 40 feet off the top of the school and land on the ground below. <_<

I feel for you, RT... :( Let's all move into Impy's and RMZ's houses in Cali!!!

On another subject of school:

On Friday, we had yet ANOTHER lockdown practice! We were condemned to sitting in the dark under tables that are pleasantly stuck with gum below them, while not being able to do anything. NOTHING FOR ONE FREAKING HOUR. We can't even talk!!! Seriously, who needs practice in being quiet? It's just turning off the light and huddling in the corner. We don't need a practice every month that lasts for an hour, maybe even two. Plus, what are the chances of a murderer coming into the school and deciding to kill off students for fun? Even if that happened, the guy could break the window, open the door, and open-fire. Not much resistance...grr...

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I feel for you, RT... :( Let's all move into Impy's and RMZ's houses in Cali!!!

On another subject of school:

On Friday, we had yet ANOTHER lockdown practice! We were condemned to sitting in the dark under tables that are pleasantly stuck with gum below them, while not being able to do anything. NOTHING FOR ONE FREAKING HOUR. We can't even talk!!! Seriously, who needs practice in being quiet? It's just turning off the light and huddling in the corner. We don't need a practice every month that lasts for an hour, maybe even two. Plus, what are the chances of a murderer coming into the school and deciding to kill off students for fun? Even if that happened, the guy could break the window, open the door, and open-fire. Not much resistance...grr...

Lockdowns fail...especially real ones o.O I had one in...October I think...an hour and a half on a Friday, hiding under desks and wondering what in the name of Starclan was happening outside...turns out some guy with a gun was threatening some student...he ran off when the police came, and was arrested two days later...scary looking guy too o.O But my point is, they DO happen, so it's important to practice :)


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On Friday, we had yet ANOTHER lockdown practice! We were condemned to sitting in the dark under tables that are pleasantly stuck with gum below them, while not being able to do anything. NOTHING FOR ONE FREAKING HOUR. We can't even talk!!! Seriously, who needs practice in being quiet? It's just turning off the light and huddling in the corner. We don't need a practice every month that lasts for an hour, maybe even two. Plus, what are the chances of a murderer coming into the school and deciding to kill off students for fun? Even if that happened, the guy could break the window, open the door, and open-fire. Not much resistance...grr...




You do hiding under the desk in the dark practice at school? For an hour? So you can all be ready to huddle in terror when some nutcase decides to shoot the place up?

That's quite an eye-opener. They really want you to live in fear, don't they?

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This one goes out to all of the idiot drivers, who create accidents or just don't belong on the road. People change their minds at the last minute and almost cause an accident or sometimes do. I was cut-off from making a turn as the one across from me in the turning lane had changed her mind at the last second and switched lanes in front of me. Some old folks drive too slow and can be dangerous. Drunks and dopers are the worst and they don't care because they are high and won't even feel any pain.

This message is to all who do not obey the rules. GET A LIFE & STAY OFF OF THE ROAD!!! :mad:

OOH road rants! :D

Here in Italy dangerous driving is the national pastime, but what really gets my goat is when people cut corners. Say you're coming up to a T-junction (on the minor road), every so often you have to slam on your brakes before you reach the junction because some muppet turning left off the major road has decided to swing through your lane thereby setting themselves up for a head-on collision because they never bothered to look and see you coming. But this being Italy people take it to extremes. Near where I live there's a T-junction which (as you approach from the minor road) has a small open area to the right for parking. So some people swerve right through the parking area plus your lane as they cut the corner. These idiots thoroughly deserve the premature death that they have coming, alas the people they take with them may not do.

Although in the UK we have a special brand of stupidity. In Stoke On Trent I once saw a car in front of me miss their junction, then stop and reverse to get back to it... on a roundabout! :lol:

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You do hiding under the desk in the dark practice at school? For an hour? So you can all be ready to huddle in terror when some nutcase decides to shoot the place up?

That's quite an eye-opener. They really want you to live in fear, don't they?

That's how lockdown works...it was just introduced recently...and the stupidest thing is that...get this...we have to put a little happy face sticker outside the door to say that we're ok...o.O Erm...if some creepy murderer guy comes in, won't he REALIZE someone is IN the classroom by the fact that we put something outside the door to say we're ok? There is REALLY no point to it Dx


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That's how lockdown works...it was just introduced recently...and the stupidest thing is that...get this...we have to put a little happy face sticker outside the door to say that we're ok...o.O Erm...if some creepy murderer guy comes in, won't he REALIZE someone is IN the classroom by the fact that we put something outside the door to say we're ok? There is REALLY no point to it Dx
Huh??!?!?!!? So after you've advertised your presence and the creepy murderer guy has stopped by to shoot everybody (hopefully thanking you for your cooperation prior to the massacre), does he then have to remove the sticker from the door? Cos obviously you're not OK any more...
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Oh here's a couple more road rants. I know ranting against Chelsea Tractors is an old one, but really. What gets me is when these school-run mums actually admit that the reason they drive around in a tank is because they don't feel safe on the roads. Safety on the roads comes from having sense, experience and observation. Not driving a tank. If you're not safe, it's because you're a bad driver. So it's the ones who know they are bad drivers that decide to do their bad driving in a bigger, heavier vehicle which makes them feel more cosseted and powerful and removed from their surroundings and gives a false sense of security. Whoopee! Now you don't have to look where you're going, because everyone will get out of your way! And you've got those nice shiny bull bars so nobody's kid is going to make a dent in your radiator grille! Only problem is, sooner or later your kid has to get out of the tank, which is when some other tank driven by some similarly oblivious fool is going to squash them flat.

Then there are those people who know they have no business being on the road but can't afford a tank, and are therefore driving around in a cheap little hatchback which will undoubted come off worse in a collision. What to do? Why not drive around at a uniform 40 miles per hour (regardless of speed limit, be it 30 mph or 60), you can hardly be expected to adjust your speed according to surroundings, can you? What about pulling out onto roundabouts? That requires observation and decision making. Though if you're incapable of these things you could just drive very slowly onto the roundabout and then everyone else can avoid you. And if you're not sure about where you want to go, you could always stop by the side of the road. Cars behind you will get the message even though you didn't indicate, and then while they are overtaking you, you can pull out again without indicating or checking your mirror. Remember, fast drivers are the bad ones. As long as you drive slowly you can be as stupid as you like and it's OK.

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Huh??!?!?!!? So after you've advertised your presence and the creepy murderer guy has stopped by to shoot everybody (hopefully thanking you for your cooperation prior to the massacre), does he then have to remove the sticker from the door? Cos obviously you're not OK any more...

:lol: Something like that...:rolleyes: Oh and no phones on at all...just to make sure you can't call for help :)


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Thank you for this.

First a personal rant: I hate a particular boy in my math class. He is honestly the only person in the entire school who makes me want to cry (I have actually cried at night). I've tried almost everything. With most of the people who put me down, I can snap back a quick remark, which I tried. But he, unlike anyone else, makes fun of me for it. So the next day I don't say anything, and he throws jabs at me for that until I have to say SOMETHING, which of course is the wrong thing to say because obviously every word out of my mouth is a smart remark and I should just shut up. Even though shutting up makes me a moron as well. Someone from the mafia here needs to take care of this boy for me.

Okay. Now just a rant in general: test bubble-sheet scanners. Honestly! We can make build airplanes, sattelites, rocketships, atom-particle smashers, etc., but we can't create a machine that allows you to A) use something other than a number two pencil and/or B) doesn't require you to fill in the bubble neatly and completely and erase cleanly and carefully lest you be marked wrong when you're right?

Again. Thanks.

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Seriously, who needs practice in being quiet?

Don't even get me started...

Okay. Now just a rant in general: test bubble-sheet scanners. Honestly! We can make build airplanes, sattelites, rocketships, atom-particle smashers, etc., but we can't create a machine that allows you to A) use something other than a number two pencil and/or B) doesn't require you to fill in the bubble neatly and completely and erase cleanly and carefully lest you be marked wrong when you're right?

I've wondered about that myself sometimes...how hard is it to have a machine that just picks the darkest one? It can't be that challenging...then you could use a pen. Just once I want to try filling in a a scantron with a pen and see if it works. :P

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yeah that lockdown stuff is really dumb sometimes

omg I feel you. Wow. I wonder if that was a publicity stunt or if she was really that twisted

Wow...o.O How can anyone be so...so...*loss for words*


i think she really is that twisted, im pretty sure shes been on more than just that interview. i feel bad for those kids though.

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I've wondered about that myself sometimes...how hard is it to have a machine that just picks the darkest one? It can't be that challenging...then you could use a pen. Just once I want to try filling in a a scantron with a pen and see if it works. :P

pen on a scantron dosent do anything, they make us circle our answers in pen at my school so we dont cheat

Edited by TwoaDay
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Okay. Now just a rant in general: test bubble-sheet scanners. Honestly! We can make build airplanes, sattelites, rocketships, atom-particle smashers, etc., but we can't create a machine that allows you to A) use something other than a number two pencil and/or B) doesn't require you to fill in the bubble neatly and completely and erase cleanly and carefully lest you be marked wrong when you're right?

Again. Thanks.

also when you take these tests they are always timed. how are you supposed to finish the test when every c icle has to be nice and neat. One year my teacher, being a real jerk, glanced through the tests and if he didn't think they were neat enough, he'd just hand it back and make you fix every single bubble.

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also when you take these tests they are always timed. how are you supposed to finish the test when every c icle has to be nice and neat. One year my teacher, being a real jerk, glanced through the tests and if he didn't think they were neat enough, he'd just hand it back and make you fix every single bubble.

OMG! That's just sick :o

What happened to knowledge... does that even count anymore? :huh:

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OMG! That's just sick :o

What happened to knowledge... does that even count anymore? :huh:

Of course the knowledge still counts especially when you have him as a teacher. he made us do a report on all 43 presidents of the U.S. The only good thing about having him is that high school is way easier then his classes.

and more ranting.

You know what REALLY grinds my gears!!??!

crazy religious people like this lady-

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

i really hate people like this. they give all other religious people a bad name. and seriously how could you ever say "thank god for dead soldiers." Personally i don't think god would let to be thank for his creations dieing.

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OMG! That's just sick :o

What happened to knowledge... does that even count anymore? :huh:

Exactly! It's been a test of how fast you can color in circles rather than how fast you can do calculations and how smart you are. It's really, reall ridiculous!

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i really hate people like this. they give all other religious people a bad name. and seriously how could you ever say "thank god for dead soldiers." Personally i don't think god would let to be thank for his creations dieing.

Thank You for that! I was not able to see the video, but I have seen enough religious fanatics cursing homosexuals, soilders, politicians, celebrities, to know what they are like. I really hate it when people claim Christianity and then turn around and say that THOSE people don't deserve to go to heaven and are going to hell. For the fanatics who say this, do they even realize that their religion says that no one deserves to go to heaven? NO ONE, not even them! It is only through grace that we even have a chance! Who are they to criticize? If we are asked to do anything, it is to LOVE people. ALL people. Especially people who we feel are doing something that does not line up with what we believe. I hate it when people claim to be christians, want to go to heaven and work hard for it, however, claim that they will be disappointed if they get to heaven and see certain people there who did not live as good a life as them, people they don't feel deserve heaven. Seriously?! You're going to be upset at God for allowing more people into heaven?

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You know what REALLY grinds my gears!!??!

crazy religious people like this lady-

I've been pretty outspoken against religion on this forum and it might seem a bit of a cheap shot to criticise it based on something like the Westboro Baptist Church who are obviously a small bunch of raving nutters, and not in any way representative. But I can't help seeing certain problems with religion highlighted here. Their brand of hatred comes from taking a particular interpretation of a particular religious text as being absolutely unquestionably correct, based on bad reasoning or none whatsoever. And the consequences are a total usurpation of normal morality and common sense, since the Will of God (as they perceive it to be) trumps these things.

How different is that from religion in general? In principle, not at all. Religion is all about faith: creating absolute certainty out of questionable evidence and supposition. Usually the doctrine is more moderate, but there is always the potential for it to clash with common sense or morality. And what faith have we if we will not overturn these things in favour of religious belief?

I'm no expert on US law, but I understand the WBC have been operating in this way for years, and wonder if this behaviour would be tolerated to the extent that it has been, if it were not based on religion. I suspect not. If a bunch of people turned up to make a mockery of funerals, insulting mourners and the dead alike, based on a belief that space aliens required them to do it, I expect they would be removed in short order. And yet the WBC is to some extent tolerated, publicised and allowed a forum. Why? Because they claim a mandate from a supernatural god, and somehow that's enough to get taken seriously. That grinds my gears.

EDIT: Sorry, don't want to spark off another heated religious debate, but society placing religion on a pedestal does wind me up. So there :P . It's just a belief. It doesn't automatically deserve respect.

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Yeah - here in the US, religion is a big deal, much bigger than in most other countries (not counting like Vatican City :P), and a lot of things go unpunished

Wow, really? In the big tundra to the north of you, we don't take religion that big of a deal (where I am, anyways). Well, other than the fact that I'm forced to go to Chapel every day...but that's just my school :P It's pretty optional here. There are those who go to church every day, go to Catholic/Christian Schools or send their kids there...but most of the people are only "half-Christians", and go to church only for days like Easter and Christmas. :) It's great for me, since I'm an Atheist and doesn't really believe in the Bible or any other religions :P

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