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Brothers and sisters, it is time to stand united and strike a blow for making the world a better place! Let's identify all the little things that are wrong with the world and have a good rant about them, then maybe the Powers That Be will sit up and take notice (or perhaps not).

Like central locking systems on cars, for instance. Why is it that when you press the button to unlock it you hear the clunk telling you it's unlocked but if you don't wait another second before pulling on the door handle the door stays locked! Whats that all about? Is it some kind of punishment for being hasty? And washing machines, too. You've started a wash and then you decide to stop it and open the door (cos you left some tissues in the pocket of the trousers you're washing, say). That's what you want to do, so why do you have to wait 2 minutes before it will let you do it? Either it's full of water or it aint, and if it aint then what's the problem? Does the machine release little demons to help remove stains, and they need to be exorcised before opening the door so they don't get out and cause trouble?

And milk cartons that just glup milk all over themselves and you and the table instead of pouring it. How's that still possible in the 21st century?

Oh and don't get me started on bowls. What is it with bowls? I'm speaking of the crockery variety you use for soup or breakfast cereal or whatever. The point of a bowl is it's a receptacle for holding liquids, hence it needs to go up at the sides a bit more than, say, a plate would. How do the designers of bowls keep forgetting this fact? Either they make them with a tiny piddling little indentation in the middle so it holds nothing, or they have edges at the shallowest angle imaginable so you can't possibly move your bowl of soup from A to B without slopping it everywhere. Is this some great design principle? That we must suffer for our crockery in the name of elegance? How elegant can a person be with soup all over them?

...and breathe. Someone else's turn.

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good for you :) Always question ;D

my only rant is against this one dumb feature of Firefox: when something causes it to crash for whatever reason, when you start it the second time, it prompts to "restore to previous session", it's even the default flashing button... like, whaat? Am I missing something here? Why would you want to return to the exact same state that caused it to crash last time? :huh:

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  unreality said:
good for you :) Always question ;D

my only rant is against this one dumb feature of Firefox: when something causes it to crash for whatever reason, when you start it the second time, it prompts to "restore to previous session", it's even the default flashing button... like, whaat? Am I missing something here? Why would you want to return to the exact same state that caused it to crash last time? :huh:

i use that feature because some certain other people in my house like to force quit firefox or shut off the comp. on me so when i go back i can useit to get my tabs back. and occasionaly BD will make firefox crash but if i restore session it works, but i see what your saying.

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  unreality said:
good for you :) Always question ;D

my only rant is against this one dumb feature of Firefox: when something causes it to crash for whatever reason, when you start it the second time, it prompts to "restore to previous session", it's even the default flashing button... like, whaat? Am I missing something here? Why would you want to return to the exact same state that caused it to crash last time? :huh:

I like that feature... the other day when the electricity went off I knew I wouldn't have to open all the 8 tabs again, but just restore!

I love to restore :wub:

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  andromeda said:
I like that feature... the other day when the electricity went off I knew I wouldn't have to open all the 8 tabs again, but just restore!

I love to restore :wub:

*Wonders how many of them were Brainden*

I got firefox again, but I dunno...I think I accidentally clicked something I don't want to, because now when I accidentally close the window, it doesn't ask "Are you sure you want to close?" like Internet Explorer did...it was really helpful because my computer mouse sometimes slingshots across the screen, or the button gets stuck when I exit out of something else, and then I lose everything...I also notice that I don't stay logged in to Brainden :wacko:


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  Joe said:
The bias of the BBC!

Biased or not, at least the BBC reports on actual news. Tune in to CNN (the "N" stands for nolidge) or FOXNooz some time:


"Coming up in this next hour, tips on what to do with those old curtains in your basement. And later, stay tuned for all the hottest news from Hollywood, including what Jennifer Aniston said about Angelina Jolie six years ago, and which stars have gained weight this week. But first, our TOP STORY. Here's what's making news.... RIGHT NOW!


"...joined now by our White House correspondent Ulysses Tule, where an unconfirmed report has leaked from the White House that Michelle Obama has had a hair appointment. Tell us more about that Ulysses."

"Well, the appointment allegedly occurred at about 9:30 AM this morning at the White House, ending at approximately 10:15, when an unidentified male was seen exiting the First Lady's office carrying what appeared to be scissors and a comb. Although reporters were not allowed access to the area, an anonymous White House insider has stated in an exclusive report to BS Network News that the First Lady's hair appears, quote, 'shorter'. No word yet as to whether this was a simple cut and style, or if the First Lady also had her hair colored, but we'll keep you informed as soon as additional reports become available."

"Wow. That's incredible Ulysses. I'm being told that we're going to break from our regular programming so we can stay with this story round the cl...."


"...and other science related news today, scientists claim to have discovered the real reason why Americans are fatter than citizens of other countries. According to research published today in the Journal of Healthliness, Americans, quote, 'eat more crap, like chips, fries, and chocolate and stuff' than residents of other countries. The report goes on to state that we are 'lazy slobs who sit in front of the TV or play video games instead of getting off our fat asses and getting a bit of excercise now and then.' Our reporters, however, met with a critic of the of the research, Dr. Lay Z. Bownes, at a local Burger King drive-thru. Dr. Bownes told us there is 'insufficient evidence to conclusively establish the link between unhealthy dietary habits, inacti... -- hey pass the ketchup willya.'


"... of gasoline across America rose sharply today, in some regions increasing by nearly one whole cent per gallon. This mirrors the recent increase in the price of a stamp. Industry insiders say there may be a link betwe..."


"...terrupt this story, but I'm told we have some breaking news. One moment please.... OK Tom. Thank you. Well, it appears that it's cold in Minnesota. What's that Tom?... Yes. Snowing too. We're going live to talk to Guy Smiley with our affiliate KRAP in St. Paul to see what's happening -- right now.

"Guy, as a professionally trained meteorologist, can you confirm for our viewers that it is, in fact, scientifically cold."

"Well, scientists are still debating the exact definition of 'cold', but there are certain criteria we are able to objectiv..."


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  Kathleen said:
*Wonders how many of them were Brainden*

I got firefox again, but I dunno...I think I accidentally clicked something I don't want to, because now when I accidentally close the window, it doesn't ask "Are you sure you want to close?" like Internet Explorer did...it was really helpful because my computer mouse sometimes slingshots across the screen, or the button gets stuck when I exit out of something else, and then I lose everything...I also notice that I don't stay logged in to Brainden :wacko:


I had the same problem - go to TOOLS - OPTIONS - TABS - and check Warn me when closing multiple tabs! ;)

Oh... and only the first tab is BrainDen, I have one Firefox start page, FB, and four dictionaries :) plus a chemistry tab!

ON TOPIC: I hate know-it-all doctors <_< I went to a neuropsychiatrist (work related) and she kept pushing my buttons (and she banged me with her hammer couple of times too) anywho... she kept dancing on my nerves and I was anxious to finish all my doctor appointments till one a clock, but nooooo, she had to be difficult so I reacted and get this... she actually wrote on the paper anxious-reactive!!! I couldn't believe it... she pushed me over the edge and then wrote that I was anxious-reactive!!! Well she got nervous towards the end too, but she didn't write that down... did she?? <_<

I went again today and finally got my work related permit... <_< but the anxious-reactive sentence is still there... black on blue! <_<

Edited by andromeda
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  andromeda said:
I had the same problem - go to TOOLS - OPTIONS - TABS - and check Warn me when closing multiple tabs! ;)

Thanks ^_^ That helps! Now how do I make it so that it doesn't sign me out of Brainden when I close the internet... *hmm*


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  d3k3 said:
Biased or not, at least the BBC reports on actual news. Tune in to CNN (the "N" stands for nolidge) or FOXNooz some time:

OH MY GOSH!!! DID YOU HEAR THE TYPE OF DOG THE OBAMA GIRLS GOT!!!?!??!????!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! -_-

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:lol: , thanks for a great laugh, d3k3. I especially like the first one about celebrities. It really pisses me off of how so many people's lives revolve around gossip, propaganda, and Hollywood. Who willingly makes a living of invading other people's privacy and exagerrating everything the celebrity does? What pisses me off more is how much the celebrities WANT attention! Some take drugs to get attention, make out with college boys to get front page news, and do other completely stupid things to attract media!!! Hollywood has destroyed so many people's lives, and actresses that may start out with talent usually turn into the newest version of Britney Spears. How can people be so stupid?!?! And the people who are so addicted to the celebrity gossip! Shame on them! How can they be so stupid? Those idiotic fans resulted in celebrities getting paid more than doctors!!!! :mad::mad::mad:
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Back to the topic.

I hate junk mail and spam. Whether it's from the post office or by computer it sucks.

I keep getting notifications that I won $5,000 or claim your prize or see full details before claiming this $1000 dollar gift card. Don't these people have any thing better to do with themselves? They usually use P.O. boxes as return addreses. Since when do people get all that money for nothing. Once they get your name and/or address, they have a field day. They get a big thrill by pestering the heck out of you with their garbage.

To all you telemarketers and pests: Stop sending and calling and emailing and GET A LIFE! :P:P:P

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If we arent hearing stupid stories like this, we are hearing about the latest killings, shootings, disasters, kidnappings and corruption that go on right in our neighborhood.

Just a few days ago the news did a report of a teenager who was beaten up and knocked out in front of a grocery store in the middle of the day. It was all captured on CCTV and people just let the kid lay there for almost an hour before anyone called the cops. There were people continuously walking in and out of the store. One group of people even moved his body so they could get to their car which was parked next to him! Instead of actually taking care of people, others choose to ignore them. makes me sick.

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  akaslickster said:
I hate junk mail and spam.
What I really hate is when people stick flyers under your windscreen wiper in car parks. I find this really offensive, because you have to remove the damn thing, meaning you either throw it on the ground which makes you a litter bug, or go to the trouble of disposing of it responsibly. I have better things to do than dispose of other people's litter! The idea is to cause maximum inconvenience. People who do this should be stuck to the road and run over by a really slow steamroller. Feet first.
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  akaslickster said:
Back to the topic.

I hate junk mail and spam. Whether it's from the post office or by computer it sucks.

I keep getting notifications that I won $5,000 or claim your prize or see full details before claiming this $1000 dollar gift card. Don't these people have any thing better to do with themselves? They usually use P.O. boxes as return addreses. Since when do people get all that money for nothing. Once they get your name and/or address, they have a field day. They get a big thrill by pestering the heck out of you with their garbage.

To all you telemarketers and pests: Stop sending and calling and emailing and GET A LIFE! :P:P:P

Absolutely agreed! Those stupid idiots who have no life and send out stupid things...just this morning, I got an email about how drugs are good and go to the following link to sign up for something, along with one about weight programs, alcohol, winning an iPod, and you named it! It's an absolute waste of time and stuffs up my inbox. Every morning, I need to clear out the 5-10 junk mails I get over the 10 hours I sleep. And the funny thing is, I bet the junk mailers know that no one gives a damn about these things, but do they stop? NO! <_<

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  star_tiger said:
Absolutely agreed! Those stupid idiots who have no life and send out stupid things...just this morning, I got an email about how drugs are good and go to the following link to sign up for something, along with one about weight programs, alcohol, winning an iPod, and you named it! It's an absolute waste of time and stuffs up my inbox. Every morning, I need to clear out the 5-10 junk mails I get over the 10 hours I sleep. And the funny thing is, I bet the junk mailers know that no one gives a damn about these things, but do they stop? NO! <_<

I set up two emails. One collects junkmail and I use it to sign up to sites and other things that may sell the information. the other one I only give out to trusted users.

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  IDoNotExist said:
I set up two emails. One collects junkmail and I use it to sign up to sites and other things that may sell the information. the other one I only give out to trusted users.

My email suppose to pick up junkmail, but it always gets stuff from Brainden and only picks up about half the useless mails. Thank-you for the comment though; now that I know it is possible, I shall look into it! :D

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OK. Here goes:

Now that Bush has moved out of the White House, can we all please return to the correct pronunciations of "Iran" and "Iraq"? And, while we're at it, can everybody please stop saying "ant-eye", "mult-eye", and "quas-eye"? And what's an "Eye-talian"? Where's Eye-taly?

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  octopuppy said:
What I really hate is when people stick flyers under your windscreen wiper in car parks. I find this really offensive, because you have to remove the damn thing, meaning you either throw it on the ground which makes you a litter bug, or go to the trouble of disposing of it responsibly. I have better things to do than dispose of other people's litter! The idea is to cause maximum inconvenience. People who do this should be stuck to the road and run over by a really slow steamroller. Feet first.

That reminds me...

Am I the only one who is annoyed to find flyers to some church stuck on my family car window? The first time I saw one, I read the whole thing. It said something along the lines of "I had sinned and I had to join so and so so that I could secure my place in heaven" ...:huh: Like anyone is going to join your church because you stuck a flyer on their car...<_<


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  octopuppy said:
What I really hate is when people stick flyers under your windscreen wiper in car parks. I find this really offensive, because you have to remove the damn thing, meaning you either throw it on the ground which makes you a litter bug, or go to the trouble of disposing of it responsibly. I have better things to do than dispose of other people's litter! The idea is to cause maximum inconvenience. People who do this should be stuck to the road and run over by a really slow steamroller. Feet first.

This one I have a solution to! There is an envelope in my glove compartment that receives any fliers that end up on my windshield.(And perhaps several from nearby vehicles as well, if I'm feeling particularly nasty) If I ever see anyone actually in the act of placing these fliers, I stealthily follow them to their car, follow them to their next location, and when they go to place fliers, I sneak in and place the whole pile under their wiper blade. The file doesn't take up much space in the glove box and I can empty it about once a year.

Yes, I should recycle them. Yes, the other guy will probably throw them away. But it makes me feel better.

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  Grayven said:
This one I have a solution to! There is an envelope in my glove compartment that receives any fliers that end up on my windshield.(And perhaps several from nearby vehicles as well, if I'm feeling particularly nasty) If I ever see anyone actually in the act of placing these fliers, I stealthily follow them to their car, follow them to their next location, and when they go to place fliers, I sneak in and place the whole pile under their wiper blade. The file doesn't take up much space in the glove box and I can empty it about once a year.

Yes, I should recycle them. Yes, the other guy will probably throw them away. But it makes me feel better.

Hah! That's awsome! :)

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  Grayven said:
This one I have a solution to! There is an envelope in my glove compartment that receives any fliers that end up on my windshield.(And perhaps several from nearby vehicles as well, if I'm feeling particularly nasty) If I ever see anyone actually in the act of placing these fliers, I stealthily follow them to their car, follow them to their next location, and when they go to place fliers, I sneak in and place the whole pile under their wiper blade. The file doesn't take up much space in the glove box and I can empty it about once a year.

Yes, I should recycle them. Yes, the other guy will probably throw them away. But it makes me feel better.

:lol: , steathily follow them to their car and use their own medicine against them? That is an amazingly good solution :P I'm sure the guy handing out the fliers won't be too happy...

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  star_tiger said:
:lol: , steathily follow them to their car and use their own medicine against them? That is an amazingly good solution :P I'm sure the guy handing out the fliers won't be too happy...

I also stuff junk mail in postage paid return envelopes from credit card companies, and put telemarketers on hold indefinitely. Those, I think, I got from an Andy Rooney rant. Cathartic, to say the least. B))

Or, I just have passive-aggressive issues. :huh:

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