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Mine are:

1. Do not get addicted to Mafia games :D

2. Return to the New Puzzles section of Brainden

3. Publish 3 more papers and my dissertation

4. Work harder

5. Read more

:lol: Hehe.. Most of us try to do realistic resolutions (waaaay to hard for me to do that :o )

1. Finish the ski movie I'm making with my friends by the end of Winter break

2. Start LOTR Mafia with Pw0nzd within a week.

3. Log less than 3 hours of BD a day

4. Write a short story (Working on it right now ;) )

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Get back to work on my story :o

Your story? :huh: Do I dare ask?

My list is in the "You know you spend too much time on Brainden when..." section...it's basically all Brainden themed...add in

1) Get in clustered classes in school *Maybe you can meet people who are actually...intelligent o.O*

2) Apply for the trip to Ottawa via the school for the Music Program *for those of you who aren't familiar with Canada, Ottawa is the capital of our Country ;) )

3) Stick to the wii fit program I got *too much computer time is not good for me*

4) Get together with star and Silver more often

5) Stop ignoring Liam too much...*It helps that we're both on Brainden now*


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Lol mine are kinda a bit back to front...

1) Play my first Mafia game

2) Dont kill my camera by taking too many photos

3) Actually put my pictures on my Photostream

4) Spend more time with friends

5) Dont just clean the house, clean my room too.

(:lol: no.5... i do that all the time, ill gladly clean the whole house but i wont do my room.... and its the worst... got my stuff everywhere... from looking for stuff that was in packing boxes... :unsure:)

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Get back to work on my story :o

Ooh! May I read it when you're done? :D

Your story? :huh: Do I dare ask?

My list is in the "You know you spend too much time on Brainden when..." section...it's basically all Brainden themed...add in

1) Get in clustered classes in school *Maybe you can meet people who are actually...intelligent o.O*

2) Apply for the trip to Ottawa via the school for the Music Program *for those of you who aren't familiar with Canada, Ottawa is the capital of our Country ;) )

3) Stick to the wii fit program I got *too much computer time is not good for me*

4) Get together with star and Silver more often

5) Stop ignoring Liam too much...*It helps that we're both on Brainden now*


:lol: , poor Limey... and we shall get together often :D

1) use my time wisely :lol: Sounds easy, but it isn't. *looks at Brainden website* :P

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1. Do the GCSE C/w that i never finished. grrr... BD :angry:

2. Encourage conversation between baddies on Star Wars Mafia

3. Finish my "unrelated" mafia. (The kinda thing that UR does - not based on anything with original RD's)

4. Find something to fill my time. (I press the "Mark all Forum's as read" then get cramp repeatedly pressing "View new Posts" :P)

5. "Officially" become fastest in Wales at swimming. (I won the national championships but people have faster times than me :() edit: Actually, scrap this idea, somebody's just had their BDay so I am now officially the fastest 14 year old in Wales :D :D :D :D :D

6. Do some work in maths instead of talking...

7. Create a compromise with my maths teacher that says if I get 100% in the exam I just did I don't have to do any h/w (it worked last year :P)

8. Talk with people more (even if it is mostly on MSN)

9. create the longest list on New Years resolutions ever

10. Get 4 A*'s in my GCSE's by June

I'll add more when I think of them :P

Edited by reaymond
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1) to find SOMEONE who will like BD (im the only one who likes it :( )

2) to have BDB make more progress this year (sorry - this one's for ALL of us!!)

3) to spend less time on BD (agian...the REAL ones....)

4) to work on eating less sweets

5) to make it to 8th grade :P

6) to bring the cat to Canada (yess...oddd..)

7) to have a fun B-day party

8) to......idk......im all resulotioned out....

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mine are:

- drink more water every day (which I've already started since I got my Brita pitcher :))

- exercise more

- try to be less frustrated by how stupid everyone in my family is (hopefully, I'll only have to live here a few more years)

- stop procrastinating.. (I keep putting this one off...)

edit: forgot one -don't kill myself

that one's important! :wacko:

Edited by Jane
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My New Year's resolution is to actually stick to my resolution this year! ^_^

...though I have yet to come up with a realistic resolution to which I could apply that resolution.... :huh:

Edit: Ok got it! My resolution for this year is to figure out a resolution that I can stick with... for use on New Year's 2010 :P

Edited by Brandonb
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* do more situps. All this mafia is keeping me down, I'm supposed to have like a model sixpack by the time track season starts lol

* spend less time on BD/online in general ;D hehe. I've already dropped way down in my BD useage, hopefully so on Incog after CM ends. I might feel the urge to go on Lostpedia occasionally when LOST starts though :P

* one other thing, but it's not a year-round thing, more of a one-week type thing I have to do leading into another thing I have to do and it has nothing to do with resolutions or years so nvm :D

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* one other thing, but it's not a year-round thing, more of a one-week type thing I have to do leading into another thing I have to do and it has nothing to do with resolutions or years so nvm :D

You know by posting that, you're just making us insanely curious...or maybe that's just me...o.O


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You know by posting that, you're just making us insanely curious...or maybe that's just me...o.O


Nah, it's not just you... I had to read it over again to make sure his resolution isn't hidden in the rather confusing sentence <_<

Good luck on your resolutions, everyone! I find it terribly funny (in a kind of depressing way :P ) how at least one of everyone's resolution has to do with less time on BD -_-

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Good luck on your resolutions, everyone! I find it terribly funny (in a kind of depressing way :P ) how at least one of everyone's resolution has to do with less time on BD -_-

I don't usually go in for resolutions, but I cannot resist the challenge...

I resolve to be more efficient at work, giving me more free time to devote to BD. B)) I know my wife won't allow any at home. <_<

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OK here are mine:

1. Get a job!! :)

2. Get a lock for the fridge (with one key hidden by my parents) <_<

3. Get a crowbar (just in case my parents don't lend me the key) :D

4. Start exercising! My muscles will start atrophying :unsure:

5. Continue studying Persian and learn Spanish and German!!! This resolution is an absolute MUST DO!! B))

6. Umm... spend less time on BD :rolleyes:

7. Write more "easy riddles" :P

8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible) :wacko:

9. And... um... er... read more!!! :lol:

Edited by andromeda
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OK here are mine:

1. Get a job!!

2. Get a lock for the fridge (with one key hidden by my parents)

3. Get a crowbar (just in case my parents don't lend me the key)

4. Start exercising! My muscles will start atrophying

5. Continue studying Persian and learn Spanish and German!!! This resolution is an absolute MUST DO!!

6. Umm... spend less time on BD

7. Write more "easy riddles"

8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible)

9. And... um... er...

Wow, that's a lot of resolutions :P

I must agree with you on the key and crowbar ones...I always wanted a crowbar...along with snipers, grenades and other non-violent weapons :D

Ooh! That would be so cool if you know Persian, English, Spanish and German! :blink:

:lol: , good luck on #6...you'll need it ;) And I like your riddles just the way they are...brain-terrorizing and unsolvable :P

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This is my "New Year's Resolutions" list and I thought I might check where I'm at so far!

OK here are mine:

1. Get a job!! Check

2. Get a lock for the fridge (with one key hidden by my parents) Check

3. Get a crowbar (just in case my parents don't lend me the key) Check

Then busted the fridge and the lock with a crowbar - bought a new fridge Check <_<

4. Start exercising! My muscles will start atrophying Check

5. Continue studying Persian and learn Spanish and German!!! This resolution is an absolute MUST DO!! NO check yet! :(

6. Umm... spend less time on BD Well kinda check

7. Write more "easy riddles" NO check, no time :(

8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible) NO check this one either... volontaires :D (description - someone to put up with a moody cute psycho bunny with a obsessive-compulsive disorder and a split personality... where one personality is paranoid of the other :rolleyes: )

9. And... um... er... read more!!! Check

So overall I have three NO checks to work on and it's only 20th of January - SWEET! :D

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8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible) NO check this one either... volontaires :D (description - someone to put up with a moody cute psycho bunny with a obsessive-compulsive disorder and a split personality... where one personality is paranoid of the other :rolleyes: )

You must be intimidatingly attractive, or some other terrible ailment? Or the fellas in your neighorhood are terribly dense and you intimidate them intellectually? ;)

Seriously, good luck with all that. It's not an easy road, but the destination is worth the trip. :wub:

edit: Great job on all the other resolutions! Except maybe the fridge breaking one.

Edited by Grayven
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You must be intimidatingly attractive, or some other terrible ailment? Or the fellas in your neighorhood are terribly dense and you intimidate them intellectually? ;)

Seriously, good luck with all that. It's not an easy road, but the destination is worth the trip. :wub:

edit: Great job on all the other resolutions! Except maybe the fridge breaking one.

Hahaha... actually I spend less time in the fridge anyway because I'm too busy and sometimes to lazy to eat :lol:

Yeah... I'm pretty proud of myself too! :D Except for the languages <_< and I should definitely write a riddle, maybe for the weekend :)

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