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is a fun little Role-playing game called "Lost Chronicles". It's like Mafia in a way, but also different. The point is to be the last one remaining through, alliances, betrayal, fighting, and strategy. There are six "jobs" to play as each with their own abilities and powers. Every other day there is an arena match, and everyday someone has to die. The arena days make sure someone dies. Then during the normal and arena days someone can try to kill someone else. They will PM me this. During Arena matches you will post on here what you’re doing like in story format... playing out your battle. Characters will have one hit kill abilities, but can only use them once in the game making it so that if you use it too early... you’re a goner. You can also make an alliance with other players till you guys are the only ones left. Alliances can be broken and are kept secret from others. These are one of the only times you can PM others. Also people with alliances are allowed to help each other outside of the arena. Matches are chosen randomly out of a hat by the way. It would actually be easier to play the game and tell you the rules and examples as we go now.

I can have 15 people playing

1. Kat (reserved :P )

2.Riranor ( I will participate to help others not to kill anyone)















Your Job... decides what powers and abilities you have. Your Job is not a secret to everyone in this. IN fact I will be telling everybody on the list so you can’t try to lie about it.

Warrior: An all around fighter that can do basically everything physical orientated.

Ability: Can fight with any basic technique and easy to cause the killing blow without special techniques.

Power1: Can use anything (that is possible like a chair or something) as a melee weapon (anytime)

power2: Can use anything as a range weapon (throwing... unless it’s a bow... then you need arrows which are supplied) (anytime)

power3: Can block ANY attack (5 times once a day)

Magician: A spell caster that can use breathtaking techniques

Ability: Uses a spear if no other this is possible and can use magic

power1: fire magic in any form (5 times a day)

power2: Ice magic in any form (5 times a day)

power3: Lightning magic in any form (5 times a day)

Priest: A healer of great power

Ability: can fight with a mace without powers


power2: Can avoid a situation that seems bad with a simple divine spell (3 times on self and 3 times to help others in one battle)

power3: Can cause an automatic death with an obliterating flash (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

Thief: A nimble fighter that uses his agility with his stealth to win

Ability: Can perform flips and other acrobatic maneuvers in battle

power1: Can kill someone automatically without them even knowing someone was following him (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

power2: Can hide and strike in battle (3 times a battle)

power3: Can steal spy on others finding out who one alliance is (ONCE... a day)

Ninja: Uses Stealth and minor magic to finish their enemies

Ability: Uses shuriken, Kunai, and Katana with the ability to walk on walls and fight

power1: Makes 3 clones if guess wrong one very dangerous (but not deadly) attack is dealt to someone temporarily crippling them (once every other battle)

power2: Flare is sent into air from a scroll used to call for help (not used if in arena) from people you have alliances with. (Once a battle)

power3: This technique allows you to betray an Alliance and get them killed and your place (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

Avenger: Has pride and justice on his side with his strength in battle

Ability: Uses Large swords with powerful techniques

power1: His []smite power allows him to kill someone automatically (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

power2: Creates a clone that takes the hit for him (once a battle)

power3: Can heal a single wound (3 times a battle)

There i just want you to post your character in this format







I hope you like :D

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  Kathleen said:

Ok, betrayal time :3 Sorry Rir, it's been fun ;) No really, it has o.O But Star will murder me if I don't join her team >.<

ooc: What in the WORLD do you mean? I'm a nice girl... *devil horns pop out of ST's head, she pushes them down quickly*

So, wait, what was your first fight? Was it ours, or another one? Great post, Haly! :)

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  star_tiger said:
ooc: I'll give you nut-free chocolate as well! :D You know cookies with blue icing and chocolate can terminate that baddiness ;) (although I'm not sure what will be left...but that's not important :P )

PM, if you promise to be active and somehow morph your wolf into say...a cockroach (hey, they are scary and hard to kill!), then you may come back :) ok, maybe not the cockroach part... -_-

OOC: Why do you seem to hate the fact that I have a wolf. Wolves are my favorite animals <_< I almost always have a wolf as a companion when I RP. I can't help it that you have one too :P

IC: Vega looked around wondering what the sudden commotion was and saw the leader of this little battle come charging into the arena before killing the king and bursting forth bat-like wings and taking to the air. After taking a moment to analyze the situation, he came to the realization that it appeared that this whole thing was a plot by Riranor to bring together powerful fighters and manipulate the most powerful of them to help him to gain control of the stone and the world. Vega pulled his spear from his back and called Raikou to his side. He looked up at Riranor. He had to be stopped and Vega was going to make sure that happened. He stood with the other hero's, prepared to take down Riranor and those with him by any means necessary.

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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OOC: Things are getting good

BIC: Riranor was stunned. He looked at Haly standing beside those disgusting people with pity. He didnt want to kill his first ally but he didnt have a choice/

"Haly... i see you left the side with power. I dont know how you were able to break away from my force but-" then Riranor realized how she did it. The stone wasnt just effecting him. It effected everyone around him too! As soon as Riranor figured this out a beam shot out hitting Einkil (i hope you dont mind if i god mod you for a sec). The power surged through einkil begging to be released. Before Riranor could even take in what was happening Einkil started to mumble some prayers. The immense power started to fill the arena. Riranor tried to stop it with his power but it just bounced off to the side as if nothing happened. He tried again but there was a flash of blinding light. When the lights cleared the arena was floating in air with them still in it. Jen, Shadow, and Triyx were back!

"HOW?! The stone is only suppose to grant my wishes?! Not every ones! I will kill you all," and with that Riranor rushed at Haly readying His scythes for a decapitating strike

OOC: Dont forget to work together everyone... Xavier from what it looks like you arent in the arena yet but your a magician so thats not a problem... but everyone else is here... GOOD LUCK :) :) :)!

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  SomeGuy said:
OOC: So... what does that mean for me? And I don't mind if you god mode me a little, but my response to that is going to be different based on what's happening to me.

You just revived everyone... i should have stated you are back to normal after that... you just released that power that way all of those people who i said would comeback do... you are the only Priest who could do it after all. Your just a normal character again who has to fight Riranor, Klinartic (CB), and Ulfur (RT), like everyone else... sorry for the confusion

edit: typo's

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  Riranor said:
You just revived everyone... i should have stated you are back to normal after that... you justreleased taht power that way all of those people whi i said would comeback do... you are the only Priest who could do it after all. Your just a normal character again who has to fight Riranor, Klinartic (CB), and Ulfur (RT), like everyone else... sorry for the confusion

OOC: Ah. Ok, cool.

IC: As the power surged through him, Einkil muttered a few quiet words, and channeled it into the ground around him. Within seconds the dead warriors began standing again, their power and abilities renewed. With one last surge of power, Einkil looked up towards Haly and Riranor. He reached a hand out towards them, and closed his eyes, creating a white shield between her and Riranor, deflecting his incoming scythe attacks. The handles of the scythes began to burn with Holy Fire after striking the shield, which explodes in a blinding light, leaving Haly safe, and stopping hostilities between the two for a couple seconds while Einkil (and hopefully his allies) rushed to their newfound ally's aid.

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Xavier appeared moments later, sitting calmly on a bench in the stadium. His robes, a mysterious shade of black trimmed with gold, fluttered in the wind as he jumped down and neatly landed on the ground next to everyone else.

He twirled his staff nonchalantly and stared at Riranor with his cold, green eyes.

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Riranor leaped away from fire and obliterated the holy fire with his own darkness. He flew high into the air darkness trailing behind him spreading out like a tidal wave. His scythes fused into one large one and the darkness swirled around the blade in a tightly pact form. Riranor then swung his scythe releasing a burst of energy down at Einkil.


The darkness sped up increasing in strength as it flew towards its target!

OOC: simple sentences but it works :D

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"Raikou! GO!" Upon command, Raikou ran at lightning speed (OOC: He's named after lightning for a reason) at Einkil and grabbed him, and pulling him away from Riranor's attack. While Raikou was pulling Einkil away, Vega cast an ice spell, forming several, razor sharp ice spears and sent them at Riranor.

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Haly shielded her eyes, waiting for the incoming strike from Riranor, but when it didn't come, she looked up; Fire blazed around her, clouding her vison, and she heard the sizzle of boiling metal. The flames cleared and the scythe had been blocked. She smiled as Einkil rushed to her side, but that was soon gone as Riranor aimed another blow, but this time at Einkil. She barely had time to register what was happening, when a flash of light blinded her, and Einkil was gone. She didn't know where, but she figured she'd better move. Haly rolled out of the way, and lept to her feet, pulling out her trusty bow and arrows, and aiming one defencively at Riranor. She looked out of the corner of her eye, and spotted Einkil a couple metres away with a strange wolf...Vega's she realized.

"Well that's better than what I thought..." Haly thought, and gave a quick and shrill whistle. At once, a dart of orange sped towards her, and stopped at her feet. She watched as Viviene bared her teeth at the flying beast. Haly raised an arrow and shot it towards Riranor's wings, landing straight on target.


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Xavier chuckled and began casting a fire spell. The ground around him shook slightly as he closed his eyes and murmured the words.

A sphere of bright white fire appeared at the tip of his index finger and began growing in size until it was the size of a basketball. Two identical fireballs popped into existence next to the original, both crackling hungrily and distorting the air around it.

"Go," Xavier said, pointing both of his hands at Riranor. The fireballs merged into a single fireball that took the form of a dragon as it spiraled towards the dark lord.

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ooc: poor Rir...where's clozo? And RT hasn't been on for a while...maybe someone should join dear Rir's side :lol:

bic: Triyx gasped painfully as her chest throbbed and her head became murky. She turned her head back and forth, realizing she was in the arena. Hmm, maybe she has finally arrived in heaven. As she was pondering about this, she heard someone yell and looked up, startled, and stared. A black creature, with dark, ominous wings sprouting disgustingly out of his back, controlling some kind of black cloud. Hmm, there sure are weird creatures in heaven. Triyx got up, but fell down quickly as her right leg throbbed with pain. She put her hand on the pain, and with a shocked gasp, pulled back to see blood marks on her leg. Suddenly, it hit her. She spun around, and with her jaw dropping down, saw other dead fighters get up in confusion. Revived again. Her gaze flickered to Einkil. Triyx sighed, in relief, exhaustion, and exasperation.

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  Kathleen said:

I'm starting to think you're part cat, Triyx ;) 6 more revivals left? :3


ooc: hehe *angel cat face*

bic: Triyx blinked, and it took a few seconds to register what was happening. Riranor, the innocent-appearing host, had turned into a...odd-looking demon, holding some sort of glowing stone. Her eyes grew wide as she finally realized what was going on. A dark mist suddenly formed around her, traced with colors of black, blue and white. With a flick of her hand, the mist gathered up and surrounded Haly's arrow, turning it a dark blue and crystallizing the tip of the arrow, causing it to speed up at a more dangerous speed, its tip gleaming in the sun. Triyx raced forward, joining the forces of Light in the last battle of this vicious game.

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  Kathleen said:

I'm starting to think you're part cat, Triyx ;) 6 more revivals left? :3



BIC: Riranor threw one scythe with amazing speed at the fire balls destroying them completly. He then spun around his other scythe to avoid the icicles but unaware to him... there wa an arrow. The arrow struck him when he put his scythe down and Riranor released a quick scream of pain. His wing wasnt crippled but he got damaged greatly. He looked at Haly and was furious.

"May the darkness quench his thirst with your souls!," He then grabbed his other scythe as it came back to him and he put his scythes together by the bottom... making a very long double ended scythe. The tips started to spout darkness and he threw this boomerang of terror at haly hoping to kill his old companion.

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ooc: *evil laugh* wait... *good laugh* wait... not working! :(

bic: Triyx's eyes widened, her pale eyes growing even paler. She swung her arm, letting go of two daggers, slick black, which cut the air viciously, causing dark, ominous whisps tailing behind the daggers. They hit with accuracy at the scythe, but due to the immense weight, they only managed to slow it down. Triyx ran at Haly, but knew that she couldn't make it in time. God help Haly, Triyx whispered as she leaped over a rock, running at high speed at the fox girl.

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ooc: i will be a little busy and be back momentarily (after this commercial break :P)

edit: just thought i would add the commercial break since the part was dramatic and who knows what will happen to Haly

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Vega couldn't be sure if it would work but decided that if he didn't at least try, Haly was done. He quickly conjured a combination spell. He placed his spear on his back and placed both hands on the ground. He first send an ice spell quickly followed by a fire spell straight to Haly's location. The ice spell froze the ground underneath her and the fire spell quickly melted the ice effectively creating a small area of water beneath her for her to fall into and allow the scythe to pass over her.

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Haly's teeth chattered, which she assumed was from the fear, as a swirling mass of blades flew towards her. Suddenly she was overcome with heat. She lost her footing, and slipped into the waters that were now beneith her, the scthye just flying over her head. She crashed under the waters, and pushed her way back to the surface. Gasping for breath, she climbed out of the small pool, and reached for her bow and arrows again, shivering. She saw out of the corner of her eye, Vega, standing up from his spell, and she nodded in what she hoped he would take as a thank you. She stepped away from the pool, and Viviene rubbed her head against her pant leg, and the water in her clothes evaporated. She patted her foxes head, but looked up at Riranor, who had just lost his weapon. She smirked, and raised her arrow for another shot...


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Triyx ran at Haly, each moment becoming more painful. It looked like Haly was going to get hit...suddenly, she slipped, and Triyx saw a pool of water underneath her feet that wasn't there before. Triyx reached Haly, and without slipping herself, reached out hand to grab Riranor's scythe, expertly throwing it into the opposite hand and positioned herself with the scythe held in front of her. The darkness flowed through her hands and her arms, enveloping her. Triyx tightened the grip on the weapon, putting her own dark magic into it. As she saw in the corner of her eyes what she hoped Haly would do, Triyx flung the scythe with all her might at Riranor's wings at the same time Haly let the arrow fly from her bow. Fire and darkness, coming at different angles at the strange-looking demon called Riranor.

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
OOC: Quick question...Are mage's still under the 5 spells per element per day or are we able to be excempt from that during this battle due to it's intensity?

ooc: it was ten originally for each element but here your not hindered... now on to Shoutbox mafia!

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  Riranor said:
ooc: it was ten originally for each element but here your not hindered... now on to Shoutbox mafia!

Hey, hey! You are getting two arrow/scythe attacking you, and you run off? :P I expect a defense of some sort soon ;)

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