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I read every word you write octopuppy ;) , even that last post <_<

Topic-related question though: how about an option that goes something like: to further our knowledge of the physical universe in pursuit of actually finding a meaning to life?

I've stated before in some other thread that keeping life's meaning so close to home is essentially a never-ending cycle of getting nowhere. This isn't meant to be offensive, I actually believe this. I believe we should all live happy, moral lives and be good to others, but that when we die it's over. What we did echoes in eternity (Gladiator quote there..*ahem*).. echoes in the lives of our children and grandchildren. But, sadly to say, they will die as well, as will our grandchildren's grandchildren. That's just fact. I'm not trying to get into a debate about what happens after life since this topic is about life. So, considering this cycle, we pass on memories, knowledge, traits, etc... then die, and the cycle repeats. As fun or as prosperous a life we lead it essentially amounts to nothing, since those we taught will die as well and so on. Not that that's bad, it's just nothing, which is fine with me. Long story short, that's why I see it as "live, reproduce, die." ~until we learn something new about life that is, which would fit under the category I would have checked that I noted above. ;)

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LIS: Course you didn't offend! Are you kidding? Interesting application of Sod's Law you've thought up there.

"There is never enough time, unless you're serving it" (Malcolm Forbes)

I read every word you write octopuppy ;) , even that last post <_<
Are you not entertained?

Topic-related question though: how about an option that goes something like: to further our knowledge of the physical universe in pursuit of actually finding a meaning to life?
If this were the case, that means that if we were ever to discover the meaning of life, the pursuit of finding it would end. If this pursuit is the meaning of life, life would cease to have any meaning thereafter. So this quest would hopefully be a quixotic one (to be pursued in the most overblown and roundabout fashion you can manage, lest we inadvertently succeed). But if you believe that the quest itself is the meaning of life, then you've already blown the gaff by providing the answer to your quest within its specification, so life already has no meaning for you. You live, you die. Shadows and dust.

Our life amounts to nothing outside our life, because the only values that exist are those we carry with us. The concept of importance means something to the living. When we are dead the meaning dies with us. So you could say that life has whatever meaning we give it, and it is the rest of eternity which does not matter. We can live purposefully as long as the purpose is ours. Strength and honour!

PS. You sold me queer giraffes. I want my money back!

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Are you not entertained?
always ;)

If this were the case, that means that if we were ever to discover the meaning of life, the pursuit of finding it would end. If this pursuit is the meaning of life, life would cease to have any meaning thereafter. So this quest would hopefully be a quixotic one (to be pursued in the most overblown and roundabout fashion you can manage, lest we inadvertently succeed). But if you believe that the quest itself is the meaning of life, then you've already blown the gaff by providing the answer to your quest within its specification, so life already has no meaning for you. You live, you die. Shadows and dust.
Ah yes, I should have worded that better. The quest would not be the meaning, it's just what it is, a quest, and possibly a wild goose chase at that. Once we find the meaning of life (assuming we do), then we'll know it. Perhaps it's to eat as many M&Ms as possible B)) But until we do find it, I'm sticking with my answer (live, reproduce, die) which is 'essentially pointless'.

PS. You sold me queer giraffes. I want my money back!
fine... AM I NOT MERCIFUL!?!?!?!


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If life is about learning, then is ignorance really bliss ?


don't ever question my authority or you might find yourself dead on day one.

(i'll have to call my undercover cute fox mafia member on you... :P)

just warning you :P

edit: life is about doing as I say. muahahahahaha!!!!!

Edited by Neptune'sObsoleteVersion
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If life is about learning, then is ignorance really bliss ?

:lol: I made a topic on that a while ago, and strangly every one seemed to think the opposite of Neptune'sObsoleteVersion.

Life should be about living life to it's fullest, however you think this is possible. You might save someone's life, or just have fun.

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:lol: I made a topic on that a while ago, and strangly every one seemed to think the opposite of Neptune'sObsoleteVersion.

Life should be about living life to it's fullest, however you think this is possible. You might save someone's life, or just have fun.

twas a joke... a joke!!

I agree, it's all about enjoying yourself and having others enjoy it as well B))

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don't ever question my authority or you might find yourself dead on day one.

(i'll have to call my undercover cute fox mafia member on you... :P )

just warning you :P

edit: life is about doing as I say. muahahahahaha!!!!!

Yes Master...* bows *

Ignorance can be bliss...but I'd rather be without bliss and intelligent...that's why I'm on Brainden ^_^


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