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I voted:

It doesn't matter as long as it's packed with useful clues & information

But this was a close second:

I like them on the shorter side so I can read them really quickly

I don't care about "epic-ness" of the post. I really just want the information, but I do like having some story. Bb's speed mafia was just the facts. That worked fine, but I realized I did miss having a story. On the other hand, I don't like it when the post is too long. Sometimes the story gets in the way of the action. I find myself skimming through the story, trying to pick our what happened, and inevitably miss something. And I'm probably one of the few who finds pictures distracting (not that you use them, I'm including this comment in case you were considering it).

Since I wasn't able to play Jumper Mafia, it's been a long time since I played one of your mafia games :(, but my recollection is that your day/night posts were reasonable. I do reacall Sinistral's Priate Mafia having a nice balance of story and information.

edit: looking back I see I should have voted for the second one: Long enough to supply good storyline, good action and good info, but no longer, but somehow I missed that option. So you'll have to mentally move my vote to that choice. Sorry!

Edited by Cherry Lane
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I did use the occasional picture in Jumper Mafia, just at the beginning usually to show where the post was taking place (since people teleported all over the world :D)

edit: btw one of the reasons I'm making this is because, for the Jumper Mafia intro, I think I made it a bit too long ;D hehe. But this poll applies for normal day/night posts :P

Edited by unreality
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Honestly, if something is really long, I don't read it all. I really liked Jumper Mafia, but I skimmed the posts mostly and just used what people were saying to figure their characters out. It seems like pictures are the latest craze. I originally used them to shorten the story I was writing since a lot can be gathered from the pictures. "If Naruto's giving a thumbs up, you know he's made friends, if his eyes are red and he's growling... well you get the point." ;) Also, they made it look similar to a manga which I thought was cool, but that's off-topic. B)) I also use dialogue to shorten the story. It makes for a quicker read.

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I have voted for "It doesn't matter as long as the storyline and plot of the post flows smoothly" - I have no objection to reading long/short posts as long as they are not stupidly long but I would definately prefer a story there as opposed to just the fact being stated. My 2nd poll answer was for every host - Just because UR is the epically epic hoster doesn't mean that he is special (ofc he is) ;)

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though i am a self-confessed enemy of reading long chunks, i think ultimately i'd be ok with whatever the host does: their game, after all. However, considering that the poll wanted my actual opinion, i put "long enough for good action etc but no more". it kind of depends how much time i have though. when im in a rush, i skim a lot but when i've got time, the action and story and stuff in day/night posts can actually quite interesting to read.

ps I love how everything on this forum is described as "epic". coolest word ever. hehe.

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I like longer posts...so long as it doesn't take 20-30 minutes to read I ain't got all day, folks.) Also, I have never had the distinct pleasure of participating in an unreality-hosted mafia. Here's hoping it comes soon ;)

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I usually like a good story in the day and night posts (which is why I try to incorporate storylines myself). I don't like them to run too long though (some of unreality's are probably as long as they should get, maybe a little longer). Epicness is fine, but plot is better, and I'm always in favor of more hints. :P

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I really like a good plot over epicness. But I think that each game is the hosts creation and I want him/her to have creative freedom to create whatever they like. I do loose my focus if the post is too long. But that hasnt happened in every game. I think it may have been due to the writting quality.

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I've never participated in any of unreality's mafias, but I have read some of his intro posts...and wow, definitely epic. A bit long for my taste, then again knowing me once X-men mafia starts I'll probably end up getting carried away :P

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Longevity doesn't annoy me or please me, like other people have said, it's more about clues :P, a few hints included make the posts really exellent I think.

As for epic-ness again it's not something that grips me, in books/films I prefer the info discovering parts to the action scenes. It's the same with Night/Day posts... fight scenes don't appeal to me really, although I don't mind if they're included, it's their story.

So yeah future-hosters (experienced or inexperienced), clues would be awesome ;), I mean in early Mafia's I looking for them. :)

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I am that one lonely storyline vote :(

I voted that way because I think that if the story is told well, the epicness is fairly irrelevant. Also, a couple posts where every action was made to be epic just ended up being uncomfortably long.

I will admit that I like hints and clues for solving the puzzles that are Mafia, but I am sure I would feel a little betrayed if hints about my character were put into the posts. I would rather if it was my own ability or lack thereof that controlled how much others knew about my character.

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see, I agree with you 100% SomeGuy :D yet a lot of people seem to like hints, which means they need to be prepared for when there are hints regarding them. Perhaps next game I host, I will PM people asking if they want hints. If they wanted hints, then they will be on a list of people that are going to be hinted about, but there will only be hints if the list exceeds a certain large-majority size that requires almost all to be 'yes', so that if you say 'no' selfishly to get hints while others don't get hints about you, there is a much greater possibility that there will be no hints at all. Say, three 'no's minimum, after that no hints at all. That seems fair. I'll think about this ;D

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