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Anime Battle Royale: Akatsuki Resurrection


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Chapter 14: Broken Glasses

Team 7 was ordered to intercept an Akatsuki Spy. The spy was reported to be meeting with Orochimaru at noon on the Heaven And Earth Bridge between the Fire and River Countries. Yamato, Naruto and Sakura arrived and hid themselves, waiting for the encounter. In the distance a cloaked man approached the bridge from the far side and began to walk toward the center. He seemed very cautious, looking all around him under his cowl as he walked. He stopped at the dead center of the bridge.

Yamato disguised himself as Orochimaru, knowing full well the real one wouldn't show up due to his recent inactivity. He approached the Spy, who held open his cowl just enough to make out his face. It was Kabuto!


Kabuto: You're late Orochimaru-sama.

Yamato: Sorry, Orochimaru won't be joining you today. You're on your own, just where we want you!

Naruto and Sakura jumped up onto the bridge after crawling along the bottom to get close enough to Kabuto. They surrounded him. Seeing Kabuto, infuriated Naruto who started turning red. The Fox was stirring inside him. Kabuto knew he was done for.


Kabuto couldn't even stand the intensity of the chakra leaking from Naruto, let alone the power he could unleash at any moment. Naruto looked over his shoulder at his enemy.


Naruto: You've gotten away too many times! We're going to kill you, then your master and finally get Sasuke back!

Kabuto: Naruto... Naruto... you just don't get it. Sasuke joined us on his own volition. He's no prisoner. He doesn't want to come back to you fools... He wants power, the kind of power only Orochimaru-sama could teach him. You should...

Naruto: SshHhUUuTtt UuuUpPPpp!


Naruto released a blast of highly concentrated chakra at Kabuto. He tried to block it, but at this close distance, it completely vaporized him. The bridge almost collapsed from the blast, but seeing Kabuto die calmed Naruto down a bit. He returned to his old self and collapsed from exhaustion. Yamato caught him before he fell and the team returned to Konoha.


Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth

2) Joe's Student

3) Kat

4) Prof. Templeton

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda


Game Rules

Flashback 1

Character Abilities

Night 1

Day 1

Night 2

Day 2

Night 3

Day 3

Night 4

Flashback 2

Day 4

Night 5

Day 5

Night 6

Night 7 starts now and ends when I get all your PMs. No points earned today. -no longer +25 for surviving Days.

woon -100

Frost -100

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I have failed in my mission, Orochimaru-sama... please forgive me when you incinerate these pesky little Konahans into smithereens...

I should be blamed, Kabuto. Don't worry, I will accompany you very soon!

But I need to do something first! <_<

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Tsunade: There should only be about an hour left to get Night PMs in. I've only gotten a few so far... so -100s almost all around if nothing comes my way sometime soon. This game should end quickly this way. Too bad though. :mellow:

I sent mine in so doesn't matter to me.

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I sent mine in so doesn't matter to me.

Honestly, this game is starting to not matter to me, and that seems to pertain to plenty others too. I've been thinking about just calling it a game. Play has been very conservative and almost non-existent (just check how many player posts there are between my posts). I have no idea why alliances weren't made, nor do I have any idea why people didn't use the unknown win conditions and unknown counter-attacks in any sort of dialogue between groups. With the exception of a slight few, people don't seem interested in this anymore. I've had enough of hounding people to play, post and PM.

It would have been much more fun and fast for everyone with alliances and talking. Thanks for playing everyone, sorry to disappoint.

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I didn't mean that the game didn't matter to me. I was just saying that the -100 wouldn't affect me because I had sent my action in. I would rather this game go to the end. Admittedly, there could be a little more communication between all players and a little more enthusiasm in actions. I agree that the game is going much too slow. With regenerating points every night (and previously day) and several healing roles, the game seems to never end.

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I didn't mean that the game didn't matter to me. I was just saying that the -100 wouldn't affect me because I had sent my action in. I would rather this game go to the end. Admittedly, there could be a little more communication between all players and a little more enthusiasm in actions. I agree that the game is going much too slow. With regenerating points every night (and previously day) and several healing roles, the game seems to never end.

I didn't mean that about you in particular. It comes across like that so sorry. As for the game, it's really up to the players how it played out. It didn't have to be so boring and conservative. The regenerating points didn't have to make the game never-ending. It should have spurned people to be more aggressive and make deals and alliances to take out powerful players. For instance, some characters have Day Attack Counter-Attacks. So if they use their day attack on the person getting voted for, that could add up to 300 and be an automatic kill... there's plenty of combination attacks that were never taken advantage of and like I said, the participation has been awfully low.

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I think participation might have been higher than what you're actually seeing, Itachi. I think this kind of went the same way as the Heroes game. I know myself and my team talk to each other a ton, even if we're not posting in the thread. I guess we might have been able to get things done faster if we had gone outside of that little unit, but just by initiating that kind of dialogue we might have run into trouble. I don't know. I'm new, so I'm feeling like I should be more conservative anyways, and maybe I was just playing with a conservative team, but I don't think we're not enjoying the game, and I know we have big plans for the upcoming nights... :ph34r: I guess ymmv though.

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I think participation might have been higher than what you're actually seeing, Itachi. I think this kind of went the same way as the Heroes game. I know myself and my team talk to each other a ton, even if we're not posting in the thread. I guess we might have been able to get things done faster if we had gone outside of that little unit, but just by initiating that kind of dialogue we might have run into trouble. I don't know. I'm new, so I'm feeling like I should be more conservative anyways, and maybe I was just playing with a conservative team, but I don't think we're not enjoying the game, and I know we have big plans for the upcoming nights... :ph34r: I guess ymmv though.

Well I realize this and posted earlier that I expected most of the game to be played in PMs between teammates. That's fine, but that is no excuse for inactivity within a 24 hour period which has been running rampant lately. I'll continue the game with sparse posts if people want. I still haven't gotten anything from Brandonb or Sparanda and just about everyone but dawh and Sinistral (and anyone affiliated with them) was late and only recently got me their actions. dawh and Sinistral were the most active by far so I feel bad just ending it when some people have put in so much effort. I'll put up a small night post and see what happens tomorrow.

Bb -100

Sparanda -100

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Chapter 15: A Night (Abridged Version)

Yamato captured Sparanda

Naruto attacked woon with a summoning technique

Sasori used the Third Kazekage to kill cp

Sakura healed cp back to life

Orochimaru attacked PM at full Attack damage


Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth

2) Joe's Student

3) Kat

4) Prof. Templeton

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]


Game Rules

Flashback 1

Character Abilities

Night 1

Day 1

Night 2

Day 2

Night 3

Day 3

Night 4

Flashback 2

Day 4

Night 5

Day 5

Night 6

Day 6

Brandonb -100

When Captured a player is basically non-existent, does not gain points, vote or do anything unless Rescued and brought back to life.

Edit: just adding that the day starts now and ends 24 hours from this post.

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Whoa...that was...really short. o_0 Aw, we feel bad for making you wait on us Itachi, I know I'VE signed up for more than I can handle at the momment (well I figured this would have ended by now, but thats not the point), but that really isn't an excuse *bows head* I have to admit though, being a mafia so many times, having teammates means that if you aren't around, you expect someone to decide what's happening and come back and be updated...the thing with teams is that it's a lot easier to become lazy with it, and let others decide what's gonna happen overnight. :blush: Ok I'll stop talking now...


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woon's finally exposed now that Kabuto's gone so let's finally get rid of him...He's been around for way too long.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - Voting for woon

2) Joe's Student

3) Kat

4) Prof. Templeton

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth

2) Joe's Student

3) Kat

4) Prof. Templeton

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy - BrandonB

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

Ooook, I guess I'll get this started.

And I guess I'll change Brandon's color a little so it doesn't look like the Captured font.

Edited by SomeGuy
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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Joe's Student

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy -voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

I second that ^_^


Edit: I keep messing up the colours :mad:

Edited by Kathleen
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Tsunade is right. If everyone doesn't get there minds back on this game, Hidan will wipe out all of you. What happened to our alliance? Orochimaru, you wouldn't be in this prediciment if your men had done as I asked. I'm disappointed in the Akatsuki also for not doing what I had asked of them. All you had to do was listen to Hidan. Now look at you. Humph.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost

10) SomeGuy -voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Well, Brandonb seems to be the bigger threat right now, and he's especially weak after missing last night..

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

Oh, Itachi, I think BB went somewhere over the weekend, or was at least really busy, which would explain his absence. I think he figured the game would have ended by now.

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter - voting for Woon

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter - voting for Woon

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh - voting for Prince Marth

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Sorry I was kinda busy with the holiday weekend and not participating as much as I would normally have. I'll be around more from here on out.

Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter - voting for Woon

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh - voting for Prince Marth

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral - voting for Brandonb

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter - voting for Woon

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh - voting for Prince Marth

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon - voting for Prince Marth

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral - voting for Brandonb

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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Hokage: Tsunade

1) Prince Marth - voting for Woon

2) Crazypainter - voting for Brandonb

3) Kat - voting for Woon

4) Prof. Templeton - voting for Prince Marth

5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto)

6) Brandonb

7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan)

8) dawh - voting for Prince Marth

9) Frost - voting for Brandonb

10) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

11) woon - voting for Prince Marth

12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura)

13) Sinistral - voting for Brandonb

14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame)

15) Sparanda [Captured by Yamato]

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