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Even though the first one hasn't been solved completely...it's about time to change up the menu ;P

1. (eiθ-e-iθ)/2i 77

2. <a>∙<b>=||a|| ||b|| 52

3. 93 110 y=mx+b

4. A+B=90° 241

5. 85’S d(1/x)/d(x)

6. absinθ n 106

7. 97 x2+y2+z2=r2

8. 312 n!/(k!(n-k)!)

9. 111 Σxip(xi) ‘S

10. 206 a for f(z)=1/(z-a)

11. 39_0 Σaii

12. 102 1/(2πi)*∫f(z)dz

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Good work all...making great progress! :D

I think I've got #6...

Bearing NNW

Nice puzzle, BTW!


Yep on the first spoiler...nope on the second...

As far as I can gather this means vectors a and b are orthogonal. (my maths is extemely rusty)

Spoiler for Perhaps the answer starts with...:

Square ______ ? or Right _______

Nope, they're not orthogonal...just the opposite ;P

I'm terrible with the numbery bits, but maybe these will be of help to someone else...

2. dot (or inner) product

6. cross product

9. expectation

11. trace

I have no clue what 5 is. It would surprise me if Y-san meant it to be "log," but we all make mistakes on occasion...

10 & 12 sort of look like bits of Cauchy's theorem/integral, but not quite... Maybe I'm imagining things though, and should just keep it real... <_<

Yep, all correct...sorry...you're absolutely right...I meant an integral instead of a derivative...thanks for pointing it out...I'm one of those ppl who have the concepts in my head but mess up the write-up often...especially late at night...hehe...;P

too bad the clue to number 3 isn't 93 108 ....

PICK UP line

I also tried ski, as in ski slope, but that doesn't fit....

fun but frustrating puzzle

Yep, you're right...and U=92 P=15 ;) Good job!

SHIP's Log

Yep. Awesome :D.

then again,

Vertical, since "a" defines the vertical asymptote. But then what phrase would END with "vertical"?

Nope...it's more complex than that...;P

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"More than the allowed quoted blocks of text"...broke up reply into two...

Gah, I must double post again, but...

No Residue. at least I'm pretty sure "residue" comprises the mathical part and "No" fits 102 perfectly.

"Residue" is correct...great work!

Thanks d3k3 for the tip...

BeYONd expectations ?

Yep! Good job!

That must be correct.
singularly intriguing.


ah, gotcha.

So thus far,

1. (e-e-iθ)/2i 77 Sign HeRe

2. <a>∙<b>=||a|| ||b|| 52

3. 93 110 y=mx+b very close to being PICK UP Line...perhaps the 110 should have been 107?

4. A+B=90° 241 Complimentary BeVErAgEs

5. 85'S d(1/x)/d(x) SHIP's Log (even though the math clue should have been ∫(1/x)dx)

6. absinθ n 106 Bearing SSW Good answer, but not the one I was looking for...no acronyms...and d3k3 had the correct math word ;)

7. 97 x2+y2+z2=r2 KICK Ball (or DySON Sphere)

8. 312 n!/(k!(n-k)!)

9. 111 Σxip(xi) 'S BeYONd expectations

10. 206 a for f(z)=1/(z-a)

11. 39_0 Σaii

12. 102 1/(2πi)*∫f(z)dz No Sticky Residue

Am I missing any?

STiCKY might work better.

Yep...in homage of CL...hehe ;P

I don't know want the "underscore" represents. :huh:

Well...0 is not a element...so...the number must be...

...so the underscore is separating the number, so...;)

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Cross NUN. I knew it had something to do with "cross"

Got the first part right...but Nun? Good answer, but not what I had in mind...the answer I have is much more common ;P


SOUTh Pole!

Yep, good job!

aha again!

WIThOUT_a Trace

which just leaves #2 and #8

#2 is "dot (or inner) product" according to d3k3

and #8 is "combination" according to TallPaul

Both confirmed by Y-san.

Yep on 11...but on 2 it is a dot product...but that's not the important part...it's what the dot product is equal to and what that signifies...;P

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Update: One more to go!!!]1. (eiθ-e-iθ)/2i 77 (Sign HeRe)

2. <a>∙<b>=||a|| ||b|| 52 (Parallel PArK)

3. 93 107<I>[REVISED FROM: 110]</I> y=mx+b (PICK UP Line)

4. A+B=90° 241 (Complimentary BeVErAgEs)

5. 85'S ∫(1/x)dx)[REVISED FROM: d(1/x)/d(x)] (SHIP's Log)

6. absinθ n 106 (Cross WAlK)

7. 97 x2+y2+z2=r2 (KICK Ball (or DySON Sphere))

8. 312 n!/(k!(n-k)!) ???????????????? (something with combination/s...)

9. 111 Σxip(xi) 'S (BeYONd Expectation's)

10. 206 a for f(z)=1/(z-a) (SOUTh Pole)

11. 39_0 Σaii (WIThOUT_a Trace) 74+53+90+8+92+73=390 OR 74+53+90+8+92+7_3=39_0

12. 102 1/(2πi)*∫f(z)dz (STiCKY Residue)

Edited by cheines
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Update: One more to go!!!]1. (eiθ-e-iθ)/2i 77 (Sign HeRe)

2. <a>∙<b>=||a|| ||b|| 52 (Parallel PArK)

3. 93 107<I>[REVISED FROM: 110]</I> y=mx+b (PICK UP Line)

4. A+B=90° 241 (Complimentary BeVErAgEs)

5. 85'S ∫(1/x)dx)[REVISED FROM: d(1/x)/d(x)] (SHIP's Log)

6. absinθ n 106 (Cross WAlK)

7. 97 x2+y2+z2=r2 (KICK Ball (or DySON Sphere))

8. 312 n!/(k!(n-k)!) ???????????????? (something with combination/s...)

9. 111 Σxip(xi) 'S (BeYONd Expectation's)

10. 206 a for f(z)=1/(z-a) (SOUTh Pole)

11. 39_0 Σaii (WIThOUT_a Trace) 74+53+90+8+92+73=390 OR 74+53+90+8+92+7_3=39_0

12. 102 1/(2πi)*∫f(z)dz (STiCKY Residue)

Thanks Cheines for the compilation! :D...I'm too lazy...and involved in too many threads in the Games section at once...XP

I think I've got it!!
unusual combination...?

YES!!! Great job! Awesome work to all...everyone made great contributions as individuals and you pulled together magnificiently in a group effort! I hope you guys got some enjoyment it...(I know there was probably many a frustrating moment as well ;P).

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Nice puzzle as always, Y-san! Here's to sticky residue - too bad I didn't get that one, or any of them for that matter. My math skills need refreshing!

On a related note, I added one to your list in "how did Mekal die?" Did you see it?

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