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Jumper Mafia


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Grr...I'm so angry that I was 150 miles away from getting the Intersect's neuron points!!! *bangs head against the desk numerous times*

THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Sweet game, UR!!!! I can't belive Woon was the Unknown...we almost got him killed at the beginning, but he just HAD to make it through <_<

I can't believe the Paladins actually won :P We were outnumbered majorly...thank goodness we have FOTH and Bb :D:D

Hey UR, you should host more mafia games. All of the day and night posts were so EPIC! And I was totally confudled through the whole thing... :P

Oh, btw, great job on finding out my role, JS. I didn't know whether it was just luck or something else, but you very much creeped me out. :P In the next mafia, I call being a nobody. It's hard being a big part...too much pressure and confudlation. :lol:

Edited by star_tiger
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  star_tiger said:
Grr...I'm so angry that I was 150 miles away from getting the Intersect's neuron points!!! *bangs head against the desk numerous times*

Hehehe...you still would have only one compared to woon's two. :P

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  Frost said:
Hehehe...you still would have only one compared to woon's two. :P

True, but I would have had a better chance of kidnapping you B)) , not to mention the VERY MINOR fact of your blowing up, killing Reaymond and myself <_< Wish I was actually on to defend myself, but was too busy watching chihuahuas in Mexico. :P

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thanks guys :D

PM: I realize that now... dang. Joe's Student could have attacked woon at night and won :o Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Sorry JS :( Who knows whether you would've killed woon or not... so you were a half-winner too :D Great game

And great game by everyone... I was pleased by the level of activity, and usually the roster was filled almost entirely with votes within like 4 hours :P

And thanks for the compliments ;D I don't know if I could host another Jumper game soon, but maybe sometime... the thing is, the second one would also have to have hidden role descriptions. So basically I would make all new roles and it could be very different :P lol. Unless you want me to keep the same roles, make minor tweaks, and then just make all roles openly known... but then this makes roles such as the Geneticist pointless. Hmmm. It's a dilemma... kind of like what I did for the Yakuza in Mafia VI. The Mafia thought that the Yakuza had some wincon, and if they failed they joined the Mafia. That was true... except the Yakuza's wincon was to kill off the Mafia :P hehe, but after the game ended and that was made known, I couldn't use the Yakuza again. It's a similar dilemma with this game :D I think the best for Jumper Mafia II would be to completely remake the roles, I think I could do it better a second time around :P

Anyway, the game was nothing without you guys! You were all fantastic players... I didn't think Bb and Fool could pull it off as the odds started to tip against them in the 2nd night / 3rd day. Them, Dawh and Itachi were excellent strategists! Good job guys :D

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  Joe said:
O and Kat how come you targeted me first Night? [congratulations btw on your first innocent role since 1803 btw :P]

:lol: Thanks! It sure seems like that doesn't it... <_< And I dunno, I targetted someone random, it happened to be you. Sucked that it didn't do anything :rolleyes:


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Huh, I should have known. The two people who press against me on Day 3 are both Paladins...

Anyways, I look forward to seeing you in a space colony... or on a pirate ship... or a werewolf-infested village... or at the end of my pistol. ;)

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  Joe said:
O and well played Itachi on your whole stuffing-up-Paladins (and me!), you used your ability to your full potential. Can I ask if at Night you chose people you wouldn't think would get targeted, so that you would remain in the game, or endangered Jumpers?


Thanks! As for Night 1, I had no idea who was who, which you know of course. So I went with someone who I thought wouldn't get targeted right off the bat. I did that not just to save myself personally, but because I knew I would have a much more valuable time to protect someone, like on the 3rd Night for cp. It's funny how it happened to be that woon was the Jumper's leader :o It's also funny how I was the first target (I'm getting used to that...) <_< On Night 2 I protected FOTH for similar reasons, but I had him pegged as a good guy while I was living, but the end result was the same: I preserved myself for a suitable sacrifice. Night 3 I got more than I bargained for though :lol: And I played aggressive the whole time because I knew I could get out of a Lynch unless it was a super-Paladin majority. I played my role pretty much like a bully detective on the posting since I had no communication with others or knowledge gaining ability, I was basically a loner trying to sift through others' words. B)) -which is actually the way I like to play these games anyway ;)

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Just wanted to post and let everyone know that I'm going to go ahead and start Heroes Hybrid early (or at least the signups depending on when we get a full roster). PM me to join, the signup is in my sig. Also, there will be 15or16 spots available (depends on when we start)

Edited by Brandonb
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YAY! More mafia! Now that I think about it...we haven't done the original mafia in a while...just a bunch of knock offs :huh: Maybe sometime we can go back and play Mafia Au L'original (for those of you who don't know french, that means mafia original style ;) )


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  Kathleen said:
YAY! More mafia! Now that I think about it...we haven't done the original mafia in a while...just a bunch of knock offs :huh: Maybe sometime we can go back and play Mafia Au L'original (for those of you who don't know french, that means mafia original style ;) )


Mafia au L'Original? I think it's Mafia - Style Original. ;)

And I would luv to play that! As wicked as these new twists are, the originals were cool (although I wasn't actually IN one, just seeing you guys play it :P )

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  Kathleen said:
YAY! More mafia! Now that I think about it...we haven't done the original mafia in a while...just a bunch of knock offs :huh: Maybe sometime we can go back and play Mafia Au L'original (for those of you who don't know french, that means mafia original style ;) )


Kat, Je parle Francais un peu et tres mal. Yeah that was what I remember from high school french. Mais, Je vousdrais Mafia Au L'original ausie. I know i totally butchered that!

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  foolonthehill said:
Yeeeeeeeehaaaaw! :lol:

I don't know how the hell we managed to do that - at the end of last night it looked like Frost could take out star_tiger and Bb, Reaymond was going to be lynched and I would be the only one left, but was having a big argument with CP who we knew had spy roles. I was sure you'd worked me out after our discussion about dms!

Anyway, that game most certainly made my week (and definitely not my girlfriend's!). I don't think I'll be playing again for a while though - partly as it took up so much time, and secondly because noone will everyone believe anything I say ever again!

My **Man of the match** award (apart from the brilliantly evil Brandonb, who was a great partner in crime ;) ) I think must go to Itachi, who managed to completely mess up the first night, day and next night for us and nearly saved you all! CP did well to last to the end, considering she gave herself up to us early on. And dms was bold and daring with his important role - to the extent that we couldn't decide if it was too obvious!

Great game all. Sorry for being so evil, but Unknown: I will make sure I get you next time. :ph34r:

I have no idea how you found the intersect so quick, but I guess it's all in UR's post which I haven't read yet. And thanks obviously to UR - a great game that appeared sooooo hard to us. It looked to us as though everyone had spy abilities!

Fool, there wasnt much I could do. I couldnt kill and I could only Lynch one person. I knew two of you were out there. So kat had to kill one and the next day a lynch..but there wasnt time for that was there? Good game. Well played!

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  crazypainter said:
Kat, Je parle Francais un peu et tres mal. Yeah that was what I remember from high school french. Mais, Je vousdrais Mafia Au L'original ausie. I know i totally butchered that!

Wow, sweet French! I hate French with a passion...it has tortured me since I was 5 <_<

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  unreality said:
On some second thought I'm not working on the other Mafia... I might later, not sure :D The next I host could either be this one, or Mafia VII, who knows... though I won't host again for a long time so it doesn't really matter ;D

Hi guys! Just come back from 3-days training. Wow! In fact UR, when I asked you for the replacement and you seemed not reply me immediately, I already knew the game is almost over.

Yeah, can't believe my good luck on reaching Intersect succesffuly twice in a roll! :D (I should buy lottery then!)

too bad this doesn't help much on the Jumpers. But we will see next time! ;)

Yes! UR, I like this Jumper Mafia, very very much. Thanks for hosting this!

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Yeah, can't believe my good luck on reaching Intersect succesffuly twice in a roll! :D (I should buy lottery then!)

You cannot imagine how VERY, VERY <_< I am at you for getting so lucky :P 1500 miles off...what are the chances? ;)

AMAZING GAME, UR! Looking forward to any of your mafias in the future!

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  • 1 month later...

Just posting cuz I was rereading some of the game. I think this might have been the best game I've hosted, everything seemed to work out awesomely [lol the Intro was a bit long, I've tried to shorten all of my posts in Classic Mafia]

  unreality said:
Final Roster:

Host: unreality

1) Reaymond - DEAD [Cardinal] Blown up by Frost

2) Frost - DEAD [intersect] Blew up!

3) star_tiger - DEAD [Head Paladin] Blown up by Frost

4) Kathleen - DEAD [Warrior] Killed by Paladins

5) Brandonb - WINNER! [Mercenary]

6) Dawh - DEAD [Yin] Died with Frozen

7) Joe's Student - DEAD [Rogue] Win condition failed

8) Foolonthehill - WINNER! [Crusader]

9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader

10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter

11) Frozen_in_fire - DEAD [Yang] Lynched

12) crazypainter - DEAD [Federal Agent] Killed by Warrior

13) Mekal - DEAD [Geneticist] Killed by the Paladins

14) dms172 - DEAD [shadow] Killed by Crsuader

15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched

16) woon - regrouping? [unknown]

17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched

congrats to the Paladins! B))

Final Links:

Jumper Mafia


Night One - Welcome to the War

Day One - A Fall From Meteora

Night Two - Fall of Anonymity

Day Two - An Eye for an Eye

Night Three - Triple Sacrifice

Day Three - A Mafia First

Night Four - The Climax

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