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Jumper Mafia


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  star_tiger said:
Lovely poem, CP, did you write that? :D It's amazing!

The only problem is, I don't see how it connects to the mafia... <_<

It may have something to do with the song by Duran Duran called

the Reflex. That was a part of the song. Perhaps there is something

to it??

this is another stanza..

You gone too far this time

But Im dancing on the valentine

I tell you somebodys fooling around -

With my chances on the dangerline

Ill cross that bridge when I find it

Another day to make my stand, oh..

High time is no time for deciding

If I should find a helping hand, oh..

there is another line that I will paraphrase

Use it or lose it..

any ideas folks? Or am I heading down the wrong path?

Edited by crazypainter
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Actually I named 'the Reflex' after the sequel to Jumper, which is called Reflex (I haven't read either book) Good try though ;D

Just amazon-ed "the Reflex", and sounds like a really good book. The main character's girlfriend can "jump" as well!!! It's quite sad how in the first book, all the Jumpers are males...HOW ABOUT THE FEMALES??? <_<

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  star_tiger said:
Just amazon-ed "the Reflex", and sounds like a really good book. The main character's girlfriend can "jump" as well!!! It's quite sad how in the first book, all the Jumpers are males...HOW ABOUT THE FEMALES??? <_<

Amen to that! :angry: Hmm, does it give any hints on what the Reflex is? I know you're the queen of Amazon :P


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I modeled Reflex as a tribute to the 2nd book and also as it pertains to the Reflex's ability of slowing time. There is no other reference and I made it up myself (with a bit of Matrix-esque type influence on the Reflex's badåssness :P), so don't waste time and effort ;D

edit: although watching the movie Jumper or reading the book may give insight into a certain connection between characters... ;D Not sure if it's relevant yet

edit2: actually, there are no Paladins in the books :o Talk about the movie being way different! The book is just some sci-fi story about a guy teleporting.... the movie is the epicness ;D

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Amen to that! Hmm, does it give any hints on what the Reflex is? I know you're the queen of Amazon :P

Well, UR said that he didn't read the book, so I guess not :( Pity that...I would have bought the book and finished reading it by tomorrow. B))

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  taliesin said:
As I said earlier, I didn't want to take the chance of voting of the wrong person..

Yeah, but out of everyone, the Paramedic is probably the worst person to kill off. A random person probably would have been better.

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Hah! Now only you feel regret of voting wrong person! Taliesin, I am sorry, even I have retreated my vote to you and vote for myself. Don't worry, I think I will accompany you very soon. They won't let me go, like what they do to you.

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ok question here..why didnt Tal try harder to convince us otherwise?

This just doesnt make sense.... Not like the usual Taleisin.

So anyone have any ideas on who any of the baddies are? I have a few ideas

and am amazed that someone was able to guess correctly!

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What's with saving roles acting so suspicious in these games? Oh well, as woon put it, my vote's still on him for tomorrow. (pending the Night's revelations of course) ;)

There is some good news for the Jumpers: they have the Reflex who seems to be a tough one to bring down. Also, the Crusader wasted an RID kill trying to get him/her.

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  crazypainter said:
ok question here..why didnt Tal try harder to convince us otherwise?

This just doesnt make sense.... Not like the usual Taleisin.

So anyone have any ideas on who any of the baddies are? I have a few ideas

and am amazed that someone was able to guess correctly!

There was nothing else to say...

It was only the start of the game, I had no arguments against anyone, no one to palm suspicion on to..


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  woon said:
Hah! Now only you feel regret of voting wrong person! Taliesin, I am sorry, even I have retreated my vote to you and vote for myself. Don't worry, I think I will accompany you very soon. They won't let me go, like what they do to you.

Its fine, from early on in the game, I knew it was going to be one of us..

Though I would of liked to use my discovery role before I got pushed off the cliff

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  taliesin said:
Its fine, from early on in the game, I knew it was going to be one of us..

Though I would of liked to use my discovery role before I got pushed off the cliff

Well that sucks! We've just shot ourselves in the foot! Why did you have to go and do something odd like vote for yourself? Dang it now I'm going to look suspicious because I was the first one to vote for you...besides yourself. The jumpers need me as much as we needed you, so don't go getting any crazy ideas people...I didn't have any more info about who to vote for than you did.

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  itachi-san said:
What's with saving roles acting so suspicious in these games? Oh well, as woon put it, my vote's still on him for tomorrow. (pending the Night's revelations of course) ;)

That's not surprise me. <_<

But I feel you know a lot about us.....

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  dms172 said:
i thought that was obvious, cuz i-san's a baddie <_<

I didn't mean this. He could be also an innocent too. Who had said the baddies knew more than innocents?

I just mean I-san may able to catch more hints or able to analysis more than we do.

That's all.

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  crazypainter said:
true Itachi san is a great player but I havnt seen anything he has written to make me think he is a definte bad guy.

Did you see anything woon?

Nope. I didn't claim he is a baddie. That time when I asked him whether he is Crusader is just a teasing. I never expect it ends up to become everyone turn against me. Sigh.

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  dms172 said:
i thought that was obvious, cuz i-san's a baddie <_<

What brought you to this conclusion? If I san is a baddie then I am all for going after him on the next day.

But I dont want to make the same mistake and lynch another innocent.

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