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Anime Battle Royale: Bleached


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  Brandonb said:
Well, going back through the stuff... FIF is even more likely to be a baddie now. He can only be Onizuka, Grimmjow or Ichimaru. We can be sure of it if Onizuka attacks FIF tonight. Please Anizuka, attack FIF so we can have another one confirmed tomorrow.

But that way, Onizuka will be out in the open, right? He/she most probably attacked with Inoeu as partner last night. So how about some other hero, who can still use Inoeu as partner, attack FIF. FIF is almost certainly going to defend tonight. If he is Ichimaru he has to defend, no choice left. If he is Grimjoww, again he has a defense left, I think. By the defense he uses, we can ascertain whether he is Onizuka or not. That way, I think we reduce the risk of losing an additional hero. But someone definitely has to target FIF. I have PM'ed my target, but if you guys want, I can change it. Or any other recognized hero who still hasn't used Inoeu can go after FIF. Just my opinion. ;)

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  grey cells said:
But that way, Onizuka will be out in the open, right? He/she most probably attacked with Inoeu as partner last night. So how about some other hero, who can still use Inoeu as partner, attack FIF. FIF is almost certainly going to defend tonight. If he is Ichimaru he has to defend, no choice left. If he is Grimjoww, again he has a defense left, I think. By the defense he uses, we can ascertain whether he is Onizuka or not. That way, I think we reduce the risk of losing an additional hero. But someone definitely has to target FIF. I have PM'ed my target, but if you guys want, I can change it. Or any other recognized hero who still hasn't used Inoeu can go after FIF. Just my opinion. ;)

Good point... I forgot that Onizuka most likely used Inoeu last night... crap. What's worse is that FIF has only a 2/3 chance of being a baddie. While this is not bad odds... there are 6 people on my roster that all have the 2/3 chance. FIF is just the only one that I know the possible character names. However, considering his actions, I would have to say that he is a baddie... on the other hand... I thought the same about Laharl. Did s/he ever come back? Or did Laharl just bail?

Also keep in mind, Aizen will also be active tonight, that is an almost a certainty. As such I feel that I may end up attacking a hero... Then again, Aizen most likely used Inoeu on the first night... so he will be vulnerable tonight if he attacks.

We really need to divide our attacks tonight in order to gain the most information, however, it's probably too late to organize that now.

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  Brandonb said:
Good point... I forgot that Onizuka most likely used Inoeu last night... crap. What's worse is that FIF has only a 2/3 chance of being a baddie. While this is not bad odds... there are 6 people on my roster that all have the 2/3 chance. FIF is just the only one that I know the possible character names. However, considering his actions, I would have to say that he is a baddie... on the other hand... I thought the same about Laharl. Did s/he ever come back? Or did Laharl just bail?

Also keep in mind, Aizen will also be active tonight, that is an almost a certainty. As such I feel that I may end up attacking a hero... Then again, Aizen most likely used Inoeu on the first night... so he will be vulnerable tonight if he attacks.

We really need to divide our attacks tonight in order to gain the most information, however, it's probably too late to organize that now.

Yeah! It most probably is too late to organize. We can just hope no hero is killed tonight. I would not be surprised if this too happens to be a night where nobody is killed. :P

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Okay so my internet keeps going down everytime I try to post, hopefully this one goes through... I just wanna say that when I said I was tired of caring I meant I was tired of trying to defend myself... I'm not upset with anyone, I know this is just a game... I'm not that childish :P plus it was bedtime for me so I said goodnight...

I hope my internet works long enough for me to read the night post and respond... I'll be back on later...

Edit: Yay it went through!

Edited by sweetness kat
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After prooving Laharl wrongly to be the villains, I have a mess on my analysis worksheet for all the players. I don't know who is who right now. My confidence to Bb starts shaking..... However, hopefully tonight none of the us the heros got killed.

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Night 3: Soul Society in Turmoil

Kisuke ran through the forests as fast as he could looking for enemies, flash-stepping to go even faster when his spirit power was at its maximum. Then, he saw a faint shadow through the trees and slowed down to see the encroaching danger. It looked to be a samurai.

Kisuke: What are you doing all the way out here samurai?

Jubei: I'm looking for CL, you?

Kisuke: I'm looking for FIF.

Jubei: I met up with your friend Rukia a way back. She's also looking for CL, but we haven't had any luck. Don't bother checking the South side. Rukia's there now, but she hasn't turned up anything.

Kisuke: Thanks for the tip samurai, I'll keep searching, I hope it's not in vain. Good luck to you though.

Jubei: To you as well Death God.


Captain Ukitake finally overcame his illness and stalked the moon-lit village. He honed in on his victim, Sinistral, who was walking near the shore. Ukitake flash-stepped out onto the water. Sinistral stopped in his tracks when the lightning sprang seemingly out of nowhere and illuminated the powerful Captain on the water's surface. Ukitake didn't even need to see his victim, he just stared into the infinite horizon.


Ukitake: I'm sorry it's come to this. Bankai!

Sinistral dodged the amazing Attack though! Ukitake couldn't believe his eyes. He walked back onto the shore where the stunned Sinistral stood gazing at the powerful Captain.

Ukitake: Forgive my hasty Attack, but there seems to be no harm done. You remind me of a Death God I once knew. Do you mind if I tell you about him?

Sinistral looked around, then swallowed hard. "No, go right ahead."


Wally West was running through some areas in the Western woods, but heard a strange mechanical sound. He ducked behind a tree and a group of odd-looking robots rushed past him. He thought they must have missed him, so he stealthily ran into a nearby cathedral. He listened through the wall for any similar sounds.

???: Well, the Tachikomas did their job. They flushed you out of those woods. Now it's my turn.

The voice came from the rooftop above a crystal skylight. The shadowed figure majestically jumped through the glass and landed gracefully onto the Cathedral's floor next to him.


The Major: I've got you now!

She fired shot after shot, but Wally West evaded them all. The Major emptied an entire clip at him, but none hit. He was only slightly winded. Then he heard the same sounds from before.


Those strange robots, the Tachikomas she called them, came from every direction! Wally West saw them coming and also noticed an odd symbol in the top-right corner of his vision. It was like a face. A laughing face. No matter which way he looked he couldn't shake that strange symbol. It distracted him enough to let his attackers get the upper-hand.

He was now surrounded and they all fired missiles at him at once. He didn't stand a chance. The Major left his mutilated body and ran purposefully out of the Cathedral and into the night.


Captain Shunsui decided he'd had enough of chasing his sexy lieutenant around. But he hadn't had enough saké. He decided to share some with the first person he found. He heard some huffing and puffing and around the corner came a striding Prof. Templeton.


Shunsui: Care to join me for a drink?

Prof. Templeton: uh, well... sure, why not? I could use it.



Grimmjow waited, hovering in the Night sky. Impatiently he kept loose, ready to destroy his target at a moment's notice.

Grimmjow: Hey Mekal!

Mekal looked up, squinting.

Grimmjow: Eat this!


A blast of Red Cero burst from Grimmjow's fist. It accelerated toward the earth and completely annihilated everything in a 50 foot radius including it's target, Mekal, who had completely vanished.


Bb came rushing into the Chamber that has been shrouded in mystery for the battle. He ran up to his Master and knelt as if he were a knight. Aizen sat in his thrown with Inoue at his side.


Aizen: Ah, my new pet. How was tonight?

Bb: Excellent Master. All has been done as you ordered.

Aizen nodded in approval. "Then there is just one thing left to do." Before Bb could look up all he saw were his guts on the floor and it looked as if Aizen had not even moved. The loss of blood triggered a sense of realization in Bb's mind.

Bb: My blood? My life! Inoue, help me! I'm dying, help me!


Aizen (smirking): Inoue? What will you do?

Inoue: I'm sorry Brandonb. Master Aizen has forbid me from helping you tonight.

Bb: What? No ...way..

Bb fell to the ground, lifeless. Inoue made a motion to run over, but with a quick look at Aizen she steadied herself.

Aizen: He is an enemy I no longer care to see here Inoue. However, you may go help any others who asked for your service. What excitement would there be without any adversaries?


Inoue rushed through Soul Society tracking her friend down who's soul's was nearly extinguished. She restored Wally West. Then she ran for her life in the hopes that Aizen would never find her again. But for whatever reason, it felt like he was watching her, even now. And smiling.

Wally West struggled to his feet. "Well, I'm glad I'm still alive, but there's a gap in my memory. Something about a Laughing Man. I just can't remember."


Recruiter: Toushiro

1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara)

2) Prof. Templeton

3) Mekal -DEAD (killed by Grimmjow)

4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen)

5) GC

6) woon

7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida)

8) Cherry Lane

9) FIF

10) PG -DEAD (executed and found to be Gaara)

11) Brandonb -DEAD (killed by Aizen)

12) Sinistral

13) Kat

14) Wally West

15) dawh

16) Laharl -DEAD (executed and found to be Ichigo)

17) sweetness kat

Night 1

Day 1

Night 2

Day 2

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Well, this will take some digesting....

Inoue couldn't help Brandonb? I don't understand yet. Had he already used her? But I didn't think the Major had been active yet. Did he not choose to use her tonight, or was he not the Major?

Edit: saw Bb and Itachi's posts. Ignore me for now, while I reread the OP....

Edited by Cherry Lane
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  itachi-san said:
Read Aizen's description in the OP.

I misunderstood. I thought he was able to control my actions, but my partner still did what they were supposed to do. Sorry, I guess he's more powerful than I realized :P

And again, as I apologized earlier to whoever I came after... Sorry WW, I knew I was going to be the target tonight... I just hope you're a hero :mellow:

Edited by Brandonb
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  Brandonb said:
I misunderstood. I thought he was able to control my actions, but my partner still did what they were supposed to do. Sorry, I guess he's more powerful than I realized :P

And again, as I apologized earlier to whoever I came after... Sorry WW, I knew I was going to be the target tonight... I just hope you're a hero :mellow:

you're a ghost now buddy ;)

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OK, still digesting...

Mekal, o mekal....it looks like Grimmjow saw through your plan. You should have stayed at home as you said you would! oh, nvm, grimmjow would have found you anyway, right? Well, nice attempt at FIF, then.... (who it turns out isn't Grimmjow, which surprised me. Well, that leaves Ichimaru as the only option. back to a 50% chance, you say? No, I know for sure)

Did no one go after Sweetness Kat? Or maybe she was Bb's intended target. Well, I guess that makes today's vote easy! (unless you want to take down FIF, of course!)

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  Cherry Lane said:
OK, still digesting...

Mekal, o mekal....it looks like Grimmjow saw through your plan. You should have stayed at home as you said you would! oh, nvm, grimmjow would have found you anyway, right? Well, nice attempt at FIF, then.... (who it turns out isn't Grimmjow, which surprised me. Well, that leaves Ichimaru as the only option. back to a 50% chance, you say? No, I know for sure)

Did no one go after Sweetness Kat? Or maybe she was Bb's intended target. Well, I guess that makes today's vote easy! (unless you want to take down FIF, of course!)

At this point, I don't know which Villain Sweetness Kat is. While it seems fairly clear that FIF is Ichimaru. Aizen can't attack tonight, but Ichimaru can...

We can't do a blindfold lynch, so if Sweetness Kat is Laughing Man, then we waste the lynch. Unless someone is confident of the identity of Grimmjow, I would vote to get rid of Ichimaru, as that reduces the RC kill to 25% tonight (although the Heroes seem to keep getting the bad side of percentages :( )

I'm going to wait for a little more input before voting however.

Edit: grammar

Edited by dawh
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  dawh said:
At this point, I don't know which Villain Sweetness Kat is. While it seems fairly clear that FIF is Ichimaru. Aizen can't attack tonight, but Ichimaru can...

We can't do a blindfold lynch, so if Sweetness Kat is Laughing Man, then we waste the lynch. Unless someone is confident of the identity of Grimmjow, I would vote to get rid of Ichimaru, as that reduces the RC kill to 25% tonight (although the Heroes seem to keep getting the bad side of percentages :( )

I'm going to wait for a little more input before voting however.

Edit: grammar

oh! good point. How could I forget the blindfold thing. And Bb was so confident we wouldn't need it today....

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:o:) Well If I was Bb's intended target then I'm giving a reluctant thank you to Aizen :blink: ... Anywho, I'm reading through everything again and fixing my notes, so it may be awhile before I post again....
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Wally West struggled to his feet. "Well, I'm glad I'm still alive, but there's a gap in my memory. Something about a Laughing Man. I just can't remember."

Does anyone know what this means? I don't think the Laughing Man attacked last night, it could be a clue...:huh:


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I know everyone thinks I am a baddie but I really think we should vote for FIF because he has a 50/50 chance of being a baddie, I also have down Prof T as a 40% chance he's a baddie but I don't think he is... Everyone else who is still alive, I have no clue :huh: I will wait to vote to see what other people have to say...

Edit: grammar

Edited by sweetness kat
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