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O...Kay...So discussion about trying to get connected can't happen here apparently :blink: So let's change it a little.

Ok...Since Frost started mentioning Mario Kart Wii on the Brawl topic and saw that there were a few others that had the game...I was about to list off my Friend Codes for all my Wi-Fi games...Then I thought...Why crowd up the Brawl topic with all those wi-fi codes when I can just make a topic simply for people to post their Wi-Fi games and codes! Oh and before I forget...You may also post your username for X-Box live or PS3 as well.

So here it is. Post all your wi-fi games and codes here. This is also open for setting up meetings and times to play!! And as I learned...Try to keep general discussion at a minimum. <_< If a discussion looks like it's going to take too long, take it to PM or chat (I didn't even know there was a chat o_O).

Ok...Here are the codes for all my wi-fi enabled games (Wii and DS)


Super Smash Brothers Brawl: 4382-1920-3792

Mario Kart Wii: 2578-3931-5066

Pokemon Battle Revolution: 4811-5388-3401

DS: (Please remember...Log on to Wi-Fi before putting your friend code to make sure it's correct. If you're using a different DS than the one that the game is registered to, the friend code WILL change!!! So connect once then get your code...Just to be safe.)

Pokemon Pearl: 1160-8042-8576

Pokemon Diamond: 4124-4616-1178 (I seldom use my Diamond for battling though)

Mario Kart DS: 201614-655739

Animal Crossing: Wild World: 1848-4485-5721

Star Fox Command: 771-874-042-301

Final Fantasy III: 335128107355

Diddy Kong Racing DS: 159075-056690

Club House Games: 4210-6806-2054

Lost Magic: 256643552996

Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2007: 3480-5361-8721

PS3 User name: Prince_Marth85 (of course )

Well, that's all I got for now...I'll change and add new codes as I get more games. So Braindenizens...Start adding your codes!

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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hey pple i have:

Mario Kart Wii: my code is 4983 8023 5840

SSBB: my code is 1719 5188 2041

and Animal Crossing: City Folk: my code is 1419 4056 9397

plz pm me your codes if you add mine so that these will work :D

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  No1slight said:
hey pple i have:

Mario Kart Wii: my code is 4983 8023 5840

SSBB: my code is 1719 5188 2041

and Animal Crossing: City Folk: my code is 1419 4056 9397

plz pm me your codes if you add mine so that these will work :D

oh yeah, and i also have bomberman blast: code = 5241 4811 2075 be sure to pm me if you add me :D

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I should be available in the evenings starting later next week. So if anyone wants to play, feel free to let me know. I have new games with codes and I'll add them later on when I have them all ready.

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  On 7/5/2009 at 6:08 PM, Prince_Marth85 said:

I should be available in the evenings starting later next week. So if anyone wants to play, feel free to let me know. I have new games with codes and I'll add them later on when I have them all ready.

Finally Someone to ply mariokart with :)

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If anyone want's to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pokemon Battle Revolution, or Mario Kart Wii tomorrow during the day or Monday afternoon, let me know via PM and we'll set up a time. I really want to play. I also have an EasyCap (Video Capture Card) that I can use to record the match to put on YouTube if you want me to. So PM me and let me know. I'd love to try and set up some matches with multiple people at a time too if possible.

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  On 5/3/2010 at 2:24 AM, peace*out said:

My mario kart wii code: 1634-5597-0481

I invited everyone on this thread for Mario Kart who had their friend code up...just saying...

Definitely will make sure to add that one to my list. I don't have enough friends on Wii. Need more. Been running into hackers lately when playing against random people.

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