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If anyone is interested in a game of Zombies, I will host a game.

Zombies is a game where you are trying to escape from zombies. Really simple to play, and quite enjoyable.. Wont take a lot of time.

Basically you run around a map trying to escape from the zombies ( you can get to the exit you win) or if you kill 25 zombies you win. You can run around getting powerups to increase your chances..

Based of the board game Zombies, but I will modify it for forum playing.

If you are interested add you name to a list.

Edited by taliesin
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  taliesin said:
If anyone is interested in a game of Zombies, I will host a game.

Zombies is a game where you are trying to escape from zombies. Really simple to play, and quite enjoyable.. Wont take a lot of time.

Basically you run around a map trying to escape from the zombies ( you can get to the exit you win) or if you kill 25 zombies you win. You can run around getting powerups to increase your chances..

If the time limit is 24 hrs. I am in. :P

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  akaslickster said:
I like mazes if it consists of one. I will need more details to understand it. If not time consuming, count me in.

Its alot of dice work, so I will roll dice for everyone.. If I do it I will probably make it 24 hours time limit as there is not alot of contact between players..

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  akaslickster said:
How many people are required? Do you need help to advertise in the sig.?

The board game plays from 1-6 but I think I can make it work with up to 8 :D The more people there are the more chance of people missing deadlines.

If more than 8 or so want to join, I can give the other few people the zombies to control.. :D

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  grey cells said:
Zombie Slayer: Taliesin :P

1. GC

2. ClozoBozo

3. Slick

Should it be Zombie Slayer or Paladin or any other name? :P

I think the correct term would be Dungeon Master, or dice roller :D

Thanks for the list..

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There is a map, currently a indoors map ( hall ). but I am thinking about going to an outdoors map.



Escape from the Zombies, or kill 25 of them.

Each turn


The players get a card,

Each player gets a roll 1-6

Each player can move.

The map will grow.. When the full map is revealed I will add an exit which you use to escape from the zombies.

The Cards


The cards are special items/actions which can be played at anytime ( some cards may be restricted though) . These are things like eat food to regain health, or set traps bar doors etc.

The Move


Each player can move as many places as the roll of the dice, you can move vertically or horizontally. Some doors may be barred or locked which require more points to open. You dont have to use all your move points.. Only one player/zombie can be in any square. If you pass any square which has a Zombie on it you MUST fight. ( some cards will let you get away with not fighting). If or more people want to occpy the same place at the same time I roll for the winner. The loser stays where he was before the collision.

To fight, there are different levels of zombies 3,4 ( super zombies). To kill a zombie you must roll a number higher than the Zombie's level. eg For a level 3 Zombie, you must roll 4 or higher to kill it. When you will a zombie you add it to your collection.

You have live and bullets starting with 3 of both.

If you dont kill a zombie you lose a Life, and if you lose all your lives you die and go back to the start. You lose 2 of your cards and you get 3 life and bullets back.

You can also use a bullet to either increase your roll by 1 or to reroll.

Both life and bullets can be collected and will be marked of maps, if two people reach the item at the same time I roll for the winner. Also at some situations you can receive extra cards.

Zombie Move


Will be made by myself or a Zombie Master ( if enough people play)

A dice is rolled and each Zombie Master can move that amny zombies one place.

Each super zombie gets its own roll and can move half as many spaces as is on the dice. ( Roll a 6 move 3 spaces)

Zombies will be added ( a roll/2 ) .. When I decided that Zombies are running out..

One a day


I will post the rolls for everyone in the game

I will expect within 24hours ( will fit in with my time will try my best keep it the same) a PM of where you want to move to in the form of U4L2 ( Up four spaces and left two) or U1L1U2L1U1 format.

Also any cards you wish to play eg Place a trap ( U1L1 - Place Trap - L4)

And how you want to use bullets in battle ( +1 or roll) if you dont say how to use bullets, I will reroll on a 1-2, and +1 or a 3.

I will then update the map, open new rooms and then post rolls for the next day. :D

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Count me in, human style

Dungeon Master: Taliesin :P


1. GC

2. ClozoBozo

3. Slick

4. JS

5. Ploper




Zombie Masters



So, when everyone says the game will be 24 hours, does that mean 24 hour turns? Or the WHOLE game will take place over a period of 24 hours?

Nevermind, just reread the rules, okay, I'm in :D

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  frozen_in_fire said:
o, I would like to join...

How about the first, second, and third people to get to the exit get some sort of prize? Maybe a powerup, a weapon, a "secret passageway", or something...

The only problem with this is one you exit there is no use for a powerup :P But cool idea :D

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  unreality said:
Yeah, I think each turn is 24 hours... could take a while

I'm still waiting for a response to post #13...... oh and I'm guessing the "kill 25 zombies" part came from the board game, I'm sure 25 works well with the board game, though you might have to adjust the number for the forum version

The map is not all that big :D, I would say 1 week, will probably depend on how many 6's people get :D

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