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Cruise Ship Mafia


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  Bodhi said:
1 whack! i attack tonight - maybe SWAT have no protection

Kat - i get attack for bad english, this bad for game, bad for new members too come, i try to better my english. i start two weeks to study.

The bad english attack is just because if a previous incident that we had in another game in which someone created a name and then wrote in bad english to disguise themselves.

As far as I can tell, the MH is still alive (was not mentioned as dead in the 1st night post, I'm not sure if it is supposed to be though), so you won't be able to kill the SWAT tonight anyway. :P

Edited by Brandonb
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Night 1: Sneaking is Never Sneaky Enough

Jane snuck around the corner. She knew something was up but just couldn’t figure it out! Why were people dying? Why was the captain not saying anything? Countless thoughts flowed through her head, none of them good. She planned to break into the bridge and find out what happened. She slowly walked, and stopped when he heard voices around the corner.

“They will defiantly find us! We have to get off as soon as possible!” the voice said

“But the next place is Cuba! It would be a death trap to try and get off there!” another one replyed

“You have a point… but what if we…” the voice stopped in mid-sentence. “go on ahead and post the message”

Jane heard footsteps but couldn’t find out how many people there were. Then someone started walking towards her. She should have panicked, she should have ran, but she couldn’t. Somehow she was frozen in fear. The man walked up and calmly, almost like he was made to kill, stabbed her in the stomach.

In another section of the ship:

Bodhi calmly walked down the corridor in the 2nd floor. She was upset that she already had to use her air missile already. “That S.W.A.T Agent’s Geiger counter would go off as soon as I arm the nuke, so I must kill him before pesky innocents kill me. But I have a good idea of who S.W.A.T agent is…” thought Bodhi

7:00 morning:

Inside every state room the intercom blared

“Passengers of the Freedom of the Seas, we hope you've been having a pleasant voyage. This is your local threatener speaking, and we'd like to warn you of a slight Ice Storm that will probably end in January. In cruise related news, don't forget to check out the breakfast buffet, there's a fine selection of freshly cut fruits. That is all. Oh and one more thing, the flowrider will be closed...we seemed to have...dirtied it recently *cold laugh*”

The Day has begun! Voting closes at 8:00 P.M.

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]







11) Ben_Law

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

Edited by Mekal
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??? Last night was the 2nd night... and the Terrorist didn't attack. I guess she wasted it. YAY!

So, since the Terrorist CANNOT kill tonight... should we try to get a Prisoner instead?

***Oh, and BTW, I was right about Itachi... Did anyone else notice what didn't happen last night?

Edit: did anyone else catch this

"...should have panicked, she should have ran, but she couldn’t. Somehow she was frozen in fear. The man walked up and calmly, almost like he was made to kill, stabbed her in the stomach."

That's a little too coincidental for me.

EDIT2: Mekal, you didn't mention whether Itachi has been let out of jail or not.

Edited by Brandonb
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I thought Bodhi was the Hitman. The hitman talked about Karma, which is a predominant concept(doing good to attain salvation) in Hinduism and I guess in Buddhism too. ;)

So there's my reason for voting you out. Anyway you are a baddie, if not the Hitman. :lol: Take no offense on comments on your English. As Brandon has already said, Kat was just comparing you with Ocular-Enso. She didn't mean any offense, I am sure. :)

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  Brandonb said:
??? Last night was the 2nd night... and the Terrorist didn't attack. I guess she wasted it. YAY!

So, since the Terrorist CANNOT kill tonight... should we try to get a Prisoner instead?

***Oh, and BTW, I was right about Itachi... Did anyone else notice what didn't happen last night?

Edit: did anyone else catch this

"...should have panicked, she should have ran, but she couldn't. Somehow she was frozen in fear. The man walked up and calmly, almost like he was made to kill, stabbed her in the stomach."

That's a little too coincidental for me.

EDIT2: Mekal, you didn't mention whether Itachi has been let out of jail or not.

Either that or the S.W.A.T can't attack tonight as he wrongly attacked on the first night or he/she was inactive or he/she didn't choose to attack tonight(does not sound right, but maybe waiting for further proof of a baddie identity?) :P

I think the terrorist attacked but couldn't kill the S.W.A.T agent as maybe she targetted the wrong person or the MH is still alive.

FIF? But Mekal said no hints, I think the phrase just sprung on Mekal. Still FIF could be a prisoner. :P

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That all was supposed to be mentioned in the night post then.

If there was any form of unsuccessful attack, it's supposed to be mentioned.

The SWAT could not have been killed on night 1 unless there was a perfect mix in the killings of Slick, JS and CP.

So as it is, the only options for last night's SWAT absence are:

1) The MH was JS, CP, or Slick, AND the SWAT was either CP or JS

2) The SWAT chose not to attack last night

3) Itachi is the SWAT.

Of course

#1 is far fetched, though possible

#2 is not really possible. Since the Terrorist was vulnerable last night AND was been outed in the day post... The SWAT should have without a doubt taken out the Terrorist last night. There is no excuse for a living SWAT to not take out Bodhi last night unless.... he was locked up.

#3 is by far the most likely.

Edited by Brandonb
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  Brandonb said:
Then without a doubt, that should have been mentioned in the post. B/C we need to know who the attack was against.

Mekal will point that out, I guess. ;) And did the S.W.A.T actually kill the first night or was it some other role? The room cleaner has an option of role manipulation. Does manipulating a role mean, the RC can use the ability himself anytime(even if S.W.A.T couldn't kill on the 1st night)? I am not clear on that particular point.

But anyway RC got kill, right? And he/she accepted.

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Hooray for school computers! Ok, obviously last night didn't go as planned...why isn't our Terrorist dead? (no offence) Whats really bothering me is that brandonb knew Itachi was good, and basically forshadowed last night being a failure...he might be a prisoner, and the techie knew...but he wouldnt know for sure...I'm sure there are other spying roles, but I don't have much time <_<, but I'm just throwing out there that he knew Itachi being locked up was bad...hint to his role? Wonder what the prisoners had against Jane...? What do we make of this message? Just some thoughts to throw out, I'll come check after school.


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I am going to keep my vote on Bodhi for now. It's the safer option. I agree that she cannot kill till tomorrow, I will change my vote afterwards, if necessary. ;)

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]


6)GC - voting for Bodhi





11) Ben_Law

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

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Terrorist has to go before he creates too much terror

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]


6)GC - voting for Bodhi





11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

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Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi

6)GC - voting for Bodhi





11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

I'll vote for the sure thing, just in case I don't get back on before the Day ends. But, everyone note how Ben just jumped on the bandwagon please. Ben is suspicious because of that. Bb offered to go for a Prisoner today and Ben disregarded it. According to my calcs. GC is probably good so don't turn on him, it's Ben's vote that makes me think.

Edit: clarification

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I have explained myself. I figured that Itachi must be good since I am good. It has never happened before... but then again I had been making that guess in every previous game. I guess I finally got it right after being wrong so many times :P

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi

6)GC - voting for Bodhi



9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen


11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

Voting for Bodhi seems pointless to me. He should be Itachi's target tonight. In the mean time we can direct our votes towards possible prisoners.

By voting for the sure thing we gain ZERO information. I am voting for Frozen to see what happens. I dunno if he's good or bad right now, but at least we may learn something. ;)

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Wow! How lucky are we. Just the way I thought one of us will be the victim of Bodhi yet we all saved. (except for Jane who is killed by prisoners. :(

I know the SWAT can kill Bodhi in night 3. But I rather play safe. So I choose....

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi

6)GC - voting for Bodhi



9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen

10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

Not really got much time to change the vote, I'm suppose. Almost time for me to go for bed.

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Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi

6)GC - voting for Bodhi

7)Kat-voting for Bodhi


9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen

10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]

Mmkay, let stop and think for a second...we are lynching someone who is just going to be killed tonight? When we could go for a prisoner tonight? Am I the ONLY ONE who has serious suspicions on certain players as prisoners? Yes? Well then fine, I'll vote for Bodhi, but I'm voicing that it's probably not the most important thing to do at the momment.


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Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Bodhi

6)GC - voting for Bodhi

7)Kat voting for Bodhi


9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen

10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen

Edited by Bodhi
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  Bodhi said:
i vote frozen he spies - can be good/bad - brandon like me in nurse outfit - :lol:

Mmkay, what do you mean by this? Frozen is a spy...that would be the minor hacker right? And something about brandon as the nurse? :wacko: Not getting the message...

  Bodhi said:
if i stay voted i give SWAT name, prisoners get SWAT - i live one more day, very funny play

Yeah, well if the SWAT is killed, you still won't survive, you'll be pushed off a boat, that doesn't require a SWAT agent :lol: How do we even know she knows who the SWAT is? I'm thinking its a last minute bluff, which isn't working too well, no offence ;)


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  Kathleen said:
Mmkay, let stop and think for a second...we are lynching someone who is just going to be killed tonight? When we could go for a prisoner tonight? Am I the ONLY ONE who has serious suspicions on certain players as prisoners? Yes? Well then fine, I'll vote for Bodhi, but I'm voicing that it's probably not the most important thing to do at the momment.


The idea is that now the SWAT will not have anyone to go after tonight. Or at least no one that is confirmed. He may end up taking out an innocent if he acts.

Our best move was to lynch someone else, and push the envelope so we can learn more. Your insistence to take away the target for the SWAT makes you and the others look pretty bad.

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Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Frozen

6)GC - voting for Bodhi

7)Kat voting for Bodhi


9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen

10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen

OK, I change my vote to FIF because if the SA takes out an innocent over night we won't know for sure and this way we do.

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Brandonb, thats exactly what I was saying :lol: If you agree, that doesn't make me look bad, or it makes both of us look bad. So does Bodhi's kill count then? Do we get to know who they were going for? I'm removing my vote for now.


Edit: Actually, might as well vote, no use in removing my vote for now...lets see, either a known baddie or Frozen? Well I just argued against voting for Bodhi, lets go Frozen (no offence Frozen...wow I've said no offence in almost every post I made.). This is no bandwagon vote, I've had my suspicions over Frozen recently, I don't know about everyone else, especially because of something in the night post. Thats all I'll say for now.

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Frozen

6)GC - voting for Bodhi

7)Kat - voting for Frozen


9)Brandonb - voting for Frozen

10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen

Edited by Kathleen
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I'm confused by all the votes for Frozen. His "information" yesterday leads us to believe he is either the minor thief or the (or another prisoner who has BTSC with the techie). I was assuming he's the minor thief, but many of you are voting because you think he's the techie, I presume? What would make you think that? If he is the minor thief, that would be a bad role to lose!

Since you want to save bodhi for the SWAT tonight, how about we let frozen propose another candidate for today? This would depend on frozen picking a prisoner to thieve today, but if he is able to do that (the odds are getting better as we keep losing innocents) we can lynch his choice today. If what we get is not a prisoner, then we know who to lynch tomorrow!

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LOL! Sorry, I gotta remove my vote for Frozen. Good point CP, me thinks that I may have jumped the gun...

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]

5)Itachi - voting for Frozen

6)GC - voting for Bodhi

7)Kat - voting for Frozen



10)Woon - voting for Bodhi

11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi

12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners]

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]voting for Frozen

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