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Cruise Ship Mafia


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“Your transferring them to Cuba on a CRUISE LINER?” The Prison gaurd Yelled.

“Yes… and you are going to take them… no questions asked” The chief yelled back.

The Prison Guard walked out to cell block D and opened the door. “Get Out you scum” he yelled angrily. The only thing he hated more than desk work was transferring missions. He could be out helping take out a weapons smuggler but no; he had to transfer prisoners to a Cuban holding cell.

5 hours later in Miami Florida

The police man walked up to the registry worker and showed his badge. “Take these and go ahead. The temporary cells are on the first floor. The stairs are past the ice rink.” She said as she passed out 5 Ship cards.

He walked along slowly, making sure that the prisoners weren’t going to try anything, until he passed the ice rink. As he shuffled along he turned and saw something he never thought he would see. The terrorist. The one that half of the S.W.A.T team and all of his comrades were chasing. He slowly lifted up his radio and said “ Prison guard 1032 to command, do you read me” “yes, we read you” a voice crackled back. “ I have spotted” he began… and then he felt a sharp pain and then immediate coldness… the room swerved around him and he ended up facing the ceiling. Then it all went black.

Later in the day the cleaner walked into the storage closet. “finally the day is over. I hate the fact that people are so messy… even on the first day!” the cleaner said as he walked into the closet. He pushed the cart in and walked out. As he closed the door he noticed that something was blocking the cart from going all the way in. he pulled the cart out and screamed. There was a body in the back.

“It looks like he got a concussion.” Said the nurse. “But the way the bruise came up it looks like someone hit him hard on purpose” said the other nurse. The other nurse was a lot less experienced and had just met the main nurse today on the first day of her job. ”good job, go tell the captain that something is very fishy”

Prisoners gave each other hi fives and turned around. They had dragged the body of the policeman to a storage closet and grabbed their ID cards. They switched clothes and walked up the stairs until they got to the top. They watched the bridge that connected the cruise to the dock slowly started to lift up. They gave each other another round of high fives until they realized that the bridge was lowering. A Man in a S.W.A.T uniform ran across. They looked at each other with worried looks as the bridge raised up one last time.

Cruise ship mafia

Note: the Ship used in this is based off of the royal Caribbean cruise liner “Freedom of the Seas”

14 People

The Baddies:

The Prisoners: Escaped from custody on a luxury cruise liner.

The Framer: Gets the ability that of the person killed by the prisoners the night before.

The Threatener: Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the Threatener is killed, his role is revealed.

The Techie: Stole a computer and hacked onto the cruise registry. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Innocent/Terrorist) of a player.

The Hitman - Kills anyone that visits him/her at night

Terrorist: kills on even nights. Once The S.W.A.T dies, he is out of the game. Invincible for the first night and day. Goal is to kill the S.W.A.T Agent

The Innocents:

(2)The Nurses: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. One will be told that they can not save the Minor Thief. Can save self only once. Have a 50/50 chance of getting BTSC at the begining, other wise must save the same person, or save the other.

Stage Magician: A true magician who passes as an entertainer. The SM can make a powerful illusion to save someone each night from the terrorist only.

Misson Handler: The person who helps the SA keep updated. As long as the MH is alive, The SA cannot be killed at night.

S.W.A.T (SA): A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. He kills on prime nights. Can not be killed at night while MH is alive

The Minor Thief: A minor Thief who breaks into staterooms for fun. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role.

Room Cleaner: After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoing of the cruise, he has learned the . The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is(cleaning, killing, saving, spy, role manipulation, or previous choice) to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Role manipulation is when the janitor chooses a role and chooses his own targets, and the person with the role is unable to use their ability

Registry Worker: The RW PMs me the name of a person and that person is removed from voting for the day, The RW also has a ¼ chance of finding out that persons role

The Prison Guard: arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The Person is stuck and can only 5 messages while in jail. They may not use any day or night power while in prison, but they have a 50/50 chance of safety if they are attacked and saved (or else they get gang beat and stay in the hospital for another day)


>Nights and days are based real time in central time. Night one will start Friday 8:00 Central time, and will end when ever P.M.s are in, latest being 8:00 A.M. Days are until 8:00 P.M. every day

> If someone didn't participate in lynching(the act of throwing overboard) , they will be asked to be replaced, if no replacement is found, then they will be killed the second lynching that they are not active in.

> When you die, you have two 'ghost-post' in gray to make, but it CANNOT reveal any information or hint at anything or relate to the game, it must be entirely off-topic

> Nonsense posters will be warned and then punished Don't spam the thread(as much as I hated this rule, it is still in effect)

> Rules are rules, so don't complain. Also keep in mind that Mafia is a game of elimination, and dying is part of it.

> The roles will be determined completely randomly, so don't bias

> There will be no hints or extra clues other than the information given

> You may not post anything from outside the thread

> Have fun … Or else...

Sea God:Mekal


2)Cherry Lane


4)Joe's Student







11) Ben_Law

12) Jane

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi

Night one has began. The latest time for the PM’s to get in is 8:00 A.M. tomorrow.

Edited by Mekal
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Nice intro Mekal!

A note to all to clarify times: we are using host-time, which is Central Daylight Time, or GMT - 5:00. If you are unsure what time it is in host-time, just look at Mekal's profile.

So nights end at 8am host time, 9am Eastern, 1pm GMT, 630pm Indian, and other times as appropriate

Days end at 8pm host time, 9pm Eastern, 1am GMT, 630am Indian, etc.

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  Cherry Lane said:
Nice intro Mekal!

A note to all to clarify times: we are using host-time, which is Central Daylight Time, or GMT - 5:00. If you are unsure what time it is in host-time, just look at Mekal's profile.

So nights end at 8am host time, 9am Eastern, 1pm GMT, 630pm Indian, and other times as appropriate

Days end at 8pm host time, 9pm Eastern, 1am GMT, 630am Indian, etc.

I got my ticket - nice story mekal, is it con-air II, con boat?
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Night 1: Flow Deader

CrazyPainter walked out of her stateroom. She had just gotten in a fight with her boss before leaving on a trip. She walked into the elevator on the 8th floor and pressed the top button. As she was ridding up she looked out onto the royal promenade. The lights were on and she saw a few people walking around. As she walked around the jogging track on the 12th deck he looked out to the sea… the crashing of waves helped her think. She stopped her mindless shuffle when he thought he saw a whale, diving down majestically. Suddenly a hand shot from behind her and covered her mouth. “shhhh” the strange man said as CP struggled helplessly. “Follow me” the voice said. CP was dragged up a flight of stairs and to the back of the boat. He was let go and he saw the attacker’s faces. “Who are you” one of the four people said. “What are you doing?” CP asked in return. The man to his left stepped forward and punched her in the face. CP felt warm blood fall over his face. “ANSWER HIS QUESTION!” the man screamed back at him. ”I hope you die scum.”CP retorted. “Well… I have always been a firm believer in karma, so you first.” The Hitman dragged her right next to the Flow Rider. He positioned her head right above the water. “Be careful what you wish for.” The Hitman said. And then plunged CP’s head under the water. She did her best to hold her breath, but the rushing water squeezed it’s self into her mouth and down her throat. Finally she took one last water filled breath, and then died.

An hour later

Akaslickster was walking back from hanging out in the royal promenade. He pulled out his key card and put it into the card reader. Then he felt something cold and hard against his head. “go into your room” a gruff voice said. They walked into his state room and went to his balcony. “now what do you know about a bomb” the voice asked. “well… what I do know is this…” Slick span around and tried to hit the man in the face but he was blocked by the man’s arm. He was wearing a S.W.A.T uniform.“Wrong answer” the agent said, and then he shot him.


The room cleaner continued to clean the room. The person had been nice enough to at least keep it under control so he decided to clean the drawer but when he opened it he knew something was amiss… the drawer was shorter than usual. He looked underneath and saw the pinhole that could be used to open the fake bottom. He grabbed a pen and used the ink cartridge to push it up, and underneath he saw a gun. “I should put this back and alert the captain… but what if I took the matter’s into my own hands…” the Room cleaner picked up the gun and walked out… he had seen something very fishy in a certain room. So he walked to the 6th floor and opened the door with the master key. Without looking he shot the lump in the bed. As he went over to pull back the covers he found Joe’s Student. Shot in the stomach.

Day one has began. The vote is over at 8:00 Central Time tommarow

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Mafia]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]







11) Ben_Law

12) Jane

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi

Edited by Mekal
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  Brandonb said:
Ok, the thief guy needs to check Itachi. So what about telling, me if we are on the same side for the first time ever :P

That's fine with me. You can spy on me Bb. Given the odds, we are both probably on the same side since it has never happened.

Also, I'm thinking slickster was the RW or the Guard because of the keycard hint. CP sounded tough.

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  itachi-san said:
That's fine with me. You can spy on me Bb. Given the odds, we are both probably on the same side since it has never happened.

Also, I'm thinking slickster was the RW or the Guard because of the keycard hint. CP sounded tough.

Hehe, there's no way the thief is gonna come out this early... BTW, I didn't notice it in the rules... but for fairness shouldn't it be setup so only one saving role can protect the mini thief? Otherwise s/he will be invincible. <_<

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  itachi-san said:
That's fine with me. You can spy on me Bb. Given the odds, we are both probably on the same side since it has never happened.

Also, I'm thinking slickster was the RW or the Guard because of the keycard hint. CP sounded tough.

I am feeling the same way about slicks, and since there is no movement from terrorist, could CP or JS is the one? :huh:

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  woon said:
I am feeling the same way about slicks, and since there is no movement from terrorist, could CP or JS is the one? :huh:

Oops, my mistake, just realize terrorist is invincible in the night and day 1. So CP and JS could be both innocent or baddies. :P

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Not sure I could access online late today. So this will be my initial vote.

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Mafia]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]






10)Woon vote for Frozen

11) Ben_Law

12) Jane

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi

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  woon said:
Hurray! We are at the ship........

Can I sing "My heart will go on?" :huh:

:lol: You are performer (magician) that is week role, but important - odds to pick save is hard, good luck - maybe terrorist - you not make mistake, you make distraction

  Brandonb said:
Ok, the thief guy needs to check Itachi. So what about telling, me if we are on the same side for the first time ever :P

These two work side by side - i think - but no proof that is feeling from me brandon + Itachi (prisoners one is thief)

  itachi-san said:
That's fine with me. You can spy on me Bb. Given the odds, we are both probably on the same side since it has never happened.

Also, I'm thinking slickster was the RW or the Guard because of the keycard hint. CP sounded tough.

are hints in story ? it says only relevant information in rule ? otherwise

  Brandonb said:
Hehe, there's no way the thief is gonna come out this early... BTW, I didn't notice it in the rules... but for fairness shouldn't it be setup so only one saving role can protect the mini thief? Otherwise s/he will be invincible. <_<
I am confused you may be hacker - shld not come out till at least one baddie gone or two better

Mekal if you may answer... I think nurses not on night duty - saved themselves ? Should that show in text ....

Win chances from today....

terrorist - hardly ... still alive can not killed first night, if swat dead terrorist abandon ship (dirty rat)

prisoners - some .... maybe 0-2 dead ..... mekal can we find dead ppl role?

innocents - best .... 9 - 6 left - oh_OH! if 6 then maybe worse chance

only definite terrorist and SA alive ?MH? - MH stay concealed is best

I not sure who to vote - anyone like cherries - if not ...... overboard or eat alive

prisoners can walk the plank

(we bury dead at sea or eat them?)

thief must decide who to check, i think Bb and I-s might show bad

nurses must find each other for PM - if save same person tonight - can be me or else someone else we know innocent

we can loose one nurse though and SM, they are weekest roles - Woon is either terrorist or magician

btw - I guess very good these games, not good detection from me usually

i edit simple mistake

Edited by Bodhi
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  woon said:
Not sure I could access online late today. So this will be my initial vote.
i think you come back - now you have to - you voted for overboard by me - make good answer i change vote

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Mafia]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]






10)Woon vote for Frozen

11) Ben_Law

12) Jane

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi .....woon

woon not said reason - he bad ? he not patient ? patient person gain everything

Back later for change if good answer

mekal pls give vote time end - good night post by you

edit made names heavy script

Edited by Bodhi
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I didn't think you would be able to resist the game. But no need to try so hard. The actions alone give you away. ;)

Sea God:Mekal

1)Crazypainter- killed by [Mafia]

2)Cherry Lane

3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent]

4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman]





9)Brandonb - voting for Bodhi

10)Woon voting for Frozen

11) Ben_Law

12) Jane

13) Janesia

14) Bodhi - voting for woon

Edit: I will be off for a while today. May change my vote later

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Whoa! Three dead already!? That was fast...:huh: Usually the first day is all guesswork, so I'll hold off voting until after school, to see who people are voting for. Basically we shouldn't spend too much time looking for roles on the first day, it usually concludes nothing. Maybe luck is on our side! Be back later, good luck everyone ^_^


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