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to gus were on their lunch break talking when this came up"i had a fredulian slip this morning instead of telling my wife to pass the tea i told her to pass the t***" another guy says "i had one of those too instead of saying pass the butter i said you m***** f***** b**** i hate u."


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to gus were on their lunch break talking when this came up"i had a fredulian slip this morning instead of telling my wife to pass the tea i told her to pass the t***" another guy says "i had one of those too instead of saying pass the butter i said you m***** f***** b**** i hate u."


Treat your wife with some m***** f****** respect or she'll cut your butter off. :P

oh, since you asked, it's "Freudian"

Edited by puzzlegirl
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to gus were on their lunch break talking when this came up"i had a fredulian slip this morning instead of telling my wife to pass the tea i told her to pass the t***" another guy says "i had one of those too instead of saying pass the butter i said you m***** f***** b**** i hate u."


forgive me for being dense/naive, but for the life of me i can't fill in the three stars after "t". :huh: anyone care to give me a little hint?

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forgive me for being dense/naive, but for the life of me i can't fill in the three stars after "t". :huh: anyone care to give me a little hint?

I take it he meant: "Two guys were on their lunch break talking when this guy came up and said, "I had a fredulian slip this morning. Instead of telling my wife to pass the tea, I told her to pass the t***." Another guy says, "I had one of those too. Instead of saying pass the butter, I said you m***** f***** b**** I hate u."

That better? And for: "i dont know about you but thats how 13 year olds are where i come from" quote from Twoaday...

:angry: I'm 13 AND from the U.S. (much like you) and I don't speak that way. I'm actually smart...not so easy to believe, huh? Well I am...so go take a stinkin' break of trashin' other 13 year-olds!!! <_<

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I too knew these words when I was your age. Anything is acceptable between friends, as far as I am concerned but one has to be careful not to use these words in front of strangers. I am sure Pie, TAD and 4wheelchick , you folks don't speak that way. ;)

Hey! Happy Friendship Day! :D

Hey! Reflecting back on this post, I think I sound like an adult. But wait! I am an adult. Wow, I always feel like a child, that I sometimes forget that I am in fact an adult. :P

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hey im 14 and in all honors classes in highschool

its not like i go around cursing people out, its just not uncommon for kids to speak like that, and yes i am from the US

Cool!! I'm going into eight grade, but my seventh grade classes were all really high up(Compacted L.A. and Spanish...And Pre-Algebra...forgot what the "harder class" was called...I think it was, um...oh, Algebra! durh...and I got a 98% on a College Prep Spanish test (no books, no nothin'...but my brain) So, yeah...I understand what u r saying. At my school kids do swear even if they are nice and smart. So, yeah... :)

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Intelligence has little to do with your vocabulary. At 13, I knew most of the expletives I do now and didn't hold back using them when I needed to. I think that as teenagers, you are old enough to know that these are just words intended to express emotions and nothing more. As long as you are mature and aware enough to use these words discreetly in the right situations and more importantly, avoid them in the right situations, I have no problems with teenagers being exposed to or using "bad" language.

P.S. I was a bit tipsy at a baseball game and I was mouthing off along with a few other supporters of the Braves when this guy comes over and picks me out (because of my small stature amongst the others who were all tall and/or heavily built) to tell me to shut up "or there would be trouble". After pointing out that his skimpily clad daughter probably knew more about bad language than he did, I proceeded to make fun of him for the rest of the game without a trace of bad language. Being sensitive about bad language and then trying to physically intimidate someone is pretty stupid IMHO.




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why do adults want to be children?


maybe adulthood sucks more

yes, adulthood sux a bit more.

you have TONS of responsibilities.

there are no long summer vacations (you only get two weeks off the entire year).

most cant walk to your work (like you do school), we have to drive in traffic for 1 hour each way (and it SUX)

you have to take care of your older parents, plus your kids.

you try to leave your kids a nice world to live in, but the government wont let us do that.

you have to do EVERYTHING your boss tells you to do (you think listening to your parents is tough, try taking directions from someone you feel is an idiot and doesnt know crap....oh wait, I guess it must be the same thing for kids ;) )

you hate paying for idiots who make messes (grafitti, vandalism, etc) around your neighborhood....and they dont realize that the money to clean it up will come directly from the adults in their lives, meaning, they will have less money to spend on their kids. :o dumb@$$

however, if you find the person you are meant to be with, you have one or two good friends, you have at least one task that you are good at and do it well while enjoying it, and you can honestly say that you do things in life that will make life easier for others, then life isnt so bad.

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