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romeo and julit



romeo and juliet were found dead on the floor. there was water and glass on the floor the only things in the room are a bookshelf and a bed. the house is on a remote island and their is a train track near by. what was the cause of romeo and juliet's death?

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romeo and juliet are fish. the movement of the train shook the bowl and it fell

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there was a volcano eruption nearby which knocked over the bowl which had some water for them to drink and somehow didn't burn down the house but killed romeo and juliet in way that is physically impossible so that there was no evidence :P

yeah i know that made no sense ;)

but seriously they were fish in a fishbowl, the train shook the bowl and knocked it over

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romeo and juliet were found dead on the floor. there was water and glass on the floor the only things in the room are a bookshelf and a bed. the house is on a remote island and their is a train track near by. what was the cause of romeo and juliet's death?

Well putting aside the oddity of a train track on a remote island. I'd have to say that the bi-monthly train passed by and had an open car full of large metal pipes. Some of the pipes got dislodged, but didn't fall from the train. They just poked out just enough to smash through the only nearby house. Juliet was sipping a glass of water and Romeo was reading a book on the bed nearby when the pipes came crashing through the wall and killed them both. Incidentally, in the neighboring room, their fish were knocked over by the crash and died on the floor

Edited by itachi-san
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My guess would have been dehydration. If there were real people (not fish) then they could have been arguing over who gets to drink the last of the water, the glass was dropped in the struggle, broke and left them both with no pure water to drink resulting in dehydration.

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Heard it, or at least a version. They are fish, which were in a bowl (the glass and water on the floor) and they got knocked over when the train rumbled past, shaking the ground and knocking them off the shelf and breaking the bowl.

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starvation - parasitic infection - old age - heart attacks from hearing a train on a deserted island - animal attack - alien attack - dehydration - gum disease cause by GIN-GI-VI-TIS

Edited by this_guy_lucas
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  smart_stuff09 said:
romeo and juliet were found dead on the floor. there was water and glass on the floor the only things in the room are a bookshelf and a bed. the house is on a remote island and their is a train track near by. what was the cause of romeo and juliet's death?

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romeo and juliet are fish. the movement of the train shook the bowl and it fell

I don't think this gives enough information to solve. If I hadn't seen this before, I would've said that "Fumes from the train got into the water and then Romeo and Juliet drank it and died." Every other instance of this problem states that there are no visible wounds on the body, and the "glass on the floor" in this one is confusing... 2 fish could not live in a single glass. It would need to be a glass bowl.... Nice problem though. Good old lateral thinking.

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they decided to drink some water they got out of the ocean. they both drank it taking turns and died from poisoning :)

Edited by Trevor214
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OR romeo and juliet could have put poison in a glass filled with ice and dropped dead after drinkign every last drop therefore the ice melted leaving only the broken glass and water (yes i know that there would ultimately be traces of poison but humor me already!!)

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they are fish. the rumbling from the train knocked the fish tank over causing poor romeo and juliet to die.

a bit sad.

Edited by oneshortday
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