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Here's a short one (I'm short on time):

A guy is found dead at the bottom of an abandoned well (no water has been in the well for a long time). The coroner finds the cause of death to be suffocation, but no water is found in his lungs (he did not drown), and there are no signs of a struggle. How did he die?

There may be more than one answer that works (for those people who are more creative than me), but I have a specific one in mind. Enjoy! :)

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on the depth of the well. If it was very deep then the oxygen level would be minimal and he would eventually asphyxiate.

Remember when baby Jessica fell down that pipe and they snaked down oxygen tubes to her to keep her alive while they tried to dig her out? Same deal.

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I dont know if this is what you are looking for but...

as stated in the problem the cause of death was suffocation. So, how did he die? He suffocated.

not to be a smart a** or anything, just thought it might be right

Edited by wlfpck17
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I dont know if this is what you are looking for but...

not to be a smart a** or anything, just thought it might be right

as stated in the problem the cause of death was suffocation. So, how did he die? He suffocated.

Lol, that wasn't what I was going for, but you're right, I should be more specific. I guess I should say "what caused him to suffocate?".

No one has it yet...

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CO2 i heavier than air - so he fell down and then when he kept breathing, he 'drowned in the CO2...

...but that would take awhile, and this definitely was a REDRUM, and the REREDRUM definitely did something...want to minimize the chance that someone would happen to find the guy before he's dead...

the REREDRUMER wants the cops to think it was an accident...ah, he's a clever one ;P

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he was in bed sleeping, okay, then a murderer got on top of him with a pillow, and suffocated him and then simply carried him out to the back yard and carefully lowerered him in the well..????

Here's a short one (I'm short on time):

A guy is found dead at the bottom of an abandoned well (no water has been in the well for a long time). The coroner finds the cause of death to be suffocation, but no water is found in his lungs (he did not drown), and there are no signs of a struggle. How did he die?

There may be more than one answer that works (for those people who are more creative than me), but I have a specific one in mind. Enjoy! :)

Edited by akaslickster
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Dry drowning - it is a cause of death, the laryngospasm reflex. can actuallyhappen in water too, and has been known to kill people that were in water and who's larynx shut off the air supply

I suspect you are looking for something else

Edited by Lost in space
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Well, as far as wells go, there's a rope that carries a bucket for the water.

What if the guy carefully lowered himself to the bottom using the rope (assuming it's strong); but before that he made sure its loop (that carries the bucket) is 2.5 metres from the bottom?

He would then put his head inside the loop and let go, committing suicide in a very odd way. Of course he would've gotten rid of the bucket before that and re-tied the loop or something.

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The murderer filled the well with natural gas. As long as it took at least five minutes for the natural gas to leave the well, the man would suffocate, and the gas could be gone before anyone finds him and figures out that's how he died!

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the rope used to lower the bucket into the well got wrapped around his neck.

He falls into the well while trying to undo the rope and ends up hanging himself before the rope snaps and he falls to the ground... its possible...


Edited by Gambit
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there are frogs n insects in old abandoned wells. A big fat toad sat on his face n suffocated him to death ....

sorry ... rest all answers were taken .....

Edited by jsahni
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how about i vacuum out the air? or i "pour" carbon dioxide gas in there. (we've all done the experiments haven't we? where we mix vinegar and baking soda and then pour the invisible gas over a candle and then put it out?)


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Okay, a lot of ppl are kinda heading on the right track...here are some things to think about:

The REREDRUM also wants to make sure he has an alibi, just in case the "making it look like an accident" thing doesn't work out.

I like the way you think, but there's an easier method to "pour" the gas down there that will help with the previous hint...


Keep thinking, guys!

Oh, and a clarification: By "no signs of a struggle", it means that there was no struggle shortly before he died in the well, i.e., he was not strangled.

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The Reredrum bet the victim that he couldn't spend a whole night in the well, but could have a lantern so he could see. He would then tell the victim that he would cover the well to keep the elements out. The cover blocks out the fresh air, the lantern burns up all the oxygen, and the victim in all his egotistical glory never struggles and sits and sleeps, quietly dreaming of how he will spend his money, but we know better don't we.
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:) :)
The Reredrum bet the victim that he couldn't spend a whole night in the well, but could have a lantern so he could see. He would then tell the victim that he would cover the well to keep the elements out. The cover blocks out the fresh air, the lantern burns up all the oxygen, and the victim in all his egotistical glory never struggles and sits and sleeps, quietly dreaming of how he will spend his money, but we know better don't we.

Clever. Not what I was going for, though. If I were the REREDRUM, and in this case, I kinda am ;P, then I would want to leave as little evidence behind as possible for the police to trace...so I guess I should add:

There was nothing found in the well besides the body (he had his clothes and wallet and stuff).

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