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  itachi-san said:
I may be a "master of the obscure" (though Radiohead is a pretty popular group)

Now, don't be sensitive. It's a compliment. And I agree, Radiohead is not an obscure band, but com'on how many folks know all their album titles off the top of their head??

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At first I make things wet - at least 2 different things get wet in the first

Then I'm an even choice - there is a 50/50 choice in the second

After that I fill and set - at least one thing is filled sufficiently in the third

Before I end, most rejoice - the last promotes excitement

At last, pleasure they get - ditto

Expressed in a naughty voice - this can be done during any of the steps, but is usually during or after the last one

Edited by itachi-san
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Wait, I think I have the answer...

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water that you mix with something like a cookie mix? It sounds like it because it makes things wet and by the end it goes away, like it evaporates, but before it goes away, people enjoy it (like a moist cookie fresh from the oven.

It is a random guess but please tell me if I'm close? I still don't get the part about naughty voices. maybe someone had too many? java script:add_smilie(%22^_^%22,%22smid_3%22)

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  Kittycat_255 said:
Wait, I think I have the answer...

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water that you mix with something like a cookie mix? It sounds like it because it makes things wet and by the end it goes away, like it evaporates, but before it goes away, people enjoy it (like a moist cookie fresh from the oven.

It is a random guess but please tell me if I'm close? I still don't get the part about naughty voices. maybe someone had too many? java script:add_smilie(%22^_^%22,%22smid_3%22)

I think that's enough guesses involving cookie and cake mixes. Anyone want to guess brownie mix? :P It is a good guess, but how do you satisfy the second line with that answer? And saying that "either make/eat cookies or don't" is the 50/50 chance is too unspecific. Anything feasible can be done or not done. Line 2 is very specific when solved.

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  itachi-san said:
I think that's enough guesses involving cookie and cake mixes. Anyone want to guess brownie mix? :P It is a good guess, but how do you satisfy the second line with that answer? And saying that "either make/eat cookies or don't" is the 50/50 chance is too unspecific. Anything feasible can be done or not done. Line 2 is very specific when solved.

shall I eat one now or not sort of 50/50 I always take one my sister never takes one before the proper time so that keeps it even - they are nicer freshley baked

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icing - jk

How about washing the car, Wax on - Wax off

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I have exhausted my list of potential solutions and come up with none that satisfy. However, I'll give this one a shot.

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Creamsicle or 50-50 Bar?

At first I make things wet - The mouth gets wet as it melts in the mouth.

Then I'm and even choice - Orange or vanilla ice cream/ 50-50 bar.

After that I fill and set - fill the stomach and settle there to a point of being sufficiently filled.

Before I end, most rejoice - who eats one of those and isn't happy?

At last, pleasure they get - hence the plural of "they" and "most"

Expressed in a naughty voice - alright, this one is a stretch, but this could be a "slurp", "yum", etc.

Like I said, it's a guess. I'm still working on it. Great puzzle though.

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Forgot about this one too :D oops. This hint is rather large, but maybe not a give-away

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all of the food answers are very close, but obviously haven't worked with line 2. take a step back in the grocery store from where you've been looking and what do you see?

also, it's a one word answer

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Wait a minute.... Could it be?

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At first I make things wet: Paint is wet when applied.

Then I'm an even choice: You have to paint evenly, don't you?

After that I fill and set: The paint fills the can that it was in, and sets up when it dries.

Before I end, most rejoice: Almost everyone hates painting something.

At last, pleasure they get

Expressed in a naughty voice: You can get high off of paint.

Am I at least in the right ballpark?

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  IMLRG said:
Wait a minute.... Could it be?

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At first I make things wet: Paint is wet when applied.

Then I'm an even choice: You have to paint evenly, don't you?

After that I fill and set: The paint fills the can that it was in, and sets up when it dries.

Before I end, most rejoice: Almost everyone hates painting something.

At last, pleasure they get

Expressed in a naughty voice: You can get high off of paint.

Am I at least in the right ballpark?

Nah, read the hint in Post #37

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oh i think i got it!!

well... maybe..

[spoiler='At first I make things wet

Then I'm an even choice

After that I fill and set

Before I end, most rejoice

At last, pleasure they get

Expressed in a naughty voice

']could it be, CHOCOLATE??

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This was tougher than I thought I guess. Here's the answer

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the answer is: meal (traditional four course)

some lines have multiple meanings as well

The food answers were very close, but the second line couldn't be satisfied with any particular food

At first I make things wet - first course, appetizers, hors d'oeuvre, wet the appetite, salivation

Then I'm an even choice - second course, soup or salad?

After that I fill and set - third course, entree, main dish, satisfaction of hunger, largest course, "I'm full"

Before I end, most rejoice - most people take much delight in dessert

At last, pleasure they get - fourth (last) course, dessert, (pleasure can obviously be gotten throughout the meal, but dessert is definitely the course most commonly related to that feeling

Expressed in a naughty voice - either satisfying groans and "mmmmms" or a wide variety of passing gas

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I think the most interesting part of the riddle is besides the other members are thinking hard and guess what should be the answer, the person who come out this riddle will receive answers that out of his/her expectation.

I like this riddle. Can I say "mmmmmmmmm" to this? :)

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